Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 69. Sayı (Nisan 2009)

Summaries Editorial ------------------------------------------------------ 2 •WELCOME MR.YILDIZ •WE WON'T FORGET YOU DR.GÜLER Expected revision at the Cabinet after the election of 29 of ı\farch realized !ast week. As because, Energy and Natura! Resources Ministry is the most related ı\Iinistry wirh the Energy World and Cogeneration, becoming the ı\linister of ı\Ir. Taner Yıldız is relieved us. Mr Taner Yıldız is an energy expert ancl very well known by Energy Worlcl. He has supported Cogencration applications for years. \Y/e will also not forgct Dr.Hilmi Güler ancl rcmenıber hinı with his contribution to the legal infrasrructure of Energy Efficiency ancl Renewable Energy Resources. Roses Flowerecl at Natura] Gas Botaş has announcecl discount on the natura! gas prices on 1 st May, 2009, as seconcl time in its history. Discount rate was too high than expectecl. As Türkiye Cogen Association, in the speeches ancl articles we have told the clanıages of rising trenci of the natura! gas prices on our national economy since the first rise done which was on 1st of J uly,2004. . Natura! Gas Prices Are Reduced But Is There Any Gas Around? lt is obvious that this price will be specl up the facilities which are natura] gas fireci. At the point of where thc natura! gas will be suppliecl, after thc nıagnificent progress at ehe South Streanı Project which conıes from Russia and crosses the Black Sea than reaches to Trieste and Vienna, Nabucco Project will lose irs inıportance. Jf we can substitute the 6 BCM Gas of Russian Transbalkan Line which contract will be enci at 2011, with Iraqi natura! gas ancl if we can also realize the sccond Blue Stream Project, we won't have any shortages of the natura! gas supply for next 15 years. ıccı 2009 World's Energy Solutions are at ICCI ---------------22 ICC, the most well-known and sustainable İnternational event of Turkey, is to be held at WOW Convention Center between l\fay 13th-15th for the 15th time this year. The main theme of the exhibition is renewable energy which is seen as the most important alternative to oil and natura! gas which are climinishing rapidly. The exhibition will draw attention ro the importance of wind, solar and geothermal energy for Turkey and as part of ehe event, ehe audience will be informed about how a trash dump can illuıninace a cit)' by mearıs of energy produced from waste. lCC attracts the attention of foreign investors most of whom are from China and lndia and there is consensus that ICCl will host new partnerships in the area of energy. Actual Energy Efficiency is this in the agenda with "Energy Scouts" -----------------------------------------28 E VER Children's Festival was held for the first time this year with support from former l\Iiniscer of Education Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Çelik and under ehe leadership of former ı\Iinister of Energy and Natura! Resources Dr. Hilmi Güler, with the aim of increasing energy efficiency in children who are Turkey's future. An lnternational Natural Gas Symposium from İGDAŞ-------------------------------38 The Presentation of World Energy Outlook Report for year 2008, was made during a meeting hosted by Enerjisa. The opcning speech for the presentation was made by Sabancı H.olding's CEO Ahmer Dördüncü and Undcrsecrecariat of the Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources Selahattin Çimen. Interview Enerjisa aims to become the Leading Electricity Production Company of Turkey -----------------------40 We talked with Sabancı Holding Energy Group Prcsident Selahattin Hakman about their activities in the energy sector. 1-lakman said "As Enerjisa, with the goal of becoming rhe leader clectricity producer of Turkcy, we plan to reach a minimum of 5000 M\XI of eleccricity generation capacity and a minimum of 10% market share." Turkey will become one of Europe's Leading Wind Turbine markets -----------------------------------46 \Xle talked with Suzlon's Turkey representative Ediz Elhadef about Suzlon and their activities in Turkey. Elhadef said "Suzlon is carrying out a rigorous investment program to achieve integration in order to maintain company's growth trend which among tl1e most important goals of the company and to maintain its high production capacit:y. İGDAŞ's Priority is Safe Natural Gas Usage---------48 We talked with İGDAŞ's General Manager Bilal Aslan about İGDAŞ's current status, its campaigns and company's projeccs for the coming term. Aslan sars "İGDAŞ, as ehe leader of firsts in the natura! gas secror, will continue to act with the awareness of ehe responsibility brought about by sectoral leaclership". ENERJi DÜNYASI NISAN2009 87