Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 7. Sayı (Kasım - Aralık 2001) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

LOGSTOR ROR A/S, DENMARK / AREASALES MANAGER Cogeııeratüın, -Wasu rt!C(JVJ!ı'9J �.,qJZ6ks & (i)ıp.siu (Jµıeı'atww Long Servx:e L:ifu -Prerequ:isit:es NO NTERNAL OR EXTERNAL W ATER PENETRATDN NTO THE SYSTEM Extemalw aterpeneoatbn O ne systerrı on� Doub:a sealng j:;ıritn Joiltn tbr pres!::ure testiıg J-ıtemalı-ı aterpeneoatbn JıtEınalcotı'Osx:ın ofsteelpipe -w atnrtre.:ıtm ent Con:octsystem lavout // / Logstor Ror Figure 6: Service Life Prerequisites Pre-insulated pipes are produced according to the European Norm EN253. This norm states that the pipe assembly, for normal applications, should have a life of at least 30 years at a continuous operating temperature of 120°C. 50 years at a continuous operating temperature of 115°C and over 50 years at a continuous operating temperature below 115°C [5]. However, !here are some prerequisites for the lifetime of the pipes. External and internal water penetration into the systems should be avoided. The external water penetralion is avoided by using one system only with watertight polyethylene jacket pipes. Safe joints ensuring no humidity in pipe assemblies. lnternal water penetration is avoided by means ofa correct system layout and a high water quality in the pipe system. Safety in a Modern Pre-insulated Pipe System Failire Type S tatisti:s Pı:e-insulı.lEd P:pe SyslEm s 1 1% ... '"' 29 °.4 ■Jolntı ■stcıoı Pipe Lcıak Ootoctlon PE/PU R OthıH // / logstor Ror Figure 7: Damage Statistics [6] in addition to energy savings, reliability and safety are important aspects in a pipe system. Looking at the damage statistics ofa pre-insulated pipe system, it is obvious !hat the assembly welding and the joint fitting account for a large majority of the damages. it is therefore necessary to concentrate on the weak link of the pipe system, i.e. the joints where the pipes are assembled. There are many ways to insulate and seal pipe joints. Two basic concepts are very important. The double sealed joint with insulation halfshells and the joints for pressure testing/foaming. Figure 8: BX Joint BX Jo:int DoubJe Sealing Productbenefits Doubh sca::ed lltEgı::ared ı::ealiıg m aterill Cross-lhked PE m atm:ah Pıef::ıbti:ated PUR hsub.tbn shelb SyslEm benefits Securtv dnoughout the t!etin e ofthe com pl?ıe Easy, qu:i::k and sale :i'ıst:ıilıt:bn • Low n!:>tı:ılbti:m conts /il/ ogr.tor Ror Doub/e Sea/ed Joints with lnsu/ation Halfshe/1s Double sealed joints are insulated by means of pre-fabricated polyuretane insulation half-shells. The joints are sealed by means ofa shrink film as the first sealing and a shrink sleeve made of cross-linked polyethylene which is expanded to the required shape and coated internally with an adhesive and a sealing mastic layer as the second sealing. When heated with a gas torch, the sleeve shrinks around the jacket pipe. Figure 9: SX Joint Joints for pressure testing are sx Jont Pressure Testing Productbenefits lHCgrated sealiıg m aterial • Cross-liıkcd PE m atnri3ls • Pressure testiıg afier iısıalht:bn Foarn iıg on sim Double sealiıg ofJoam hobs SyslEm benefits Secunty throughoutthe Jifeti:n e ofthe com phtc system Easy, qui::k and safi;? hsın.Ihti:>n Low iıstallıti:ın costs // / logstor Ror insulated by means of polyuretane foam, which is injected into the sleeve. The sleeve is made of cross-linked polyethylene and is expanded in both ends. Consequently, only the ends shrink when heated with a gas torch. After mounting of the joint, prior to the foaming, the joint can be pressure tested in order to check the tightness before it is insulated to assure that a proper shrinkage has been achieved. in addition to the measures for keeping the pre-insulated pipe system tight, the reliability of the installed pipe system is controlled by an alarm system for detecting moisture in the insulation. The major European manufacturers of district heating pipes have selected a standardized solution supplied by EMS - European Monitoring System. The EMS surveillance system is intended for pre-insulated pipes and makes constant surveillance of the pipe network possible. The surveillance system does not prevent corrosion, but il indicates the presence ECOGENERmON WORLD 41