Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 70. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 2009)

AS UNIQUE AS THE LOCATIONS WE SUPPLY ENERGY TO: MTU ONSITE ENERGY SYSTEMS. Unique requircnıenls cleserve unique soluıions. Tlıat's wlıy l\lTU Onsite Energy was born - conıbining the strength ancl power of Katolight, MDI: Dezenırale Energiesysteıne, CFC Solutions ancı ı\lTU Po\\"erCencration. MTU Onsite Energy is tlıe first conıpaııy for clistribuıed energy of its kinci, off"eriııg cliesel ancl gas engine power systems as ıvell as state-of-tlıe-art fuel celi teclıııology. Tlıe Eilfel Toııer showcases hoıı· ıve provide incliviclualized solutions. ansi�e energg