ditorial-------------------- 2 His Excellency Minister of Energy Welcome Again to Our Energy World! As"Enerji Dönrası" ı\Iagazine, we congraclulace you ro be renominatecl as i\liniscer of Energy.We wish you fulJ success, in ehe nexc 5 years of cxecution . \V/e believe chat you wiU be successful in ı.he new pcriod. Because ; ■ You recognized our System welJ and evaluated it perfectly. ■ You wcrc wicnessed that, thcoretical and corparnte knowledge is completely different from the implenıenation ■ You bclieved that, new energy invescments can be fulfi.!Jed by private seccor much fascer and nıorc fcasible, coınpared to public sector. ■ You were wicnessed that, private entrepreneurs can creare ıniracles, if you lift ehe barricrs on tlıc way of investınents. ■ You realized tlıat, the securiry of supply in electricity can only be provided by new cnergı· invescments. ■ Thanks LO your cfforts, the rcnewable energı• resources law was enacted from ehe Parliaınent. Thus, you created very favorable atmosphere for renewable cnergy invesı.ınents. ■ in tlıe EUAS tenders of tlıe transfer of operational righrs, you gained big moınencuın. ■ ln tl1e tenclers of TEDAS Distribution systems, we know tlıat, you were innocent in the cancellation of the tender. \X1e believe chat new tcnders will be successfully fınalized and contracrs wiU be signed, under ehe lights of cancellccl cenclcrs. ■ You were successful in reducing electricity losses and illegal uses froın %23 to %17. ■ You were successful with tlıe DUY System(Balancing and fınancial stabilization regulation). Thus, unused capacities werc puı. into operation. ■ You sustained your policy of keeping electricity price fLXecl, at tlıe cost of cut of electricity regionally. We believed chat you learnc lessons from tlıis event. ■ You decided to build nuclear plants. The remaining work to do, is how to encourage investors to buikl them. His excellency! You perforıned so many otlıer works in last 5 years that we arc not able to count tlıem. By tlıis opportunitT we want LO touch to Olır expeccations in ehe fortlı conıing 5 years. ■ New law encouraging new invescments (deduction of invcstment cost and rcduction of taxes.) ■ For encouraging new investments, power purchasing guarantee seem ı.o be a ınust. ■ Botas must hand over its gas purchasing contracts. Thus, tlıe monopolistic happienss of Botas must be ended. Summaries ■ TEDAS tenders should be restarted and fınalized. ■ Privatization of EUAS's old plants shoulcl be performed. Our Energy World would pray to God for you, co keep your power for another 5 years even 1O years, if you could manage to perform our cxpecrntions. Besı. Regards. News ------------------------- 8 Convention to Fight Desertification The S•h United Nations Convention to Fight Desertifıcation is to be held on Sepcember 3-14, 2007 in i\Iadrid. The meınber countries of tlıe Uniı.ed aıions attended the conference and tlıe prioriı:y issues included global warming, tlıe universal problem of tlıc rccent years, thc incrcase in the subsequcnt desertifıcation, and tlıc relative consequences. Lighting with Solar Energy in the Campus 1\bant İzzet Baysal Universiı:y (AlBU) wiU start generating ehe elcctriciı:y it consumes. The university startcd assessing ı.he alternative sources of energy. With ı.he solar panels placed on ehe fog lights, the lights starred operating witlı solar energr. 4 Grams per Kilometre Through ehe cooperation of i\lichelin and Peugeot, on Peugeot 308, Llıe new model of Peugeoc, a sigııifıcanı. contribution was made by i\lichelin on tlıe encrgı• balance of ehe vehicle. i\lichelin's technological solution ensures a fuel saving of 0.2 litres per ki.lometre on a coınbined eyde driving, wlıich reduces ehe CO2 emissions per kilometre by approximatcly 4 grams. Continue with Investments in Energy Yeşil Enerji Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., one of tlıe participations of Global Yatırım Holding AŞ., signed a share purchase agreemenr in order to buy tlıe sharcs of ERS Enerji A.Ş. and Osmanlı Enerji A.Ş. in recurn for 6 million dollars. Thus, Global Yatırım Holding increased ehe 500 mW, irs target fıgurc as the encrgı· gencration capacic:y for 2007, reaching a generation of 576 mW 5 Hydroelectricity Plants for Kahramanmaraş EnerjiSA, a partnership of Elbistan-Sabancı-Verbund, will build 5 hydroclectricity plants in Kahramanmaraş. EnerjiSA is getting ready to invesr approximately 530 million dollars for tlıe Yamanlı 2 Hydroelectricity Plant to be built on tlıe Göksu-Upper Seyhan Basin, and eheKandilEncrgı· Group Project ro bebuilt close to the Kandil Village of Ekinözü town, Kalıramanmaraş. ENERJi DÜNYASI EYLOL 2001 61