Summaries Etli torial ------------------------------------------------------2 IS iT FAIR TO KEEP NABUCCO "iN" AND INCENTIVES "OUT"? WELCOME TO NABUCCO 13.07.2006, became one of ehe hiscorical days. Because İt is kick-off day of Nabucco gas pipe Line. Geographical sinıation of Turkey pushes it to be a transit country berween gas rich countries with gas consuming countries. Turkey's Prime lvlinisrer Erdogan did not miss this oppornıniı:y which was offered by God, and played a leading role in developing such huge Projecr. Nabucco pipe Line does not transport only gas ro Europe, it is also giving responsibilities to parmers ro remain friend forever with Turkey. All these facrors arc extremely good and decorating ehe window in an excellent manner. But, Which gas is to be transported? • Azerbaijan pcoduces only 7 Bcm gas as of wday. It deLivers 4 Bcm of it ro Turkey. The rest is used in domestic market. Azerbaijan is planning ro produce 15 Bcm in 2015 where Nabucco will be opened ro operation. 7 Bcm of it will be deLivered co Turkey, 6 Bcm ro Russia. The rest is not sufficienr even ro meet irs domestic consumption. Iran has never fulfilled irs obligation to provide 10 Bcm gas up ro now. Furthermore, USA does nor allow Iran gas co be given to Nabucco pipe line. Only countr)' which can fullfill irs obligation, in respect of gas supply t0 abucco, is Iraq. Gas reserves in Iraq is huge, gas exploration activicies have already scarred. \Y/e beLieve ebat, Iraq can easily increase irs gas production to 1O Bcm up t0 year 2015. Indigenous gas production in Syria is not self sufficient. It is waiting more gas from Egypt-Turkey gas pipe line. Egypr's l1Uge reserves as well as increasing gas production are going well. Only missing thing is, ehe under Mediterranian pipe Line. Nobody knows when this l1Uge Project is co be completed. T urkmenisran gas reserves are over 3 tem bm almost 60 Bcm gas production is aUocated to Russia (Gazprom) \\nth 25 years concracr. For the time being, Turkmenisran has no gas ro be solcl. New explorations may ereme a new source of gas ro be transporred to ı abucco. But, we need a new pipe line (appr. 2500 km) from gas fields to Nabucco's cie in. Who is going co finance this Project? Is Nabucco Competitor to Russian Gas? Russia is aware that, abucco is planned just co maintain ehe securiry of gas supply to Europe. Russia has been developing new gas pipe Lines just co kil! Nabucco Project. Üne of these projeccs is "Souch Stream" Project. On the other hand, Russia is plugging ali possible gas leakages to Nabucco line. For sure Nabucco is competing with Russian gas as far as gas supply co Europe is concerned. WHY INCENTIVES ARE "OUT"? A new draft law to promore further rhe electriciı:y generation from renewable energy sources, was prepared, discussed and forwarded to General Assembly by ehe Energı' and Technologr Commirree of the Turkish ParLiament. But Babacan who is responsible for Turkey's economy (lVl.inisrer) intervened to the negotiatious in the Turkish ParLiament at !ast ıninute and the Energy Comınittee had co draw it back. We understand thar, the subject Committee will reshape İt and will insist on the incentives. The President of the Commitee (Mr. 64 ENERJi DÜNYASI TEMMUZ-A<lUSTOS 2009 Aksoy) and lvl.inister of Energy (Mr. YilcLiz) both spent the great efforrs on rhe way of enacting. Therefore Turkish Cogen Association Express irs cordial thanks co rhese esreemed Aurhorities for their hare! working. \Y/e believe that, ehe draft law for new incentives will be included again in ehe Agenda of the General Assembly and will be enacted in the new ParLiamentary season .. Actual Project of the Century Was Signed ---------------------------------18 "Intergovernmental Agreement" of the Nabucco Pcoject was signed by rhe highest stare representatives of ehe transit countries, which are Turkey, Bulgaria, Rornania, 1-lungary ancl Austria, and by Jose Manuel Barosso, President of ehe European Comınission, in Ankara. Delegations from 18 countries participated in the ceremony of agreernenc, partied by Turkey ancl four more transit countries. The I ncergovernmencal Agreemenc, which is seen a turning point in ehe Nabucco pipeline projecr airning at reducing ehe dependency of European Union to rhe Russian gas, was signed by rhe prime ministers of Turkey, Hungary, Austria and Bulgaria, by the President of Romania and by Jose i\fanuel Barosso, President of ehe European Commission in 13 July. Turkey and Russia Signed 20 Agreements in Many Fields From Customs to Energy ----------------------------------------------------24 Turkey and Russia signed 20 agreements or prorocols in many fields from the builcLing of South Stream narural gas pipeline and Blue Stream II natura! gas pipeline to the extension of ehe exiscing concracr on having nanıral gas from ehe Western line and finally ro ehe pumping oil to the Samsun-Ceyhan crude oil pipeline. Russian Prime, Pucin, IraLian Prime Minister, Berlusconi, and Turkish Prime Minisrer, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, came together in Ankara. Following ehe ttio suınmit, Turkey and Russia signed 20 agreements. A munıal accord abour ehe petroleum shipping by Russia to ehe Samsun-Ceyhan pipeline, construcred by ehe Turkish Çalık Group and Italian Eni, was also produced in ehe summir. Berluscon.i was present in ehe cereınony co supporc ehe Italian company. Turkey seemed to back ehe South Stream Project, which has been seen the rival to the Nabucco project, by approving ehe seismic snıdies in ehe Black Sea Being an Energy Bridge is as İmportant as Being the Full Mem ber of the EU --------------------------------------------------------26 Fatih Birol, Chief Economist of the lncernational Energy Agency, assessed the larest clevelopmenrs in the field of energy for Hurriyet. He emphasized ehe irnportance of next five years for Turkey. "\Y/e lately saw various developments in energy, all of wh.ich will affect Turkey significantly in tl1e following four or five clecacles. \Xlhile Russia and Saudi Arabia are ehe leading countties in tl1e produccion of nanıral gas and oil, USA and China are ehe leading countries in their consumption. Turkey can be ehe fifth after these countries with irs "energy transit power" he says. Birol also underlined tl1e big opportunity caught by Turkey. "Nabucco is of great imporrance for the EU as well as Turkey. The South Stream project, which was signed by us wirh Russia, is also of grear in1portance bur tl1ese ı:wo projecrs will be rivals. Turkey could change irs political fare at this point. To Turkey, being a bridge country in energy is as important as being ehe ful! mcmbcr of ehe EU" he says.