Summaries Editorial Incentives In Power Investments May Stop The Electricity Purchase Of TETAS------------------------------------------- 4 Breaking news of the newspapers : Electricity producers offered very h.igh prices for the TETAS's electriciı:y purchasing tender. Tender evaluation committee is shocked with the submitted prices which are up to 25,94 kr/kwh for renewables and up to 28,8 kr/ kwh for thermal production. Why offered prices are very high:ı Because, the duration of dıe power purchasing contract is too long. The Electricity Producers (private) do not take over dıe risk in such a long period, to be in safer side, mey offer high prices. WHAT CAN WE DO? In mat situation, eimer TETAS will open a new tender widı a shorter purchasing period, or, TETAS purchases electricity from free electricity market which is operated by TEIAS. According to our assesment, me best way is to increase dıe feed-in tariffs for renewables, and cogenerated electricity up to european level. This ıneasure would eliıninate the uncertainiı:y in me investment environınent. Referring to dıe given eable below , dıe feed-in tariffs for me renewable energy production, it is lowest in Turkey, compared to ehe prices in dıe reference european countries. lf Governrnent could increase the feed-in tariffs, ali renewables and cogenerated electriciı:y investmenrs will be fully encouragcd. Thus, TETAS will never need to open a new tender for purchasing me electricity. Feed-in Tariffs in The Reference Countries in f/kWh Wind PV Hydro Biogas CHP Austria 0,072 0,442 0,163 Czech Republic 0,083 0,445 France 0,079 0,535 0,053 0,086 0,061 -0,091 Germany 2008 0,077 0,449 0,071 0, 104 0,01 5 (Bonus for >50kW) 0,05 (Bonus for <50 kW) Portugal 0,076 0,079 Spain (2007 RD) 0,073 0,437 0,130 Turkey 0,055 0,055 Actual At Its ıs•h Year, Again ICCI----------------------------------- 20 Countdown is starting for ehe Most Successful, Most Reliable and me Most Essential International Energy Organization ICCI® in Turkey . . . . 15'" International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference (ICCT®) will take place in WOW Convention Center located in Istanbul wiehin the dates of 13-15 May 2009 under me 641ENERJi DÜNYASI MART2009 tide of "Energy Supply Reliability , Energy Sufficiency and Sustainable Energy and Enviroıunent Policies in the Process of Globalization". İlhami Özşahin: We gave a positive connection opinion to 12.369MW Wind Station Application------------------28 Network connection probleıns of wind and sun stations which will be connected to National Neı:work were discussed in a workshop and a panel organized by Middle East Technical University (METU) Aluınni Association. Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources, EPDK, TEIAŞ, Wind and Sun Energy Associations, Renewable Energy Consultancy Cornpanies were attended to workshop ehat took place in : ıvIETU Alurnni Association Vişnelik Amenity. In dıis workshop, network connection problems of wind and sun stations and actions mat should be taken for troubleshooting were discussed profoundly beı:ween attendanı:s in eechnical terms. TAEK's Nuclear Power Station Regulation is Effective--------------------------------------------------------30 "Regulation on Nuclear Power Sı:ation Area" of Turkey Atom Energy Institution has came into force dırough publishing in Official Gazette. According to Regulation, influences of excernal events mat can be take place naturally or mrough man related factors in suggesı:ed area, area and location characteristics mat can affect me transmission of radioactive materials froın sı:ation to individuals or environmenı:, information about population densiı:y and distribution that can influence me feasibiliı:y of emergency measures will be take into consideration while evaluating me suitabiliı:y of a location as a nuclear power station area. İnterview RES Investments should be Led Up---------------------58 We talked abouc their activities and energy sector in Turkey wim Fahrettin Tanınmış who is me Board Chairman of Sena Energy ve Sena Construction Companies. Substructure of Network shoul d be constructed in compliance with lntelligent Networks-------------------61 We calked abouı: neı:work connection problem of wind and sun stations with Nevzat Şahin who is me Member of METU MD Energy Comınission. Şahin reminded thaı: only me production sı:ation connection depending on wind energy that was established at the maxiınuın 5% power of connection poinc shorı: circuit power was perrnitted and he added dıat if wind scation is found as appropriate by TEJAŞ as a result of static and dynamic systeın etudes for ehe poinı: mat wind station would be connecced ı:o transmission sysceın, production station connection based on wind energy widı a maximum power of 10% of system shorı:cuı: circuiı: power should be permitted.