Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 55. Sayı (Eylül 2007)

The Target is Now Higher: 2 billion dollars Sanko Holding increased the energy investment target, announced previouslr as one billion clollars, to two biUion clollars. The investment priorit)' of Sanko 1-Iolcling wiU be power plants ancl hyclroelectricitı· plants. She w:ill Cross the Ocean with a Flying Carpet Frcnch Peggy Bouchet (34), who was thc first woman to cross ehe Atlantic Ocean by rowing, is now trying to make it İnto the rccorcls book by crossing the ocean witl1 a "balloon with sails" running on solar energy. The journey witl1 the "flying carpet" rnnning with a solar panel and a wincl turbine is expectecl to !ast 8 to 12 clays. Hema will produce 3 million tons of coal As a result of the activities undertaken to rencler the \Xlestern Black Sea Region as an energy base, it is expectecl to unearth 3 miUion tons of coal in 201 O in the industrial region created by HEi\(A 1-Iolcling at the Tarlaağzı location in Bartın. This projcct will offer employment for 200 people in the region. Turkish Contractors are Going to Iran Turkey is biclding for the construction of the hyclroelectricity plants of 10,000 megawatts to be constructecl in lran. If ehe bici is acceptecl, there will be a business voluıne of 20 billion dollars for Turkish contractors, which in turn will recluce the iınports defıcit of Turkcy witl1 the country, which is 4.6 billion clollars. The Contents of the Agreement Between Iran ancl IAEA Announced Thc lntcrnational Atoınic Energy Agency (lAEA) announcecl that Iran has answerecl ali the questions abam tl1e plutonium test. Upon tlıe request of Iran, tl1e concents of the agreement reachecl after the negotiations beı:ween Iran ancl IAEA in Tehran arc postecl on the offıcial site of IAEA. www.iaea.org Micldle Black Sea Energy Forum Held The "Middle Black Sea Region Energy Forum" helcl in Samsun on September 4 ancl 5, by tl1e Ei\IO Samsun branch took place ar tl1c DSI Conference 1-Iall. Play a Tune The Fourtlı Inventions Festival cleterminecl the theme for its competition this year. The Festival is reacly witl1 the contest "Play A Tune". This year tl1e contestants are askcd to makc a device tlıan can play ehe C major scale (clo-re-ıni-fa-sol-la-si-clo) ancl the fırst 10 notes of any song, with the correct tone, tempo ancl beat. You may access cletailecl information tl1rough ehe address www.bulus.ws. 62 ENERJi DÜNYASI EYLÜL 2007 Partnership for Nuclear Energy French nuclear encrgy generator Areva SA ancl the Japanesc heavy inclustry company i\Iitsubishi startccl a new joint veııture for builcling new nuclcar reactors.The ncw company will be in charge of developing, marketing, licensing and selling the 1.100 m\XI water pressurised reactors called ATMEA and ATi\IEA-1. 112 Billion Dallar Marriage The electricity coınpany Suez from Belgium and Gaz de France, state controlled natura! gas company of Frnnce, announcecl their merger, wluch had becn expected for a long time now. The ınerger of the two companies resultecl in GDF Suez Company, as a natural gas and energy provicler. GDF ancl Suez expect to create an operational synergy of 1 billion Euros per year by the year 2013. The EP Committee Acceptecl the Energy Report The European Parliament Foreign J\ffairs Commission votecl and acceptecl tl1e report prcpared for the coınmon energy policy of the EU. In the voting helcl at the Foreign Affairs Committee, some bills for changes that were directly of concern to Turkcy were taken out wieh ehe attempts of tl1e EU reprcsentation of Turkey. Automation Platform The introcluction by Sclıneicler Electric given to system integrators to promote the new i\Iodicon M340 PLC platform receivecl great attention by thc attendces. Tlıe senuııars wcre held in Çeşme i\ltın Yunus, İznur on August 3, at the i\lidi Hotcl, Ankara on August 7, ancl in lstanbul Centrurn, on August 9, and several system integrators attenclecl the seminars. I CCI ---------------------------------------------------------18 ICCI 2008 will take place at the WOW Hotels & Convention Centre We lıave interviewecl witl1 J\Is. Zeynep Peker, tl1e General Manager of \XIO\Y/ Hotels & Convention Ceııtre, to obtain inforınation abam tl1e location, as tl1c ICCI 2008, 14,ı. Energy ancl Enviroııment Technology Systeıns ConYention ancl Conference, an iınportant platform for the eııergy sector, would be belci there between May 15 ancl 17, 2007. Actual Searches of Solutions for Climate Changes --------------- 20 The International Clinıate Conference was helcl in Vienna, Austria, under tl1e leaclerslup of the United Nations. Jn the conference tl1at was helcl betwecn September 1 ancl 7, recoınnıendations were ınacle to opt for nuclear energy sources, in orcler to clecelerate tl1e release of carbon clioxicle to tl1e atınosphere.