Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 67. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2009)

AS UNIQUE AS THE LOCATIONS WE SUPPLY ENERGY TO: MTU ONSITE ENERGY SYSTEMS. Unique requirements deserl'e unique solutions. That's wh> \Hu Onsite Energy ı,ıas born - coml.ıining the strength and power of Katolight, \lDF Dezeııtrale Eııergiesysteme, CFC Solutioııs and \ITlJ Pm,er Generation \ITL Onsite Energ� is the first compan� for distributed energ} of its kind, offering diesel and gas engine pcmer systems as ,,eli as state-of·the-art fuel celi technology. The Eiffel Tower slıowcases lıow we pro, ide intliı iclualizecl solutions. ansi�e energg