Summaries Editorial Irnportance of Gasification of Ligniıe for What will the new Electricity Markeıs Law bring? What will it Energy Producıion -----------------------------------------------------38 take away?An overview of the law ----------------------------------2 The energy production insuf/iciency chat is on ehe rise both in Turkey The new law limits ehe vasc autlıority given by law numbered 4628 to and in ehe world, drought tlıat has increased due to global warming PDK ıvitlı reg,ırcl toopcration-and-irepeetieAefclae elec--aeiat;y-ıw.ırke"t'---'a""o"d"....,_rbUJer;._creı:ıc..1e:ı.011-t1aııı... li ı,pci�.uceı.. .iıuıJcı.;.ırl!;eııa.ııse.sıı...nuı.ıııaı.ı:;kı;.eıı.s ;ıu�!!ir!..!e;scc.!!!u!!r..ıe:Ifııfo21rc!:t�s to,ı_________ \Y/e have ali seen tlıat EPDK has been acting in a spoiled nıanner wirh novel energy resources. Particularly, ehe fact that in recent years, oil regard to decision making when it, for exanıple /iı:st decidecl to suspend prices increasecl to 130 clollars per barrel and the following rise in ehe applicatitıns for wind power plant tenders and tlıen to receive gas prices, are tlıe signs that in tlıe near future, energy production ali applicacions in one day and we have seen tlıatit accecl beyoncl its costs will increase rapidly and there will be supply shortage. The fact autlıority in many cases. W/e all experiencecl tlıe resulcing hassle... thar, renewable energy sources and nuclear energy are not seen as It is not possible co undersmnd tlıe logic behiııcl receiving applications solutions in ehe short nın brings ro tlıe foı:efront the requirement of for a tender of 78.000 M\Y/ wincl power plant in one day. And when utilizing novel energı' resources. On ehe otlıer hand, the fact that we EPDK realized ehat it won't be able to hanrlle it on its own, it asked for will be signing the Kyoco prococol soon also linıits ehe wrong usage help from ETKB and other institurions of the :tlv iniscry. The new law of carbon basecl fuel. Our current lignite resources, on ehe oeher requires tlıat EPDK emerimo cooperarion with General Directorate of hand, are far from being usable, except for bad burning technologies. Electrical Power Resources Survey ancl Developnıent Aclministrarion that Particularly lignite, which has a very important place anıong our loca! is affiliaeed witlı ETKB. According to the new law, technical assessments energy resources, can be an aleernative in tlıe short nın both due eo its will be undertaken by General Directorate of Electıical Power Resources energy ef/iciency and its potencial to be usecl along with gasi/ication Survey and Development Administracion. Sinıilacly, the new requirement technologies. ÇED Bylaw becanıe effective for clıe lirst time in clıat, when nıore tlıan one applicacion exist fora certain location, Türkiye 07.02.1993. It was revised on 23.06.1997, 06.06.2002, 16.12.2003 and Elektrik İletim Anonim Şirketi wmtld step in and organize a tender, is /inally on 17.07.2008 before taking its /inal form. quite reasonable. It nıeans tlıat, it is EİEİ and TEİAŞ who will unclertake tlıe assessments and it is TEİAŞ who chooses ehe conıpany to establish tlıe facility ruıd it is EPDK who gives ehe license. Actual Ernphasis will be on utilization of dornestic energy resources --------------------------------------------20 The :tvlinistry of Energy ancl ı atural Resources, decided to rearrange tlıe Docunıent for tlıe Reform in Electricity Energy Sector and Privatization Strategy, in line witlı tlıe needs ehae arise during the period of cransicion to free market and in !ine witlı legal arrangenıencs that have been conıpleted in the ınean time. The Nlinistry prepared a draft clocument and presentecl İt eo the Undersecretary of the Treasury, State Planning Organizacion, Energy Markets Regulatory Board and Privacization Aclnıiniscration for evaluacion. The clraft docunıentwill rake irs /inal form aftertlıe evaluation of the relevant institurions and will beconıe effective after tlıe clecision of the Suprenıe Planning Board. No postponement for mıclear energy-------------------------------24 The /inal brieling session related to ehe contest to be organized for deeermining tlıe conıpany that will establish a nuclear power planı and seli eleccricity energy to TETAŞ, was held in Ankara. In addition to :tvlinister Güler, among the participants of the nıeeting were, EPDK President Hasan Köktaş, Unclersecretary of ehe i\1iniscry of Energy and Natura! Resources Selahatrin Çimen, TAEK President Okay Çakıroğlu, ancl tlıe representatives of loca] ancl foreign conıpanies ehat received eheir speci/ication docuıneııts for the tender. Until now, a total of 11 companies received speci/icacions for the tender and a cotal of 192 questions about tlıe tender canıe from 6 conıpanies. Four of tlıenı inclicaeed tlıat ehey have been having problems /inding a loan and requested tlıat the final proposal date to be poseponed for 6 montlıs. File Energy and Environment are two halves of an apple -----------28 \Y/e talkecl to Dr. Oğuz Can, tlıe Systenı Developnıent Manager of İSTAÇ A.Ş. wlı.ich is one of tlıe af/iliates of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, about Energy and Environment issues. Dr. Oğuz Can said "Energy consunıption is one of the nıose inıportant driving forces behind econonıic clevelopment. Econoınic developnıem of countries is directly related to tlıeir developnıent in tlıe energy area." 64 ENERJi DÜNYASI EYL0L200B The new Bylaw for Environmental lmpacı Assessınent --------46 In line witlı arricle 2 of ehe new ÇED Bylaw; relevant Bylaw provisions will be applicable for the projects subnıitted to the Governoı:'s Of/ice or tlıe :tvlinistry before 17.07.2008 which was tlıe release clate and for tlıe Environnıental Inıpace J\ssessnıent Reports subnıieted to tlıe :tvlinistry. Unless "ÇED Positive" or "ÇED Unnecessary" decision is made for projects subject to ÇED Bylaw, no incentive, approval, pernı.ission or building or usage license wilJ be given to these projeces. The new ÇED Bylaw announced in ehe of/icial newspaper dated 17.07.2008 ancl ehe old ÇED Bylaw announced in tlıe official newspaper dated '16.12.2003, have been conıpared in ternıs of their scope and application for tlıe energy sector. Interview Energy Efficiency Pays ------------------------------------------------48 \Y/e talked with Soren Kı:use -Turkey Representative of Aaalborg Induseries. Soren Kruse says, "I anı proucl to say thae, uncil now, we have sold nıore tlıan 80 boilers to Turkish market and we did not fail in a single performance test''. Pro-Per aims to give cornplete service ıo power plants----------52 \Y/e talked with Gönen Özuysal-The General Manager of Pro-Per. Gönen Özuysal, who workecl in conıpanies owned by GE, established Pro-Per witlı two oeher partners in 2007. Özuysal stated tlıat, in addition to nıounting and maimenance services, tlıey would also be rendering managenıent services and said "\Ve are the right company tlıat provides these services to tlıe power plants witlı its experienced personnel in a professional nıanner". Article The notion of fortification in light of globalization and liberalization in the energy sector Part 2---------------------------56 \Y/e had previously published on our page 63, tlıe lirse pare of ehe article tlıat was presented as an announcement during the 14,h ICCI Incernational Energy and Environment conference. Iıı tlıe second part of this article which we will be publishing in tlı.is issue, tlıe main topics are tlıe liberalization process in ehe European energy market and Mediterranean U,ı.ion Project.