Summaries Editorial Impacı Of Financial Crises On Energy Invesrmenı-------2 J ı causes weakening the final demand for energy and failing cash Ao\\'. Energy companies are drilling fewer oil and gas wells and cutting back spendiııg on refineries, pipe lines and power starions. Many ongoiııg projecıs have beeıı sslowed and a number of planned projects postponed or cancelled. Business and households are spendingless on energyusiııgappliaııces, equipınent and vehicles In oil aııd gas sector, most comparıies have aıınouııced cutback in capital spending as well as project clelays aııd cancellarions, ınainly as a result of lowerprices aııd cash Aow and deınand uncertainries. lEA esriınates that, global upstreaın oil and gas invesanent budgets for 2009, have beeıı cut by arouııd %1 9 compared with 2008-a reduction of over S90 bilLion. Power sector invesanent is expected to be severely affected by financing difficulries, as well as by weak demand. Global electricity consuınprion is calculated to clrop by %1.6 in 2009. The saıne drop was 4.6% in Turkey. The weakening deınand is reclucing ıhe imınediate need for new capaciıy. Tf a recovery takes longer than expecıecl and fossil-energy prices remain low relarive ıo recent peaks, invesanenıs may shift to coal and gas fireci plants. ln early 2009, invesonents in renewable - based generation fell proporrionately more than dıat in odıer typc of generaring capaciıy. Woı:ldwide drop was around 30% in the reııewable energy invcstınenıs. This clrop is changing from one couıııry to ıhe od,er, dcpeııcLing on how governments respond, cliınate changc and energy poverı:y. Energy invesıınents have been affected in d1rec main ways by d1c crisis: Tighıer Credit: Energy coınparıies have been fiııding it ınuch hareler ıhan in d,e pası to obtaiıı crediı for both ongoingoperarions aııd to raise fresh capiıal for new projecıs, because of paralyzecl crecliı market. Lower Profitability: The price collapse in energy ptices has shifıed dıe relarive economics of po\\·er generaring plants, to d,e deıermined of low carbon renewable based generarion and nuclea.r power. Less Immediaıe need for capacity: l'ailing demaııd for energy, caused by economic slowdown, has reduced dıe apperiıe and urgency for suppliers ıo iıwest in new capaciıy. The coınbined effect, so far, has been scaling back of ali ıypes of encrgy invesanents aloııg the supply change. A ııwnber of eııergy companies in dıe world, have cut capital spencling programmes for 2009 and beyoncl ancl, are seekinggreaıer Aexibiliıy in planning and complering dıe projecıs. How has dıc criscs affecıed encrgy deınand in 2009? • Global oil clemand dipped by 3.0%, • Priınary energy use decreased by 7.0%, • Deınand of gas has fallen by 9.0%, • Deınancl of gas in Turkey has failen 18.0%, • (it was 14% in Italy, 13% in Spain aııcl 1 1% in UK), • Decrease in investment of major oil companies 1 5%, • Decrease in elecııiciıy deınand 1.6%. Renewable Based Power Generation Invesrmenıs: lııvestıneııts in new-build renewable energy assets in dıe powcr sector have been growiııg treınenclously in recent years, recording year-on-year growdı of 85% in 2007. Acriviıy in the renewable secror conrimıed to grow rapidly unril ılıe third quarter of 2008 and then fell away clramarically as the finaııcial crises dried up sources of projeci finance and lower fossil fuel plices reduced economic incenrivc ıo invesı renewable. The latesı daıe, coveLing ılıe lirst half of 2009, indicates that renewable iııvesmıents hiı bottom in dıe lirsı quarter widı spencling down 47%, İt recovered in d,e second quarıer to 21 %. New invesınıent Aows froın private equiıy and venture capital - wlıiclı plays an inıportant role in fi.ıııcling early sıage cleaıı energy ıechnology coınparıies - feel to just over S1 billion in dıe first quarter of 2009. Globally new orders for wind turbines dropped dramarically in 2008 from 15,000 .MW in ılıe lirsı quartcr, to 2,000 MW by thc 4ılı quartcr. l n Turkcy ıhc siıuaıion was not dıaı bad in 2008 ancl 2009. 1ııcreascd in wincl power construcrion was 70% in 2008 aııcl 30% in ılıe year 2009. Slowing do,m in upward tı·end is originaıed froın dıe wiılıdrawing intervenrioıı of ılıe governıneııt on ılıe iııcenrives for the rencwable power generarion. As a resulı of ılıe above discussioıı, the zigzagging aclventure of fossil-fuel fired plants creaıes wıcertainries ancl lıesirarioııs on dıe invesaneııts. We are observiııg very big ınove towards to reııewable basecl power producrioıı, believing dıaı, governnıental supports wiU conıe soon or later . ln ılıaı respecı, Turkey needs ınore acrion and well orgarıized dedicarecl reaın ıo lead in crearing road map. By ıaking inıo accowu, our associarioıı whiclı is ııanıed ''Turkiye Kojeııerasyon Dernegi" rclated amendments in its regularioıı (sıaıus) ıo cover aU ıype of clean Energy Teclıııologies, in addirion ıo clean cogeıı. teclınology. From February l 9dı, 201O on Turkiye Kojeııerasyon Dernegi wiU be called as ''Türkiye Kojenerasyon ve Tenıiz Enerji Teknolojileı.i Derneği" - TURKOTED". Tlıat means, TURKOTED will conriııue ıo serve to Turkislı Eııergy Sector in a ,vider spectrum, includiııg aU kinci clean energy ıechnologies in irs scope of services. All lovers of Clean Eııergy Technologies are iııviıecl to TURKOTED ıo serve Joinıly to Turkislı Energy Sector. Best Regards Actual "The Greaı Energy March" ıookplace forThe Susıainable Energy Week on 26 March 2010 --------------- 30 The focus dıeme of Tlıe Europcan Sustainable EncrgyWeek( ESE\XI) wlıich took place froın 22-26 i\larclı iıı many European Staıes, parricularly in Brussels, was defineci ıo be "Ciries' Approaclıes towarcls Cliınate Clıaııgc". Within dıis scope, to The i\farclı, wlıich was carLied ouı wiılı "step by step towards susıainable cnergl' slogan aııcl lıosıecl by ESE\'<-; 70 narioııal and internacional NGOs has parricipated. Regulacioıı ,vith respccı ıo Wind Liceııse Applications froın Energy Markecs Regulatory AuthOLity. Accorcliııg to dıe board clecisions daıed as of 18 February 2010 and l l 1ılarclı 2010, all liceııse applicarions, wlıiclı are approved, wiU be coıısidered ıogedıer ,viıl1 odıer applicarioııs ıl,aı are at exanUnation and cvaJuation stage. Tlıe iınplemenrarion for dıe relevaııt applicarions "ili be ınade accorcling to dıe Board Decisioıı No 2431 /I0 claced as of 18 Pebruary 2010. Board Decisioıı No 2431/10 claıecl as of 18 Fcbruary 2010 on Producrioıı Planı J3ased On Wind Energy Liceııse Applicarions was publishecl in dıe official gazette. The clecision \\·as also sent to the applicant legal eıııiries. Final Counıdown for ICCI 2010 Energy and Environrnent Fair and Conference---- ------------ -----31 The stroııgest and ılıe most objective internarional energy event JCCl, rcserves a special place for business-to-busiııess meerings organized togedıer "iılı Austria, Spain and European Coınınurıicarion Neıwork. The 16d, lCCl Fair and Confereııce, whiclı rakes place since 1994 successfully aııd is followed by 5000 narional and interııarional attendants from dıe encrgy sector, ,vill be lıeld on 12-13-14 l\fay 2010 ,vidı a broadened ılıeıne contenı wıder the name of "Energy and Enviroııment Fair and Coııference" at WOW Coııvenrion cenıer in Tstanbul, Turkey's capiıal city for ecoııomr and industry. Marclı for Sustaiııable Energy File World Wind Energy Report---------------66 Global Wind Energy capacity is doubled in cYery dıree years. New records were broken across ılıe world in 2009 \\idı respecı to d,e use of "ind energy. Dcspite ılıe global ecoııomic crisis, the invesmıcnıs macle for ılıe new \vind tirbunes were more than ehe ones n1ade in previous years. The "inci ender capaciıy has reaclıed to 159,2l3i\,I\X,' in 2009 aftcr 130.903111\X,: 93,930 in 2007, 74,123MW in 2006 ancl 59,012 in 2005. 1 ı can be seen clearly once again that estabLislıcd wincl energy capaciı:y has doublecl in every 3 years. ENERJİ DÜNYASI MART2010 87