Summaries Editorial We Are Not Able To Enact The Renewable Energy lncentıves, Instead Let Us Give You Natural Gas Nowadays, energy related things went great. Natural gas prices were declining. Balancing and Stabilization System was working too good to be true. Increasing price of electricity is encouraging new investrnents. Everybody were waiting the opening of the Turkish Parliament with a great appetite. In early October, everything became up site down with the Renewable Energy Conference, where the l\ılinister of Energy has declared the reluct.'illce of the Ministry, foıwarding the revised draft of Incentives Law to the Parliament. Something were wrong in the Energy Policy: ■ New Expansion to the settlement of armenian confüct was causing tl1e price increase of natural gas imported from Azerbaijan, ■ Russiawas speeding up the "South Stream" as a courıter part of Nabucco, leading by Botaş, ■ Contract related oil and gas investigation and exploration in South Pars Region in Iran, was causing to anotl1er confüct with USA. Despite tl1ese cloudy appearance, there were some good development in our energy world. According to Dr. Birol briefuıg which was presented in Sabancı Center on 1 o u , of december, gasification of shale rock in USA and success reached in tl1e production cost was encouraging. Such law price stopped the construction of LNG gasification facilities in the States. These news have caused the declining of gas prices world wide. In tl1e States, gas prices came down from 6-7 $ per million BTU to 4.7 $. In Europe, gas price has tendency to decline to 180$ per 1000111 3 from 210$. We were expecting Botaş to learn lessons from these developments, in gas business and to take the following measures: ■ To review ali gas purchasing contracts, ■ To deliver the cheap gas to electricity producers. Thus, to be released from "take - or - pay" obligation. If these measures are operated successfully, the following scenario will not be surprise. Energy Auiliorities (Decision Makers), as if, are addressing to Electricity Producers: "We are very much confused to fail in enacting renewable tariffs from tl1e Parliament. Instead, !et us give you me cheap gas in an abU11dant quantity. Generate as much electricit:y you could do. If short coming of electricity restarts, come to us, j ointly, we can ignite tl1e enacting operation of tl1e new incentives for renewable energy." 80 ENERJi DÜNYASI KASIM•ARALIK2009 Actuel The Route of Energy Effıciency to be set on 13 January 2010 . . . . ... . . . .. ................ . .. . . . . . . .... . . . . .. 22 The activities of me 29th Energy Efficiency Week will be me meeting platform for ali sectors. The 29th Energy Efficiency Week Event that will be organized by Sektöre! Fuarcılık at WOW Convention Center will be hele! under the supervision of Presidency of Turkish Republic. The Event mat is organized by ilie Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources and EİE -Electricity Works General Directorate as a result of me support provided and circular issued by tl1e Prime Ministry; is also supported by tl1e l'ııfinistry of Environınent and Forestry, l\ılinistry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and Ministry of Education. Great Interest ın IWES International Waste to Energy posiun1 .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . .... . .. 24 There was great interest to me IWES - International Waste to Energy Symposium tl1at was organized by Sektöre! Fuarcılık for tl1e fust tin1e mis year. A total of 1400 participants, 200 of whoın were from abroad joined me symposiuın. IWES Waste to Energy Symposium has been held in Istanbul between 12-13 November 2009. Among tl1e participants of tl1e opening cereınony of the syınposium tl1at attracted great attention were; Minister of Environment and Forestry Prod. Dr. Veysel Eroğlu, TBMM Industry, Energy, Natura! Resources and IT Commission Chairman and AK Parti Sakarya Representative Doç. Dr. Hasan Ali Çelik, EPDK Vice President Vedat Gün, EPDK Board Members Hüseyin Karataş and Fatih Dönmez, Yalova University Chancellor Prof. Dr. Niyazi Eruslu, Bakırköy District Governor Dursun Ali Şahin, managers of public and private sector institutions as well as a number of guests. The 4th tender of the last 15 years for the Nuclear Power Plant Cancelled as well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 26 The tender for me nuclear power plant held on 24 Septeınber 2008, for which me only bid came from ilie consortium formed by Turkish-Russian partnership Atomstroyexport, Inter RAO and Park Teknik has been cancelled. Türkiye Elektrik Ticaret ve Taahhüt A.Ş. (fETAŞ) cancelled tl1e tender organized for tl1e establishment of a nuclear power plant at Mersin Akkuyu. Witl1 this cancellation, the 50 years old Nuclear Power plant adventure of Turkey came to a halt once again. The 4th tender organized in ilie last 15 years has become a frustration too.