Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 67. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2009)

Summaries Editorial New Developments in Our Energy World -------------2 • New electricity prices and natura! gas price reduction especially stimulate the natura! gas fired power plants TEDAS's electriciı:y price which has been kepe conscanr since lasc five years, could not scay at ehe level of 11, 8 kr/hvh and it has been risen co 14, 2 kr/kwh. Price increase of %22 has stiınulaced ehe power investınents. Given discount of %18 on ehe natura! gas prices ar ehe beginning of this year was also very good for ehe natural gas fired power plants. • Nuclear power plant tender could not be managed well In Turkey, !ast nuclear power planr tender was ehe fourch tender which I have been wimessed. First one was in 1978, second one was l 985-86, ehird one was in 1997 and fourth one was in 2008.In other words, Turkey has not been able co award any single nuclear power plant for 30 years period. le hasn't been seen anywhere in ehe world ebat awarcling a nuclear power planr wh.ich is an extremely cechnical, technological and stracegic facility, wieh only one offer. • it is necessary to clarify the incentives Energy invescmencs incentive law came co ehe TBivilvI and it is expecred co be accepced in these days. As taking into consideration ehe importance of ehe subject we'd like ehe express ebat whac we understand from ehe incentives: • How much will be ehe tax reduction? • Depending on the energy sources what will be the investmenc supporc on kw capacicy basis and production support on kwh produced eleccriciı:y basis? What will be ehe duration of incentives? Or in oeher words, what will be the amounr of incentives on yearly basis? • Expectation of IMF agreement and package against crisis In Turkey, impact of the crisis in our socioeconomic life is increasing. How ehe growing loss of industry or people's will be compensaced by underestimating ehe crisis or not sufficient evaluating it on time? Including Energy investınents, industry needs aid now. • TETAS's debts to the electricity producers reached to non-affordable level Aucoproducers or eleccricity producers could not get ehe money of eleccricity ehat chey have sold co TETAS. Payments are coming from 3-4 monehs behind and electricity producers could not afford th.is sicuation. Actual ICCI - The Most Successful and Profound International Energy Organization of Turkey--------18 15th Incernational Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference (ICCI®), will be held at lstanbul WOW Convention Cencer on 13-14-15 May 2009, wieh the main eheme of "Energy 64 ENERJi DÜNYASI OCAK- ŞUBAT2009 Supply Security, Energy Efficiency, and Sustainable Energy and Environmencal Policies as pare of ehe Globalization Process". EIE came up with the Energy Efficiency Profile of Turkey--------------------------------------------20 The resuJcs of the srndy titled "Energy Efficiency Awareness of Turkey", have been announced during tl1e press meeting held at Electricity Works AdıTtinistration (EIE). The scudy titled "Energy Efficiency Awareness of Turkey", realized by GfK Turkey, as pare of tl1e enverlPAB Project undertaken on behalf of EIE, wieh financial support from tl1e European Union, aims to determine the approach of consumers in Turkey towards energy savings as well as ehe precautions tl1ey take. The results of ehe study also shade light co ehe urgent precautions to be taken by our councry wieh regard co energy savings. Demand for Energy to increase by 45% until 2030 -----------------------------------------------24 The Presentation of World Energy Outlook Repon for year 2008, was made during a meeting hosted by Enerjisa. The opening speech for ehe presentation was made by Sabancı Holding's CEO Ahmet Dördüncü and Undersecretariat of ehe iVIinistry of Energy and Natura! Resources Selahactin Çimen. File National Energy Effıciency Forum has been held ------------------------------------------------30 As part of ehe National Energy Efficiency Initiative, 1 st National Energy Efficiency Forum has been held at Istanbul WOW Convention Center on 15-16 January 2009. Around 2000 guests participated in ehe forum ehat was organized by EIE. Among the leacling participants of ehe forum were; Minister of Energy and Natura] Resources Dr. M. Hilmi Güler, Minister of Public Works Faruk Nafız Ozak, TUBITAK's president lükhet Yetiş, TBivilvI Industry, Commerce, Energy, Natura! Resources, Information and Technology Commission Chairman Dr. Soner Aksoy, parliament members, representatives of foreign councries, representatives of public and private sector companies and ı GOs and academicians. Article Magnetic Technology for Speed Control---------------61 Low profit margins that are widely adopted under tl1e chalJenging economic conclitions of today, motivate ilie managers co find innovative metl10ds to decrease costs. In ehe face of constantly increasing energy coscs, decreasing consumption is clearly the most important priority. At tl1e same time, factors like increasing ehe sensitivity and efficiency during process control of ali induscrial equipments used, and decreasing tl1e maintenance and renewaJ costs of ehe equipment during its life-eyde, have gained more importance.