Editorial The Positive And Negative Aspects Of The New Electricity Law----------------------------------------------- 2 Nearly two years ago, when we, as the represenrntives of ehe Cogeneration Association of Turkey, visited Mr. Sami Demi.rbilek who was then the Undersecrecary of Miıı.istry of Energy and Nanıral Resources to present ehe draft law on I-figh Efliciency Cogeneration La,v, he listened to us and then said, "These laws tie our hands together. Unless these laws are changed, there is nothing we can do," waving Law No 4628 on one hane! and Nanıral Market Law No 4646 on the other. We were very surprised to hear these commencs. Now that Electriciıy Market Law has been changed, we wonder what the Miıı.istry of Energy and Nanıral Resources can do about the Cogeneration Sector and what the facilities will gain form these changes? Actual The New Elecıricity Market Law is in Force----------------------22 The new law making certain changes in the Electricity Market Law has been published in the Official Gazette and is nowin force. Accorcling to the Law, ı:he net privatization revenues of EÜAŞ, its subsidiaries, facilities and departınenı:s after the expenses of the Privatization Admiıı.istration has been deducted will be transferred to the Nlinistry of Energy and Nanıral Resources in 15 days. 80 percenı: of these amounts will be transferred tO TEİAŞ, EÜAŞ, TKİ and BOTAŞ to be used in energy infrastrucnıre investınencs. The remaining 20 percent will be transferred to the General Di.rectorate of Hydraulic Works (DST) to be used in energy investments. 1 billion dollars of Financing Secured for Enerjisa --------------26 Enerjisa Enerji Üretim A.Ş. which is a partnership berween H.Ö. Sabancı Holding A.Ş. and Österreichische ElektriziciitswinschaftsAktiengesellschaft (Verbund) signed a loan agreement of 865 million Euros to fuıance the phase 1 investments in its portfolio. The financing package is expected to reach 1 billion Euros by the end of 2008. The power plancs to be built with this financing package will produce 12,000 GWh of electricity annually and serve 3.6 million cuscomers. The financing package has been provided by financial instinıtions under the coordination of Incernational Finance Corporation (IFC- a World Bank institution), Akbank T.A.Ş. and WestLB AG. Interview Wartsila Contimıes to be A Value-Creating Partner For lts C ustorners ---------------------------------------------------------------- 28 \)(le talked with Ufuk Berk, WiirtsiJa Enpa General Manager, abouc Wiimilii's activities in Turkey and tlıe energy sector. Ufuk Berk said, "\V/e always stick with the written contracts and fulfill our verbal commitınencs. This way we won the confidence of our customers. Therefore, I believe we have reached the stanıs which we deserve." File A.kenerji is pursuing its renewable energy investments ---------36 We talked witl1 the executives of Akenerji abouc the energy seccor and the accivities ofthe company. Currendy the company uses only natura! gas in its production, but is focusing on invesanents for renewable energy production as well during tl1e last few years. Summaries Appropriate Investment Climate Is Necessary For New lnvestmenıs -------------------------------------------------------40 We talked witlı Gökmen Topuz, Zorlu Energy Group Assistant General Manager responsible from Investınents, abouc rlıe activities of Zorlu Enerji and investınencs in general in the energy seccor. Topuz says "ehe increasing pace of liberalization in the energy sector, the privatization of the state production and distribution companies, tlıe need foran adclitional production capacity of 4000 megawatts and the incentives being provided for energy investments to build tl-ıis capacity increase dıe inı:erest of doınestic and foreign investors in the sector." Article The Concept of Arbitration from the Perspective of Globalization and Liberalization of Energy-----------------------58 While d1e countries are trying to attract foreign investments, private companies are trying hare! to seli theit products in tlıe global markets. Therefore, potential conflicts between the parties concerned are being movecl from a national to an international scale. As the parties do not know eaclı other well, tlıere are no supranational courts to solve these conAicts and the experts in the field of inı:ernationaJ comınercial law are inadequate in number, international arbitration has become a sector in itself. The most important issue for dıe actors of global trade is dıe resolution of tlıe conAicts quickly and fai.rly. Therefore, arbitration is preferred as an alterııative resolution medıod for conflicts especially in international trade. The Devices of the Future are Dependent on B a ttery Tech nologies---------------------------------------------------60 Today the global energy requi.rements are co a large extent being met by fossil fuels. The fact that fossil fuels will be depletccl in the near fuı:ure is putting poliricaJ and economic pressure on dıe societies. In adclition, dıe negative effects of the use of fossil fuels are also well kııown. CO,, NOx, SO, whidı are procluced as a result of tlıe combustion of fissile fuels accumulate in dıe atınosphere and cause acid rain, damage of the ozone layer, increase the sera effect ancl dıe amounı: of evaporating organic compouncls. Equally important as tlıese combustion products is dıe issue of dıermal pollution. The heat tlıat is being generated as a resule of combustion triggers global warming. Therefore, İt is important to develop and extend tlıe use of systems that will reduce tlıe need for combustion technologies. Conducting work on the inıprovemenc of tlıe existing combustion technologies or on the developmenc of alternative production methods requi.res a focus on tlıe autonıotive sector, wlı.iclı uses dıese technologies e.xtensively. Technical Presentatlon Measurement Parameters for the Supervision of Energy Efficiency----------------------------------------------------------------- 60 üne of dıe most inıporcam issues of our century is the optimum usage of limited energy sources and the achievement of energy efficiency in residentiaJ as well as industriaJ faciliı:ies. In order to analyze and supervise energy efficiencıı it is necessary to measure and constandy monitor parameters sudı as chimney gas, temperature, moisı:ure, pressure, speed of air, turnover, noise, intensiı:y of light and conducı:ibilil)< The reliability of such nıeasuremenc results depends on dıe dıoice of appropıiate equipment. The dıoice of dıe ıight equipment in ı:urn depends on the following issues: ■ A clear explanation of the application ■ The measurement sensitivil)• requi.red by the application ■ The afrer-saJes support and accumulmed knowledge of the service pro,�cler ■ The "inıprovement" capaciı:ı• of dıe measuremenı: device for funıre needs ENERJi DÜNYASI TEMMUZ-AilUSTOS2008 63