Summaries ■ ditorial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 At the End of the Day, Government Accepted 10% Increase in Electricty Tariff, After 4 Years of Resistance. Power Investor will build what? Gas Firing or Coal-Firing Plant? or Cogeneration? Under the pressure of HvlP and World Bank, Government had to accept to increase electriciry prices 10% for industrial consumers and 15 for residentials. In fact, since 3 years lpp operntors ancl Autoproclucers were operating their plants at low load as possible to minimize their operation costs. PMUM (Price Stabilization and Balancing Regulation) which starts opcratio_n, becoıne safery belt for Ipp operators. ln the mean time, price increases in gas were going on. Power plant investors could not dare to invest forgas firing facilities. All electriciry related associations were warning Power Authorities co the approaching risk in power supply. But nobody liscened ehem. Could new price increase firing up new investınems? Not at all. We need to establish new incentives to motivate new investments. Thanks to God, Government recalled new incentives after facing serious power shortages in soıne regions. Weekly "Economist" has found out new incentives which will be officially announced nowadays: • Mainly thcse are as follows: ■ Government will give power purchasing guarantee for 5 years. ■ lf investınent is completed up to year 2012 tax exemption and corporate income eax deduction will be applied. ■ Social securiry primium and personnal income taxes of the workers, will be exemptcd from normal rcgulation. Cogeneration plants, also will take aclvantage from incentives much earlier than other power invesonems. Besides, we are very ınuch pleased to see that, 1\ıfENR is reconsidering thc necessity of 'Turkish Cogencration Directive" and reshaping ehe privious clraft before sending it to ehe Parliaınem. This is a good progress. ICCI ............................................................14 The main theme of ICCI 2008 has been determined The 14"' International Energy and Environment Technology Sysceıns Fair and Conference - ICCl will be held becween 1517 i'ııfay 2008 in WOW Convention Center, Jstanbul, Turkey's capical of economy and industry, with the main cheme "Energy Effıciencı•, Sustainable Energy Policies and Supply Reliability for ehe Turkey in Renewable Energy Axis".· Teknik Yayıncılık Group is celebrating it 20th year in sectoral publishing ..................................................... 20 As Teknik Yayıncılık Group, we have entered our 20'h year in sectoral publishing in 2008. We are proud to continue our leadership in sectoral publishingwith a focus on "quality" with six journals, Doğal Gaz, Tesisat, Yangın ve Güvenlik, Enerji Dünyası and Petrol Dünyası, each being leaders in their own fields. The new play has new actors ..................................26 The 6th Energy Talks organized by ehe Energy Economics Association was hele! with eheparticipation ofDr. Fath Birol, the Chief Economist of ehe Tnternational Energy Agency. ln his interesting presenration entitlecl "Evaluations and recommendations for climate change ancl energy supply securicy 52 ENERJi DÜNYASI OCAK/ŞUBAT2008 in the context of Asia'a growing deınand" within the framework of Worlcl Energy Outlook 2007 Rcport, Birol talked about his projections for the global oil ancl gas market and gave significant warnings about Turkey's energy policies. A new period has started at EMRA ................................... 28 Hasan Köktaş took over ehe presidency of Energy Market Regulatory Authority from Yusuf Günay, whose terın enclecl in ı ovember 19, 2007. Hasan l(öktaş has been appointcd by the decision of tlıe Council of Ministers which was published in the Official Gazette on January 4, 2008. He assumed his cluties as president after taking an oath at the Higher Court of Justice on January 7, 2008. 27'" Energy Efficiency Week has been Celebrated ............. 30 Energy Efficiency Wcek, which has been cclebrated uncler ehe leadership of Energy Works Erude Directorace General Manageınent cluring tlıe seconcl weck of January, has been celebratcd this year with an opening ceremony at the Ankara TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Universiry, a fair at MTEA Energy Park ancl conference centcr of Bilkent Hotel. The 2008 Agenda of the World and Turkey: Clean Energy ........................................................................34 During the conference entitled "The Role of Clean Energy Technologies to Meet Turkey's Growing Energy Neccls" ancl organized by Turkish-American Business Council (as part of Foreign Economic Relations Council- DElK), American Turkish Council (ATC), TUBITAK, Ministry of Energy ancl latural Resourccs and Energy Ministry of the USA, ehe experts from the USA ancl Turkey exchangecl views on the ways of mceting the growing energy neecls of Turkey tlırough environment-friendly methods and of preventing negative factors creaced during the provision of energy. Article Alternative Energy and Turkey ........................................40 As in many developing countries, unconcsious consumption, growing popuiation, unbalancecl and unsupported growtlı in industrialization are increasing tlıe scarciry of resources and destroying tlıe balances further in Turkey. Our country has to take measures in renewable encrgy sources as soon as possible. lnterview Renewable Energy - How? When? Views of the Sector Association ....................................................................36 Associations and unions, which are estalishecl by companies ancl individuals who have doubts about our funıre and which have been working in tlıe field of renewable energy for a long time, are inviting invcstors to this sector trying to find solutions to the problems of this seccor and establish a mediuın of cooperation. \Y/e asked for the views of tlıese associations abouc the use of renewable sources which are essential for Turkey's renewable energy projects. A strategical step from Brightwell .....................................48 J\fter the takeover of 70% of i'ıfaya Enerji by Borusan Holding, we talked witlı Alphanlıfanas,P.resident-oLtbe..BoarclaLDirecton_of Brightwell Holdings BV, about this new partnership and tlıe energy invesonents planned for the future. i'ıfanas noted that they plan to increase their licensecl energy project portfolio to 500 MW until 2010.