Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 62. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 2008)

Summaries ■ Editorial ICCI After 2008 -------------------------------------------------------- 4 ICCI 2008 Conference whose Presidency of Organizing Committee is executed by Selahattin Çimen being Deputy Undersecretary of Ministry of Energy and Naturel Resources and where technical support is provided by our foundation has been realized on 15-16-17 May 2008 at WOW Conference and Fair Center located in Yeşilköy as a resule of which extremely important success has been gained. Reasons explaining success of ICCI 2008 is as follows: ■ Excellent organization ■ Large conference halis and comfortable fair net area (approximately 2000 m2), ■ Its application period where energy supply becomes more critical and relevant investments show increasing trend, ■ Coverage of overall energy production areas (cogeneration, combined eyde, coal, biogas/biomass, wind, hydraulic, ete) in adclition to which sessions being parallel to overall environmental issues have been arranged. ■ Discussion over electricity and natura] gas market infrastructures, market actors and market operation with their overall dimensions. ■ Latest production techniques and technologies have been discussed. ■ Creation of an environmentwbere governmental autborities of energy, advanced teclınology producers, representatives of chambers and academicians have met. ICCI conference shall be "Turkish Power-Gen" in accordance with associated characteristics. Participation of 3000 people concerning with energy, number of stands being more than 80 (34 of wh.ich belongs to foreign companies) and submission of 120 announcement proof success of the conference. ICCI 2008 ICCI 2008 Hosted Energy Sector -----------------------------------20 Being organized since 1994 by Sektöre! Fair Organization, ICCI 2008 (International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference) being organ.ized for the 14th times on tb.is year has been realizecl berween 15 and 17 May at WOW Convention Center where important number of participants have taken place. Realized by cliscussing over main issues including "Energy Productivicy, Sustainable Energy Policies and Supply Reliability in Turkey across Renewable Energy Center Lines", ocganization of ICCI 2008 hosted 90 companies and 3000 participants. Daruma Finans, EnerjiSa, Ge Energy, Inrıovative Wind Power, Suzlon Wind Energy and Vestas companies sponsored tlıe organization and NTv, Cnbc-e togetherwith Cnbc-e Business supported the organization as Meclia Sponsors. Dr. M. Hilmi Güler, the Minister of Energy and Natura! Resources has emphazied that anııual electricity consuınption of European countries was % 1- 2, whereas relevant figure was 8,5% for Turkey. In addition, he stated that Turkey was the second country in terms of increase in energy and natural gas and adclecl thatTEAŞ had clistribution cable having a clistarıce of 880 thousands km. Hasan Kökraş, President of EMRA, eınphasized importance given to the privatization. "Sector of public enterprises should Jeave its single player structure and be converted to free market structure where multi players take place and private sector participates in order to success energy effectiveness and productivity, as well as by considering economical realities and investment opportunities of Turkey. Üne climension to success above stated structure is prioritization and other 64 ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS - HAZIRAN2008 is cost based pricing, whereas high market structure where everybody can make expectations regarcling the future during energy policies ancl decision processes constitutes a different diınension". Actual Energy Efficiency and Saving Panel from TÜTEV--------------40 "Energy efficieny and saving" panel has been organized by Technical Personnel Foundation of Turkey (TUTEV) Arranged on 3 May 2008 at Hilton Hotel, Ankara, the participants of the panel were Hilmi Güler, the Minister of Energy and r atural Resources, Hasan Köktaş, Presiclent of Energy :MarketRegulatory Authority (EMR.A), Soner Aksoy, President of TBMı\ı[ Energy, lndustry and Technology Commission and deputies of Justice and Development Party (AKP). Draft Of Kyoto Protocol Has Been Subm.itted To The Assembly -----------------------------------------44 Draft law inclucling assent regarcling parı:icipaı:ion of Turkey to ehe Kyoto Protocol of UN Framework Convenı:ion regarcling Climatic Change has been subınitted to the Presidency of Grand Naı:ional Assembly. Cali of the parties of the convention for the participation to the 1997 dated Kyoto Protocol has been inclicated with.in the justificaı:ion, as well as İt has been reminded that the Protocol has been arranged for signature on 16 March 1998 in New York and left for about one year for compleı:ion of signatures. lnterview Our Target Is Market Leadership in Wind Turbine Market --- 46 We cliscussed upon Suzlon and its operaı:ions in Turkey with Ediz EU,aclef being Represanı:irve of Suzlon in Turkey. Elhadef stated "Success of Suzlon is provided by its international structure". Main Target is to Increase Business Product.ivity----------------48 We discussed upon ERP applications, IFS Turkey and its solutions regarding energy sector with Ergin Öztürk wbo is the Sales and Marketing Director of IFS Turkey. Emphasizing that ERP system provided overall operation processes of a business in an integratecl manner, Özrürk stated "our system is not a software systeın, in real it is a template system responcling what to apply to provide productive operaı:ion of overall processes". Carbon Trad.ing Shall Create Financial Resource ----------------54 Most important point within carbon finaııcing is to prove that revenues to be obtained from carbon financing plays important role in realization of the project. Therefore, carbon financing plan shoulcl be created during financial search for the project. Effective Ut:ilization Of Energy-2 --------------------------------58 Energy Efficiency Law have come into force through publicaı:ion on 2/5/2007 date Official Gazette with no 26510 and secorıdary regulaı:ion works haven't been completed yet. Effects of EVK will be felt increasingly from our homes to business places. This law is the result of long term, successful works of General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administraı:ion (EIE). Herewith, I present evaluaı:ion of Mustafa Kemal Büyiilınıhcı, the Directorate General of EIE, regarcling EVK and its reflections. First secı:ion of my long conversaı:ion has been presented on previous publicaı:ion to emphasize importance of the issue and provide extensive informaı:ion and second secı:ion of the conversation is included ,vithin this publicaı:ion.