Summaries Editorial Energy Does Not Forgive The Relaxation In Turkey, inAuence of global crises has been ehe cause of decrease in ehe total elecrricity consumption around 4,5% in 2008.In ehis year (2009) ,siınilar shrinking in rhe electriciı:y consumption is unavoidable .In cernıin extend, decrease in the electriciı:y consumption ,was discouraging for ehe Energy Investors. As we have already exercised in ehe former crises in Turkey, such a decrease was alwars recoverable in rhe coming years by rhe faster groweh in economy. The Energy Invescor should keep the reality of rurkish economy in rheir mind rhat, energ)' demand is doubled in every decade , so is ehe electriciry consumption. Alehough, ''The Draft of Renewable Energy Incentives" has been withdrawn from ehe Turkish Parliament, 3 monehs ago, we srrongly believe that, ehe new draft of L�w will be sem again to General Assembly and ,ehanks to the extraordinary efforts of ehe Minister of Energy ,as well as the Chairman of Energy Committee, ehe draft law will be enacted through ehe parliament soon. Since 1st Oct.2009 Electriciry Market Balancing And Settlcment Regulation Will Be Put lnto OperationAccording To The Market Participation Agrecment As you know ,tl1e Regulation of "Electriciı:y Market Balancing and Setclemenr" was put into operation on 1st august,2006.TEİAS gained great experience is rhe mean time and prepared a revised regulation on the same subject. This new regulation has been put into operation on 1st july ,2009. In parallel to this operation TEIAS ,EPDK and DELOITTE have joincly prepared the Essentials of ehe Market Participation Agreeınent. The draft of this agreement has been explained to the i\Iarket Operators in a seminar organized by Turkish Cogen Association. The basis of the new agreeınent is rhe day ahead pricewhich is based on the cost of production. Balancing ınechanism shall coınpleınenr bilateral agreemenrs and cover activities rhat consist of day ahead planning and real time balancing. Day ahead balancing consist of activities intended to balance cl1e supply and demand in the system and to ensure dayahead balancing and Market Participants . . Market participants shall assume financial Liabiliry cowards cl1e Market Operator on a setcleınenr period basis for cl1eir energy in balance. This regulation will be put into operation on 1st of october 2009. To Take Measures Prior To Have A Disaster Metropol Istanbul had a disaster in mid.of septeınber.Heavy clmnderstorm caused to unimaginable Aood of water and overAowed in ehe districts where unplanned cousfuctions were densly agglomerated .İn Istanbul thunderstorın delivered 182 kg/ m2 rain water in 24 hours . Ali water drain channels were overAoaded , existing channels and drainage systems could not diverced rhe thunderstorın water, The consequence of this disaster: • Rain water has been needlesscly "·asted • i\Iore than 700 ın.S Losses and / or damage were evaluated • 33 citizens were killed. - \Xfarer collection system were not be designed properly - Overnight conscuctions on the river beds or in cl1e valley -Couscruction Certificates of the buildings were not given properly. - Draining systeıns were not capable to evacuate such a huge amount of Aooded water . 80 ENERJi DÜNYASI EYL0L 2009 We hope that Mr.Eroğlu who was former General Director of ISKJ ,who is i\Iinister of Environment and Foresrry now , is to prepare a draft of Low co prevenr the ciı:y and citizens froın this kind of disasters. We remind you rhe famous T\XfA-Tennessee Valley Auehoriry Law,which was enacted.Appr.70 years ago in USAThanks to clus law ,ali overAowed waters from i\.Iissisipi River , were put under control by means of Hydrodams consrructed in the rivers and eheir branches. İn addition , the power produced by ehese H ydro planrs caused to ehe imge developınent of Tennessee Valley .We are expeccing ehat,the lessons will be learned from ehe last disaster and siınilar law against disasters will be enacted to prevent new losses of indivicluals and co control overAowed rain waters. Actual First Lesson is from Minister Yıldız Minister of Energy and Natura! Resources Taner Yıldız, who joined ehe opening ceremony of rhe Energy Systeıns Engineering Departrnent headed opened at Yalova University this year and headed b)' Prof Dr. Filiz Karaosınanoğlu, have a lesson ticled "Role of Turkey in the Global Energy Policies". In his speech, i'vlinister Yıldız drew atcencion to cl1e supply securiry issues of Turkey as well. Ali Metin Kazancı Natura! Gas Power plant is opened The opening ceremony of cl1e Ali Metin Kazancı acura! Gas Power Plant, known as Turkey's largest natura! gas power plant and established in Ankara, was held on 19 August 2009 with parcicipation of Minister of Energy and ı arural Resources Taner Yıldız, Energy Markets Regulatory Board President Hasan Kökcaş, Russian Gazproın's Vice Presidenr Alexander Medvedev and Sieınens and Comınerce Bank's senior !eve! managers, as well as nuınerous loca! and foreign guests. IWES - Countdown started for the lnternational Waste to Energy Symposium IWES- International Wasre co Energy Syınposium wluch aims to fınd solutions to the challenges faced in me sector, in order co make waste-ro-energy sector widespread via correct praccices, will be held at Istanbul WOW Convention Cencer berween 12-13 November 2009. Special File Carbon Market Our old eareh is getting warıner. Along with this global warming, climate changes resule in significant negacive in1pacts on ali living species as well as on economies. According the foureh reporc of cl1e Inter-governmental Climate Change Panel released in 2007, rhe reason belund climate change is cl1e increase in sea and atrnosphere temperatures observed along with rhe increased amount of greenhouse gas release. While the pre-industrial era carbon dioxide aınount in cl1e air was 280 ppm, this !eve! reached 387 ppın as of year 2009.