Summaries Editorial ------------------------------------------------------- 2 Should Coal Or Lignite-Fired Power Plant Investments Be Made? Coal reserves are richest primary energy sources in the world. Total coal and lignite reserves of ehe world are estimated as 909 billion tones in 2005 and approximately %1 of them are in Turkey. Coal, stili has a share of %24 in the world's primary energy sources area and İt will keep this share with %1,9 increase until 2030 as calculaced. Coal usage as a primary energy source for electricity production will rise %81 till 2030. So coal's share in electricity production will increase frorn %68 to %73. The reasons of coal's increase of %18 ali over ehe workl in spite of its direy character and Kyoto sanctions, are reactions against Nuclear Power Plant Investments and price rise of natura! gas around %90-100 in last 3 years. On the other hand, developrnents in ehe syngas technologies that decrease pollution with gasifıcation techniques caused by firing coal have been speed up usage of coal again. USA is the most effected country frorn lrnge rise of natura[ gas prices especially in strong wimer conditions. However they have not signed the Kyoto Protocol so CO2 emission penalties are not their concern today, they do not neglect partide emission of CO, SO2 and SO3. Consequently, tendency to less polluted coal usage, beside developmenr of new sceam boiler technologies lilce hypercritical pressure boilers, pre-mix systems and coal gasifıcation systems which bring much more effıcient plants.This causes hare! competition bet:ween coal and natura[ gas. Return to coal-fired power production technologies has begun in EU 25 Countries as well. Coal is the rnost available primary source in our country. As we haven't signed ehe Kyoto Protocol yet there is no need to install CO2 eınission reduction facilities. If we can use our coal sources with high technology and effıciency systems to get low emissions and low unit production cost, why we shouldn't make investments to coal-fired power plants? Summary of the feasibility calculation of a hypercritical pressure plant is presented below (Assumption: lnstallation costs of coal-fired and Lignite-firecl power plant are respectively 1300 S/ k\Xlh and 1700 $/k\Xlh). Coal Lignite ■ Cycle effıciency. . .... . .. . . . .. . . 45 (%) 43 (%) ■ l-leat Rate for 1 kwh production 1912 kcal/hvh 2000 kcal/hvh 46 ENERJi DÜNYASI ARALIK 2007 ■ Lower l-learing Value of Coal or Lignite(LI-IV) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 6000 kcal/kg ■ Fuel Consumption for 1 hvh producrion . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 320 gr/hvh ■ Coal of Lignite Cost (Delivery on Plant). . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .75 USD/ton ■ Fuel cost for 1 hvh production . . . 2,4 cent/hvh ■ Annual Operaring l-lour of PL'll1t. . . 7000 saat ■ Construcrion Period . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 4 yıl ■ Anmıal Reliable Production (k,vh) 5600 Gwh ■ Coınmercial Operarion Period. . . . . . 15 yıl Production Cost ■ Unit Investrnent Cost(cenr/bvh) . . . 2,5 cent/k·wh ■ Fuel Cost..............................2,4 cent/bvh ■ OperatingCost. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... . .. .. 0,6 cent/k·wh ■ Maintenance Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,7 cent/k·wh ■ Environmental Protection Cost. . . 0,2 cent/kwh ■ Electricity Producrion Cost (Inc.Unit Investrnent Cost) . . . . . . . . . 6,4 cent/bvh ■ Price at Customer's bus-bar. . . . . . . . . 7,9 cent/hvh 2500 kcal/kg 800gr/hvh 25 USD/ton 2,0 cent/bvh 6000 saat 5 yıl 4800Gwh 15 yıl 3,5 cent/kwh 2,0 cent/k·wh 0,7 cent/k·wh 0,8 cent/hvh 0,4 ccnt/kwh 7,4 cent/kwh 8,9 cent/bvh Results show that, lowest production cost belongs to power plant using imported coal with 7,9 cent/kwh. Lignite-fırecl power plam is in the second place with 8,9 cent/k-wh in unit procluction cost, while natura! gas power plant has a cost of 10,05 cent/bvh. Operation of coal or lignite-fıred power plant can get positive net profıt even today's TEDAŞ sale price to industry which is approximately 10,00 cent/hvh. There is an increasing trend in electricity price in all over the world and electricity prices almost rise togetlıer with natura! gas prices in Europe. As it has been told, electricity prices will srick to natura! gas prices so this will take coal or lignite-fu:ed power plant to more advantageous position. ICCI --------------------------------------------------------- 16 \X/e had an interview with Feraye Parçalı, Organization Coordinator of Sektöre! Fuarcılık which has been established as a subsidiary of Teknik Yayıncılık in 1992, about the 14tl1 International Energy and Eıwironmental Technology Systems Fair and Conference (ICCI 2008) to be held on May 14-15th 2008 at the Istanbul \X/0\XI Convention Center. Actual ITU Energy \Xlorkshop and Exhibition was held in Istanbul. .. .. 18 ENKÜS2007 ITU Energy \Xlorkshop and Exhibition was hele! at