'I The Hydrogen Energy is Winking at Future--------------- 36 "The Congress and Fair of Ilnd International Hydrogen Energy (IHEC 2007)" were performed in Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exhibition Palace of Istanbul. Many people from abroad participated and became very interested in the congress and fair performed through 13-15 July 2007. In congress continued for three days; the Environmental Effects of Hydrogen Usage and Fuel Cells/Rooms, Systems of Hydrogen Energy, Storage and Distribution of Hydrogen, Hydrogen Energy and Security, the Point of National and International Views to Hydrogen, Practices of Hydrogen Fuel, Production of Hydrogen Biologically, Production of Hydrogen through Various Energy Resources, H ydrogen Opinions and Suggestions Directed at Future and Sicuation of Energy Sector of Turkey --------------- Production Techniques (Chem.ical) were d.iscussed. 38 The World Energy Council prepared a report in July of Turkish National Committee. According to the determinations of the World Energy Council, the global energy request shali continuously grow during the next 25 years. In this period, the fossil fuels will protect their places in energy consumption, 80 percent of request shall be meet with fossil fuels. The petroleum shall protect its priorit)ı in transportation sector; two-third of the petroleum consumption shall be emanated from this sector. The increase of request to natura! gas slıall be emanated from usage in production of electrical energy in particular and in 2015, passing over coal, be the mostly consumed second resource of tl1e world. Ali EU Citizens free to choose their electricity and gas supplier as of 1 July ----------------------------------------- 42 Since 1 July all European citizens have been able to freely choose their electricity and gas supplier, as tl1is was the final date for tl1e fuli opening of the electricity and gas markets in tl1e EU. There are a few exceptions to take account of special circumstances where it is not possible to introduce competition yet, such as ilie Baltic States and in Member St:ıtes where gas was introduced only recently, but the basic rule of freedom of choice for every citizen has become established in tl1e EU. The ful! market opening represents a milestone in.the creation of a fully functioning European energy market. Article Energy Observacion/Monitorization and Adminis tration Sys tems ----------------------------------------- 50 Tuğçe Yılmaz, tl1e Product Manager of Schneider Electric states iliat tl1e power monitorization technology is necessary for a more effıciency and useful day-and a company's moncy saving-S in important amount. When the power monitoring and control systems are used effıciently, the energy's wasteful expenditure and exceeding of necwork quota are prevented, they clivide and d.isturb tl1e costs, decreases the general costs and maintenance costs and reduce the period of being out of order. Renewable Energy and Turkey ------------------------ 58 Metin Atamer, ilie General Secretary of RESYAD, told ilie importance of tl1e renewable energy for Turkey. "The rate of thermal power plants operated with natura! gas in tl1e electrical energy produced in Turkey is 59 percent in total energy. This value is at about 30 percent level in the Western Countries. The wind energy plants in turkey are not even 1 percent in total built power. The share of ilie renewable energy a.imed by ilie European Union for 2010 in the bu.ilt power is 12 percent. It mµst not be forgotten iliat Turkey is also one of the uncommon countries having the provision of yearly 240 sunny days in total, sign of productive solar energy in tl1e world." Interview The Cooperation is required to Search Energ ------------------ 28 We met with İsmail Bahtiyar, The Board's President of tl1e Association of Petroleum Geologists of Turkey abouc The Petroleum and Gas Summit of the Black Sea, to be performed in İstanbul through 5 - 6 September 2007. It is firstly being arranged tlus year in order to be active in productive activities may be concluded . in fields such as development of transportation, energy and trade a.imed at making KEİ a more effective cooperation platform tl1rough 1 May - 31 October 2007, undertaken by ilie Organization of The econom.ical Cooperation of ilie Black Sea in our country as the period's president. The Sun's Plenty is Upon Us -------------------------- 44 In summer of 2007, ilie sun's plenty became upon our country tl1rough cwo important races and The Team Sun Car of İTÜ and the Team Sun Boat of İTÜ became tl1e honor of İTÜ and country thanks to ilieir successes in races. After races, Fil.iz Karaosmanoğlu performed a merry chatting with Fatih Taş, a member of tl1e Team Sun Cars of İTÜ and Münir Cansın Özden, a member of ilie team Sun Boat of İTÜ. Two Giants Jointed Forces for Turkey -------------------- 56 "DB Tarımsal Enerji A.Ş.", founded by partnership of Borovalı family engaged in tobacco trade in İzmir for tluee generations and Delta Petrol, scarted co produce bio diesel trials in June, 2007. We calked co Selçuk Boravalı and Varol Dereli abouc ilie subject. "Turkey is a big market in d.iesel oil market. There is an exemption of 2 percent of ÖTV (Private Consumption Tax) in b.io diesel;itis also positive. The mainsubject is to put tl1e obtaining of raw material under cover. ENERJi DÜNYASI A(;USTOS 2007 63