LOGSTOR ROR A/S, DENMARK / AREA SALES MANAGER DISTRICT HEATING DISTRIHUTION SYSTEMS BÖLGESEL ISITMA DAĞITIM SİSTEMLERİ ÖNYALITIMLI BORU SİSTEMLERİ KULLANMAN iN UZUN VADEDEKİ FAYDALAR! Long-term Benefits from Using Modern Pre-insulated Pipe Systems Bu makale bölgesel ısıtma dağıtım sistemlerinin, gözenekli beton veya mineral yün ile yalıtılmı ş klasik boru sistemlerinden, poliüretan köpük ve polietilen ceketli boru ile yalıtılmış modern ön yalıtımlı borulara kadar olan gelişimini sunmaktadır. Ön yalıtımlı boru sistemlerindeki ısı kaybının klasik sistemlerdekinden yaklaşık %30 daha düşük olduğunu gösteren bir kıyaslama çal ışması yapılmıştır. Daha da ötesi, klasik sistemlerin yalıtım özellikleri zamanla önemli oranda bozulurken, ön-yalıtımlı boruların yalıtım özellikleri anlaşılamayacak oranda değişebilir. Son olarak, ön-yalıtımlı boru sistemlerinin bazı güvenlik yönleri ele alınmaktadır. This article presents an introduction to the development of district heating distribution systems from the traditional pipe systems insulated with cel/u/ar concrete or mineral wool to modern pre-insulated pipes with insu/ation material of polyurethane foam and polyethy/ene jacket pipe. A comparison is made of the heat loss of the different systems, showing that the heat loss ofpre-insulated pipe systems is approximately 30% lower than in traditional systems. Furthermore, the insulation properties of the traditional systems are deteriorating drastically over the lifetime of the pipes, while the insulation properties of the pre-insulated pipes only changes vaguely Final/y, some safety aspects for pre-insulated pipe systems are discussed. lnitially, the company L0gst0r Ror AIS is presented. Short Presentation of L0gst0r R0r A/S More !han 40 years ago, the Danish company L0gst0r R0r A/S produced the world's first pre-insulated district heating pipes. L0gst0r R0r has since refined !hat well-known pipe system with steel carrier pipes, so !hat it now ranks amongst the most widely used systems throughout Europe. Today, we are also market leaders in pre-insulated flexible pipe systems with copper or PEX carrier pipes. Our total product range is both broad and flexible - and always 38 1 ECOGENERATION WORLD LlgstlrR lrA ,.S P roducer ofpre-.i1su h.ted pt,es and fitt:hgs lor: D:Btıi::tHeathg hdust,y Oil& Gas Maı::iıe Established rı 1960 Subsi:ll:lzy com panEs and dea�IS İl m ore than 30 countt:es Exports to m ore than 35 countr::es 81% oftı.ıınovergoes to export /// Logstor Ror Figure 1: Lı,gst0r R0r Company Presentation manufactured in accordance with the highest quality standards. Carrier pipes are made from various materials to suit requirements. The pipes are available in dimensions up to 813/1000 mm in diameter; in addition, our product range comprises ali necessary fittings as well as tools and accessories. Our joint programme includes the double-sealed types of joint with insulated half shells and joints for foaming on site. The company's quality management system has been certified according to ISO 9001. On the basis of its longstanding experience and intensive development record, today's L0gst0r R0r can supply environmentally correct systems for the district heating sector as well as customized systems for many other purposes. Back in the early 1990's we developed continuously produced pipes. The technical characteristics of these pipes, such as insulating properties, have been optimized, at the same time making them more eco-friendly and economizing on resources. Besides our product range for district heating, we have an extensive product programme for pre-insulated pipes for industrial purposes. The typical target groups for industrial pipes are the food industry, the offshore and onshore oil trade, as well