The 7•h ltalian Energy Summit is Beginning ------------- 22 The I calian Energy Summit ro be held wieh ehe support of the European Committee will be held in ı\ülan, Jrnly, beeween September 26 and 28, 2007. The agenda of ycar's summit include ehe following: "The ı ew Law on Energy: ew Trends in ltaly and Europe", "The Strategic lmporcance of lnfrascructure Projects", The iılost Recent Trends and Deveiopments in tlıe LNG and Natura! Gas ı\1arkce", "Supply of Rcnewable and Alternative Energies", "ı cw Objectives for Energy Effıciency and ltaly". The World Water Problem Discusscd in Swcden-------- 24 Poverty and misery is on the increase worldwide, the health measurcs are not sufficient, and we havc learned tlıat we are out of \\'llter, and ehe cliınates are clıanging. Tt is stili not !ate to take precautions! \V/e havc to do more for a bctter future. The \'(lorld \V/atcr Week, whereby tlıese important messages \\'ere given was held in Scockholm beıween J\ugust 12 and 18, 2007. Black Sea Oil and Natura! Gas Summit --------------------28 The Black Sea Oil and Gas Suınınit bringing together several acadeınicians, bureaucrars and represenı:atives of the indusrry, during the terın presidency of Turker, for tlıe Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organ.isation, was coınpleted. The follo,,�ng sessions were hcld at ehe sumınit: " Accors and Srraregies", "New Pipeline Routes", "Exploration and Production Activities", "Challenges Encoumered in ı\1arine Technology", "Environmental Safery and tlıe Security of Turk.ish Straits", "Regional Coopcration aııd EU Relations". The Ministry of Energy Took the First Steps for \Y/ind Energy --------------------------------- - - -------------------- 32 The draft by the iılinistry of Energy, "Regulations for Utilising tlıe Wind Energy Porential" is now open for opinions. With ehe arrangeınenr made, the Elcccriciı:y \V/orks Study Offıce will rake into consideration tlıe applications whereby the power strengtlı ar tlıe wind cnergy planr arca is ar leasr 300 W/1112. According eo tlıe regulations, the wind invesemcnts will be inspecred ar leasr once during the construction period, and they will be offered wind measurement, ground survey and feasibility support. TEhsteabElixsahminingatEionnd oUfstehre PMost Recent State in rices -------------- ------------------ 34 ln sevcral EU councries, with coınpanies in charge of generating eleccricity and gas, tlıe stare holds tlıe serice control of natura! gas and eleccriciey prices for end users, in order ro prorect ehe consumers. the prices tlıat nced ro be announced as a public service liabiliıy, in tlıe rctaiJ market, may have very adverse outcoınes in tlıc market structure. Therefore, obtaining ıhe dara for tlıe end user priccs is iınportant in order to assess tlıe iınpact on the developınent of competition. M Co a generation in Central and Eastern Europe rket Situation and Financial Support ------------------44 COGEı Europe repon gives an overview of cogeneration markets in Central and Eastern Europc: ehe Czcch Republic, Hungarr, Poland, Sloven.ia, Slovak.ia, Bulgaria, Roınania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Croatia. Articlc Great Leap Forward in Renewable Energy --------------50 Thc uı . ilisation of solar energy is expancling worldwide. Thermal plams generating energy witlı solar energy are srnrting ro be implemenrecl in major countries worldwide. Thc street laınps working with solar cells will havc great contribuı.ions on energy savings in Turkey. Biogas Fuelled Micro Cogeneration Practices - ---------52 As ehe nced for energy increascs, ehe altcrnativc practiccs in generaı.ion also increase. The clean energy source, biogas, generated first in lndia in 1859 is gaining great importance worldwide in Turkey in ehe recenr years. ı\fr Özay Kas, ı\fechanical Enginecr, iı[Sc, of Arke Enerji Sistemleri, informed us about the biogas cogencration practices. Place of Coal Gasification in Production of Energy and Chemical Substance ----------------------------58 Turkcy does not have any resources of pctroleum and narural gas except the available coal and lignite resources. Thus, it is dependeııt ro ehe resources of hydraulic and lignite coal for ehe production of eleccrical cnergy. The available lignite resource of 8.5 billion tons of Turkey is ready for tlıe production of clectrical and chemical substances. Interview Invesıment for the Sub - ----------------------- ----------------- 40 \\(le have talked to ı\[r iı!urat Durak, tlıe General iılanager of Eliınsan Aydınlatma ve J\Jterııatif Enerji Teknolojileri ı\.Ş., aboue the solar energy lighting systeıns and practices in parks, gardens and street lighting. Biodiesel is an Agricultural Project ----------------------- 56 The close intercse in ehe fırst gencration biofuel biodiescl is continuing, ehe energy agricuJture and invesınıent is continuing. DB Tarımsal Enerji San. ve Tic. AŞ. is one of ehe leading companies ehae have in mind the objective of Turk.ish bio econoıny, froın ehe land to tlıe exhaust gas for biodiesel. iıfs. Filiz Karaosmanoğlu talked to j\[r Selçuk Borovalı, DB ı\griculcural Energy General ı\fanagcr, about cnergy agriculture and biodiesel production. ENERJi DÜNYASI EYLÜL 2007 63