Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 75. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2010)

Summaries Edi torial -------------------------------------------------2 According to Second Strategy Decree and in accordance with the presentation of Ministry's new year Budget to the " PLAN and BUDGET Coınmission", three important iteıns took ıny attention: 1. Import dependency in the Energy resources is to be decreased, 2. The developınents of the renewable Energy projects are to be enlarged, 3. The privatization of lignite and coal fireci Power Plants will be speeded up. How did we coıne ro this unpleasant siruation in import dependency? 1. Since 20 years, as far as i reıneınber, the ruling governınents fustly they incorporate this issue in theit Party's program, then, they include it in theit Governmental Program. Despite these so called efforts, an import dependency is always in the upward trend. To our understanding, the ınost realistic remedy of tl-ı.is sickness is the incentives to be given to the coınpetitor of the iınported Energy resource. 90% of consumption of Energy resources (imported) is consumed in tl1e Power Procluction, Transportation and Industry sector. Reınairı.ing %1O of is consumed by residential ancl commercial builclings. Auto producers and electricity generating coınpanies are builcling theit feasibility stuclies. In the transportation sector, there is only one option tl1at is to use refinery products. You cannot decrease iınport clependency by instructions, orclers or regulations. Real remedy is the incentive. 2. The Development Of The Renewable Energy Projects Are To Be Enlarged. Unforrunately, "The renewables Law" issued in year 2005 doesn't work. Feed-in tariff accepted by the subject law, 5.5 Euro cent/kWh is not sufficient to make tl1e projects feasible. As a ınatter of fact, power producers are so ınuch unhappy tl1at, they can only survive by selling then generated electricity to PMUM with an annual average price of 7,0 Euro cent / kWh. Since sales to PMUM are not steady sales and they are not guaranteed by TEDAS or TETAS, banks are not accepting such projects as tl1e "Bankable Projects". The second handicap of the power investors is not attributable to them, because Countr)"s does not say that "Turkey is not yet a reliable countr)' to which invesanents can be done". To increase renewable Energy investments, the following measures are to be taken: ■ 78,000 MW applications to EMRA for wind power should be finalized. ■ Adclitional incentives on the top of existing 5.5 Euro cent/kWh should be given to renewable Energy investors, ■ DSİ (State Water Authority) should open again the door to new applications for "tl1e right of use of water" 3 . The Privitization Of The Old Power Plants (Lignite Or Coal Fireci) Wiil Be Speedede Up Almost 10 years ago, 6000 MW total capacity, were intended to be privatized. But "State Council" is not approved the concept of "Handing over tl1e operational rights to Private Coınpanies. Only one that is Çayırhan was succeeded to overcome the barrier of "State Council". If it is so clifficult, why doesn't EUAS start renovation or rehabilitation Works by itself? 88 ENERJi DÜNYASI OCAK.ŞUBAT2010 Actuel Magnificent Celeberation for the 29'" Energy Efficiency Week ----------------------------------------------33 The 29"' Energy Efficiency Week activities were held at WOW Convention Center by tl1e 1ı1inistry of Energy and Natura! Resources and General Ditectorate of Electr.icitywitl1 tl1e organization of Sektöre! Fuarcılık which make its mark with irs organizations in the energy sector. Furure vision of Turkey in Energy is exaınined during 29'h Energy Efficiency Week which is hele! by the Ministry of Energy and Narural Resources and General Ditectorate of Electricicy and to which approximately 1200 people participated. Enerjisa, plans to rnake 6 Billion Investrnent until 2015 -------38 Enerjisa Group, despite the current financial siruation, it continued with investınents that develops its production portfolio. Enerjisa Group, which plans to ınake 6 Billion Euro investrnent just for the electricity production, has a 550 ınillion TL of rurnover and 80 million TL of operational profit in 2009 operational. Witl1 the introduction of Bandırma Narural Gas Coınbined Cycle Plant in2010, rurnover is planned to increase up to 1 billion 200 ınillion TL and opecational profit up to 250 ınillion TL. Nuclear Power Plant Construction starts on Novernber 10. ----42 The construction of Nuclear Power Plant was agreed to be started on November 10 in accordance with the agreeınent signed bet:ween 1ı1inister of Energy, Taner Yıldız, and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin. Only Oark Teknik which is an Affiliate of Russian-Turkish Parınership Atoınstroyexport-Inter Rao and Park Group, bade for tl1e tender fora nuclear power plant that is planned to be built in Mersin Akkuyu initiated by the Turkey Electricity Trade and Contracting Co. Inc. (TETAŞ). However, this tender was cancelled because council of state adopted a ınotion for stay of execution for two critical articles of the tender. IWES 2010 appeals ıo ıhe Entire Waste Sector--------------------46 IWES 2" d Waste Technologies Symposium and Exhibition, which will be hele! on 4-5 Noveınber 201O in Istanbul organized by Sektörel Fuarcılık, will bring ali sector representatives, executives, suppliers, investors, decision ınakers, loca! and central adınirı.istrations, acadeınic and public representatives. IWES- International Waste to Energy Symposiuın, wh.ich was hele! !ast year for the first year receives a great deal of attention. 1400 participators out of which 200 were foreigners followed IWES 2009. 44 presentations were ınade in 9 sessions during 2 days at IWES 2009 What did we expect frorn Copenhagen and what have we gotten frorn out of it in the end?--------------------------------------------·· 72 Dr Oğuz Can, who was a meınber of the Turkish Delegation participated at the COP 15/ CMP5 Uniced Nations Cliınate Change Parties Conference, wroce about his iınpressions and evaluations witl1 regards to the process for the Energy World Magazine