Summaries Editorial ------------------------------------------------------ 2 • Reduction in Natural Gas Prices and Incentives For Renewables Reduction in Gas Prices Nowadays, things happening in our energy wotld, are coo good to be true. Is it a dream, what we see or somebodies are awakened from a very deep sleep. First, the nomination of ehe new Energ)' :ı\ılinister is like a dream in our energy world. Second is the unexpected reduction in gas prices. I have been wricingin the magazines and speaking in ehe conferences since 2004, against skır high gas prices. Because, gas prices were triplled in !ast 4 years. Gas price was increased from 16 cent/m' (2004) to 52 uscent/m' (2008). Throughout 4 years, I have repeated that, high gas prices will destrO)' mır energ)' world, will fire our industry and will make crazy our cicizens. Nobody listened to me. I was not writing any longer about gas prices. \Xlhen I scopped wricing, this was the end of !ast ırear, first reduccion in gas price was made (%22). Six months after, another reduction has been put into operation (1st may,2009). Of course, we were so mudı happy. But it musc be sustainable. If Botas reduces gas price today and increases comorro,v, it loses ics reliability , since priceincrease creates very big reaccion in public opinion, Botas should find and develope an authomaticly adjuscing system. That is, as it is in oil prices, price must be adjusted, in line of european gas market. Reference gas price might be Zeebrudgee price. New Incentives and Document of Strategy \Xlhen the draft law, promocing renewable energ)' use was submitted to General Assembly, we were verır happy. Because, first cirne in ehe history of energy legislation, such encouraging law (draft) was in tlıe Turkislı Parliament. The price level of feed-in tariffs were not perfect but satisfactory. \Xlith tlıese prices, tlıe supply of electricity could reach to tlıe targets detemıined by tlıe "OOCUMENT OF STRATEGY" wlıich was issued recently b)' Nlinistry of Energy. But, 3 days ago, we have beeninformed that, tlıe discussion in General Assembly were stopped,because, Nlinister of Economy has assessed tlıe new feed-in tariffs (in tlıe draft) are very lıigh. These tariffs, according to his assessment, are not affordable by Turkish Treasury. The second reason, bonus !eve! foreseen in tlıe draft to promoce local manufacturing doesn't comply with incernational competition act. \Xle should state tlıat, tlıis one sided intervention, may stop developments in the investmeııc world. If tlıis incervencion is not be withdrawn or new correccive measures are not be taken intime, I anı afraid, tlıis intervention co tlıe energy legislation may create distrusc to the government and consequentl)' , tlıe supply security of electricity nıight be endangered in tlıe next years. Actual The Energy Sector was Alive at ICCI ----------------------26 The first carbon neucral convention and conference of Turkey, ICCI 2009, was held in \XIO\XI Convention Center. ICCI is ehe most established interııational energy event of Turkey and it was held for tlıe 15th time in \X/0\XI Convention Center. The main theme of ICCI 2009 was "Energy Supply Securit:y, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Energy and Environment Policies in the Process of Globalizacion". ICCI 2009 is the oııly platform where batlı conference and convcncion activities are realized simultaneously. Iıı tlıis event, essencial investmeııts which should be completed over the next 15 years were pointed out and a road map for these investmeııts was laid out. INGAS 2009 -The 3rd International Natural Gas Symposiwn was Held-----------------------------------------46 INGAS 2009 -The 3rd Interııational Natura] Gas Symposium, wlıich is organized by IGDAS once every rwo years co bring togetlıer the interııacional ııanıral gas sector, was hele! berween June 9-10, 2009. Taner Yıldız, Nlinister of Energy and Natura! Resources, Hüseyin Eren, General Secretary of Istanbul Municipality, Hüseyin Karataş, Board Member of the Energy Market Regulacory Authority, and Mehmet Kazancı, President of Natura! Gas Distributors Associacion (GAZBIR), participated in the symposium. Iıı addicion co the promineııt players of tl1e sector such as BOTAS and TPAO, the leading institutions of the seccor, gas distribution companies, universities and non-goverıımental orgaııizations from fourteen differeııt councries were also preseııt in the symposium. Amendment in the Electricity Market License Regulation-------------------------------------------56 Electricity Market Regulatory Autlıority made some amendmencs in the Electricity Market Uceııse Regulacion. According to tlıis amendment, registered share certificates will not be a requiremeııt in the liceııse applications for auto production. The Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) re-deternıined the ternıs for tlıe transfer of righcs and liabilities of legal entities that made an application for production or auto production license and rnade it possible for corporations without registered share certificates co get a license with the approval of EMRA provided that tlıey make the necessary amendmeııt in their articles of association. According to tlıe regulacion, registered share certificates will not be a prerequisite in the applications for auto production license. Interview Assessment of the Current Situation in Energy--------66 \Xle discussed the cırreııt status of our country with respect to renewable energy with Metin Atamer, President of RESIAD. Atanıer said "Law No. 5346 does not sacisfy our needs completely. However, we believe tlıat it is a positive step co address thc issue of renewable energy witlıin tlıe contexc of legislation."