Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 57. Sayı (Kasım 2007)

the General Manager of Vaillant Turkey. Lütfü Kızıltan will continue to serve as the General Manager of Demirdöküm. Turkey and Israel are Cooperating in Energy Energy and Natural Resources Minister Hilmi Güler saicl that the feasibility studies for the multi-pipeline project between Turkey and Israel have been completed and that signifıcant progress has been achieved in the calculation of the administrative and investment expenditures of the project. ıccı --------------------------------------------------------- ıs Energy Sector will be discussed in ICCI 2008 14th International Energy and Environmental Sysrems Fair and Conference (ICCI 2008) will be belci between May 15-17, 2008 at the WOW Convention Center. Actual Science and Technology Met at TESKON+SODEX ----- 20 Teskon 2007, an event that the installation sector has been looking forward co, provided a suitable environment to cliscuss the scientific and technological developments and current problems of the sector. UCTEA Nuclear Energy Symposium was held in Mersin 22 " uclear Energy Symposium 2007" (NÜKSEM) organized by tbe Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) with the support of Mersin Municipality and Mersin University was held at the Uğur Oral Culcural Center of the Mersin University between Occober 19-20, 2007. The Law on Nuclear Plants has been Approved in the Commission --------------------------------------------------------- 23 The Parliamentary Commission on Industry, Trade, Energy, Natura! Resources, Information and Technology approved the draft bili entitled "The Erection and Operation of Nuclear Power Stations and Sale of Energy" which was previously vetoed by tl1e 10th Presiclent Ahmet Necdet Sezer. The 6th Energy Symposium of Turkey was held by U CTEA -------------------------------------------------------------- 24 The 6'h Energıı Symposium of Turkey organized by UCTEA was held at tl1e Teoman Öztürk Auditorium of tl1e Ankara Chanıber of Civil Engineers between October 22 and 27, 2007. Article Views on the Proposed Changes on the "Renewable Energy Regulation'' --------------------------------------------------------- 25 62 ENERJi DÜNYASI KASIM 2007 Metin Atamer, General Secretary of RESYAD, summarized their evaluation of the proposed changes on Renewable Energy Regulation as an invesror and project developer to our journal. Highly Efficient Motors and Drivers for More Effecti ve Control ------------------------------------------ 44 65 percent of tl1e energy used in electrical motors in tl1e industry is used ineffıciently in nıechanical control systems. ABB points out that the use of drivers enable energy savings. Natura! Gas Generator, the Generator System of Today and the Future -------------------------------------------- 48 The neecl for electricity is growing day by day due to increasing production and competition. The use of generators is tl1e only solution for the companics to operate witl1out being affected by these conditions. Solarbooster Sunstation for Thermal Solar Systems ------- 58 Sunstrip developed a new control station that uses i\ıfPP (Maximum Power Point) technology and can be connected to clirect PV panels in addition to DC circulation pump. lnterview "Turkey Needs Reliable Power Stations" -------------------- 26 Mehmet Kazancı, President of the Board of Directors of both Aksa Enerji and Union of Natura! Gas Distribution Companies (GAZBİR), evaluated tl1e present status of tl1e energy sector ancl its problems and talked about his expectations of tl1e fucure. A Green Shopping Center with Green Energy - Metro Meydan Shopping Center ------------------------------- 30 The world's most environment- frienclly shopping center has been opened by the Metro Group. Tunç Karnın, General Manager of Form AŞ., tl1at participated in this giant project explained ro us their work in detail on Ml as part of this project. The New Contract Transfers will be Easier ----------------- 36 Tuğrul Erkin, President of the Board of Directors of Natura] Gas Importers and Exporters Association (DIVID) and General Coordinator of Bosphonıs Gas, evaluated rhe issue of contract transfers and natura] gas imports. Energy Stands at the Center of our Lives -------------------- 40 Energy law is not discussed much in spite of its great signifıcance. We interviewed Professor I. Yılmaz Aslan, who is one of Turkey's leacling authorities in energy law.