the Iscanbul Technical Universiry Ayazağa Campus Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center on December 4-Sth 2007. On the firsc day of the workshop, several media companies and writers, induding Teknik Yayıncılık, were awarded with the "Media Support Award". The main of theme of this year's workshop was decermined as "Domestic Energ)' Sources and Potential, Nuclear Technology Options, Energy Efficiency and Financing Models in Energ)'". German Support for Bioenergy. ................ .............................. 22 German companies specialized in bio-energ)' (bio-mass, bio-diesel, bio-ethanol, bio-gas . . .) met with Turkish during the seminar jointl)' organized by the German-Turkish Chamber of Tracle ancl Commerce and German Energy Agency (DENA-The Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbI-1). During the seminar, representatives from seven German firms, Schmark Biogas AG, Farmatic Anlagenbau GmbH, Alternative Energieversorgung OHG, Lahmeyer International GmbH, Agrafem Technologies AG, Omniwatt AG, Işık Consulting GmbH made presentations and later came together witl1 tl1e participants of tl1e seminar to discuss issues that will be leading the future bio-energy activities in Turkey. EMRA President Yusuf Günay said farewell to the Sector......24 The founding President of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EJ\ıffiA), Yusuf Günay, said farewell to presidency on the sixth ann.iversary of ElvffiJ\.. A reception was held at Bilkent Hotel upon the sixtl1 anniversary of EMRA and tl1e retiremenc of Günay. During the reception, Yusuf Günay, whose term as the President of tl1e Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) ended along witl1 two of tl1e Board Members, Cengiz Kıra] and Muzaffer Keleş, said farewell to Hilmi Güler, Minister of Energy and Natura! Resources. We exaggerated the Wind........................... ......................26 EMRA received a total of 156 billion YTL wortl1 of license apptications on a single day on November 1st 2007 to build w.ind and solar energy power stations with a total installed capacit:y of 78.000 J\ı[W Metin Atamer, General Secrecary of RESYAD, evaluatecl the license applications: "The politicians in our country should ponder over the application of 700 projecrs. example clearly shows us that it is nor right to make executions based on words alone. I do not believe that tl1ere is enough land in Turkey to build an installed capaciry of 78.000 i\1\.'v'." The 7th Energy Arena has been Completed .............................28 The 7th Energy Arena organized by the Strategic Technical Econom.ical Research Center (STEAM) was held on Novernber 15-16th 2007in Istanbul. In the conference entitled "Energy Securicy in Turkey ancl in the Region" hcld at the Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exh.ibition Center with the participation of Hilmi Güler, Min.ister of Energy and Natura! Resources, Yusuf Günay, former President of EMRA, and Ali Kordan, Secrecary of Iranian Petroleum Min.istry, energy securir:y, energy regulation and liberalization, invescments and foreign capital, privatization moclels for electricity distribution and production and recent developments were cliscussed. Article Mutua1 Dependency is Essentia1 for Energy Security of the New Cennıry .................................................................................36 Assiscant Professor Volkan Ş. Ediger, energy consultant of tl1e President, made a presentation entitled "Energy Security in the 21 st Cennıry" at tl1e Energy Arena held in November. In dıis presentation, he took tl1e audience to a journey tluough tl1e history of energy ancl evaluated the newly emerging concepts in energy securicy during the this century along witl1 the prospects for ehe coming years. The fırst part of Ediger's interesting presentation abouc how energy needs have been met since the 1800s is in this issue .... Interview İZGAZ is Working Hard for the Sector. . . . ................................... 30 Pointing out that natura! gas was the quickest solution for the energy bottleneck experienced ten years ago and Turkey is not in a position to do without natura! gas from now on, Muhammet Saraç, ehe Deputy General Manager of İZGAZ responsible from Administration, talked about tl1eir latest natura] gas activities in Kocaeli and tl1e surroundings and shared with us his views on the need for energy diversification in Turkey. The Importance of Insulation in Energy Saving................42 Our lives will changewitl1 the enactment of tl1e Energy Efficiency Law in 2008. According to tlus law, there will be new regulations for buildings and insulation will be essential. Therefore tl1e choice of materials will be very important. We talked about the issues concerning the insulation of buildings, energy and environment with A. Nuri Bulut, tl1e General Manager of İzocam A.Ş. Advertorial A new Product, TeSys_T, in Engine Management. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .45 The management of engines may be cornplicated and costly. Schneider Electric is offering a new solution to useı:s with _its new engine protection device. ENERJİ DÜNYASI ARALIK 2007 47