Co9eneraı.i-on, Wasü r«.(JVNfj, �ıd.ıwfes & OıP-siU (jeneratiPIJlı Solar Thermal Power - The Hybrid Option Solar thermal power is likely ta provide a major share of the renewable energy needed in the future. The artiele gives a general overview of solar thermal power teehnologies, and of the integration of these teehnologies into eonventional gas and steam eye/es. GÜNEŞ ENERJİLİ ELEKTRİ K ÜRETİ Mİ Hibrit Seçeneği Güneş enerjili ısıtma sistemlerinin büyük enerji firmaları tarafından ciddi şekilde ele alındığı hakkında ciddi belirtiler gözükmeye başladı. Dünya Çevre Birliği'ne bağlı ve Dünya Bankası tarafından yönetilen Sanayileşmiş Milletler Çevre Fonu, fosil yakıtlı güç santrallerine kıyasla güneş enerjisinin yüksek maliyetlerini yaklaşık 50 milyon $'Iık bir ödenek ile karşılama konusundaki niyetini açıkladı. Mısır, Hindistan, Meksika ve Fas gelecek yıl içinde entegre güneş enerjili kombine çevrim santralleri kurmayı planlıyor. lspanya'da Güneş enerjili güç santralleri için yaklaşık 16 eurocentlik ilave bir ödeme yapılması önümüzdeki aylarda karar verilme yolundadır. Bazı projeler başlangıç aşamasında olup sadece onay beklemektedir. Kilit oyuncuların geleceğin temiz enerji seçeneği olarak güneş enerjisine olan ilgileri açıktır. Kaynak: Cogeneration and On-Site Generation There are signs that solar thermal energy is being laken seriously by large energy companies. The Global Environment Facility (GEF), the industrial nations' environmental fund that is administrated by the World Bank, has declared its willingness to pay the incremental costs tor solar as compared to conventional tossil fuel power planı, with a grant of about US$50 million. Egypt, lndia, Mexico and Morocco plan to install integrated solar combined cycle plants within the next year. in Spain, an increased electricity payment of about 16 Eurocents tor solar thermal trough power plants is on the way to being decided in the coming months. Some projects are only awaiting the decision on this betore they go ahead. The key players' interest in solar thermal energy as a future clean power option is clear. Solar thermal power generation Solar radiation is the largest renewable resource on earth. lf approximately 1 % of the world's desert area were covered by solar thermal power plants, sufficient energy would be generated to supply the world's entire electricity demand tor the year 2000. As this energy source is more evenly distributed in the sun belt of the world than wind or biomass, more sites are possible. it is one of the most cost-effective renewable power technologies, with present power generation costs of US? 15220/kWh and long-term cost of US?5-10/kWh. it is also the lowest cost solar electricity available, promising cost competitiveness with fossil fuel plants in the future. it is a provan and well-demonstrated technology. Over 100 years of accumulated operating experience demonstrate the soundness of the concept, with nine solar thermal power plants of the parabolic trough-type feeding over 9 million kWh of solar-based electricity into the Calitornian grid. it is now ready tor a more widespread application if a mora intensified market penetralion is started immediately. An accelerated application will lead to further innovation and cost reductions to meet the challenge of compelitive conditions in the coming century. The technologies Ali the concentrating solar thermal power technologies rely on tour basic, key elements: concentrator, receiver, transport-storage, and power conversion. The concentrator captures and concentrates solar radiation, which is then delivered to the receiver. The receiver absorbs the concentrated sunlight, transferring its heat energy to a working fluid. The transport-storage system passes the fluid from the receiver to the power-conversion system; in some solar thermal power plants a portion of the thermal energy is stored tor later use. As conversion systems tor these plants, Rankine, Brayton, Combined, or Stirling cycles have been demonstrated successfully, and two emerging solar thermal power generation concepts are discussed further here: The parabolic through or solar farm consists of long parallel rows of identical concentrator modules, typically using through-shaped glass mirrors. Tracking the sun from East to West by rotation on one axis, the trough collector concentrates the direct solar radiation onto an absorber pipe located along its tocal line. A heat-transfer fluid (HTF), typically oil at temperatures up to 400°C, or even water up to 520°C, is ECOGENERATION WORLD