Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 71. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2009)

AS UNIQUE AS THE LOCATIONS WE SUPPLY ENERGY TO: MTU ONSITE ENERGY SYSTEMS. Lnique requirenıents deservc unique solutions. That's \ı hy I\ITU Onsite Energy ıvas borıı - comhining tlıe srrengılı and poııer of Katolight, i\lDE De1.entrale Energiesysteme, CFC Solutions and MTU 1\mer Generation. .\ITU Oıısirc Energ'y is tlıe l'irst coınpany for distributed energy of its kinci. offering diesel and gas engine poıver systems as ııell as state-of-tlıe-art fuel celi technology. The Eiffel Toııer sho,ıcases hoıı ııe proı ide individualized solutions. ansi�e energg