Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 7. Sayı (Kasım - Aralık 2001) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

common method takes the ratio of solar heat to the total amount of heat used. Sthermal °-solar Q Solar + Q Fossil More comprehensive is the ratio of solar exergy to the total amount of exergy, but the lower exergy of solar heat (in comparison to fossil fuel heat) means that this normally results in lower solar shares. 5exergetic Esoıar Esoıar + EFossil A more important value is the efficiency of conversion of solar energy into electricity. in hybrid plants, the integration of heat causes many cross effects, so that the easiest measure of this is to compare a hybrid with a 100% fossil-driven plant that uses the same amount of fuel. The surplus of electricity produced is then 100% renewable energy, so that the conversion efficiency is nconversion = p Hybrid - p Reference Esoıar + EFossil Actual values of solar electric generating systems are around 1 5-18%, with mid-term goals of 25-30%. Simulation of hybrid plant The technical and economic analysis of renewable power projects is essential to minimize the technical and financial risks while planning. A powerful simulation tool is necessary tor such an analysis, e.g. the greenius software developed at the DLR. With adequate input of parameters, including solar irradiation, grid demand and operation strategy, and such software delivers valuable results. Conclusion The amount of renewable electricity generation must increase significantly to achieve effective climate protection. However, solar energy has the highest potential. Solar thermal power plants using only 1% of the Sahara desert could meet the whole electricity demand of the world at the lowest possible solar electricity costs. The possibility of integrating solar power into conventional power systems eases the transition to a fully renewable electricity supply, giving the possibility of green repowering of existing fossil fuel fired plants. There are numerous technical variations of solar thermal power. With the further development of !his technology, much higher efficiencies and costs that are comparative to conventional power plants can be expected. As a resul!, solar thermal power will be an important step up the ladder to a sustainable electricity supply. Source: Cogeneration and On-site Generation nD �1j'JJlJjl 1n1nu1 ��1�tJJ1�J SEtMEKTE KENDİNİZİ ÖZGÜR HİSSEDİN Gaz türbini ile değişken çalışma şartlarına kolayca uyum sağlayın. O,SMW'tan başlayan kapasitelerdeki Volvo Aero kojenerasyon santralları ile yakıtı en uygun şekilde kullanarak enerjinizi verimli üretin, maliyetinizi önemli ölçüde azaltın. Enerji ihtiyacınız için lütfen bizimle görüşün...