Summaries Editorial Why Not " Organized Energy Zones" In ?------------------------- 2 Since longtime WADE ( "World i\lliance for Decentralized Energy" ) is working on ehe benefits of decentralized energy systeıns.Energy generating facilities ınust be as ınuch closer to the ehe consLUııers, as possible. There are ınany exaınples which are successfuly in operation since so ınany years. üne of ehem is ehe Project of Tennessee Valley Autharity Since 1935 power generating facilities , starting witlı hydro plants and extended with coalfiring, heavy oil firing and nuclear plants were installed one after tlıe otlıer. Because, energy inrensive industries ( copper, aluıninunı, iron&sceel ete. ) were attracred ro tlıe Region (fennessee Valley ). In Turkey chere are some Regions where coal lignite firing planrs or wind plancs are can be developped easily . Depending upon tlıe ruling character of tlıe Regions , a special type of energy source is ınore favarable. Thus, Turkey can be subdivided in 10 or 15 Regions. The favarable energy source will always be ar ehe cencer of tlıe energy aggloıneration , ocher type of energy facilities will supporr tlıis core business. For exaınple near i'.\lugla , EUAS has 3 Lignice firing plants. This plant will be driving force in tlıe Region for tlıe mosr econoınical power production , otlıer facilities like, geothermal enegry, cogeneration , wind power , wasre ete. \Xlill support tlıem . Thus you creace an " Organized Energy Zones "and operate all facilities in ehe zone in tlıe mosr optimized ınanner. The energy intensive industries must be attracted , in case chey will be built closer to ehe region. The benefirs obrained from Organized Energy zones are • Electricit:y transmission and distribution losses will be ıniniınized, because energy generating facilities will be much closer to tlıe consumers. The share of eaclı planr in ehe joint infrastructure cost will be ıninimized Comınun grid will be used, instead of tlıe incli,�dual power cransmission. Lines or clistrubution systems. Organized industrial zones are successful examples in Turkey. We believe dıat, organized Energy zones can be as successful as OSB . ICCI 2010 Turkey's Biggesı Energy and Environmenı Exhibition and Conference ICCI 2010 Commences ---------------------------------30 Organized by Sektörel Fuarcılık for ehe 16'h time ICCI 201O Energy and Environmenc Exhibition will be held at WOW Convention Center becween 12-14 May 201O. Opening Ceremony will be leci by Minister of Energy and Narural Resources Taner Yıldız and tlıis year at ICCA 2010, 150 companies and 7 thousand represenratives from tlıe sector are expected to join tlıe evenr. ICCI 2010, which will be organized by Sektöre! Fuaralık, a well known exhibition company in tlıe energy sector, will be held at Yeşilköy WO�' Convention Cencre becween 12-14 i'.Iay 2010 and will be hosting many novelties tlıis )'Car. ICCI 201O will be organized for tlıe 16tlı time tlıis year and anıong tlıe 150 participants of ehe event, tlıere are incernational companies such as Vesras, GE, Schneider, Areva, Gamesa and Enercon in addition co loca! companies like Zorlu Energy Co., Industrial Development Bank of Turkey and Borusan. Oscars of Energy Sector Found Their Winners --- ----- ----------34 Energy Oscar awards, organized by Sektöre! Fuarcılık, tlıe prominenc organizer of national and international seminars, exhibitions, congresses, and conferences in tlıe energy secror for tlıe !ast 16 years, will find tl1eir winners in tlıe coming days. The nonıinees of tlıe "Energy Oscars" that will be given for the first time tlıis year, will be givcn in tlıe following cacegories; "Contribution to tl1e Energy Sector", "Energy Investor of tlıe Year (The Most Environmentalist, The i'.\Iost Brave and The Pioneering Investor)" and "Renewable Energy Facilities (\Xlind, Geotlıermal and Hydro)". The nominees of tlıe Energy Oscars were determined during tl1e summit joined by tlıe prominent names of tlıe energy secror that make up tlıe Energy Comıniccee of ICCJ 2010. Actuel Energy Sıraıegy Document for 2010 -2014 Disclosed-----------48 Ministry of Energy and Narural Resources prepared ehe Scrategic Plan covering years 2010 -2014 in line witlı dıe national energy and national resources policies. In tlıe Strategic Plan of tlıe nıinistry that was prepared witlı an emphasis on our national priorities; strarcgic goals and cargets relaced to tlıe next five years have been set in tlıe areas of "Energy Supply Securiti', "Rcgional and Global Effectiveness of Our Country in tlıe Energy Secror", "Environınent" and "Narural Resources" and strategies to be followed have been decermined. Witl1 tl1e 2010-2014 Strategic Plan of tlıe Ministry, we complied ehe imporcant headlines relaced ro ehe plans and policies for tlıe next five years which are based on tlıe principles of participation, accouncabilicy, transparency and rocal qualiry managenıent and knowledge, lssue of Energy Supply Securiry in Turkey and ıbe World Evaluated From Ali Aspects ------------------------------------------52 The panel titled "Energy Security: World and Turkey" whereby different views and experiences related to energy supply security have been shared at the academic level, has been recently belci. Coorclinated by lstanbul Kültür Universiı:y İİBF School of Managemenr Chainnan Prof. Dr. Müge İşeri ancl İKÜ İİBF acadenıician Necdet Pamir, tlıe panel titled "Energy Securicy: World and Turkey" aims to fulfil the gaps regarcling information and practice abouc "energy supply security", one of tlıe mosc importanc issues in tlıe agenda of tlıe world and Turkey. Being tlıe first step taken by Istanbul Kültür Universiı:y in tlıis direction, tlıis panel comprised of four sessions, naınely "Real Sector and Energy", Energy Supply Security, "Energy and Economy" and "Risk i'.\Ianagement in eheEnergy Secror". ENERJi OÜNYASI NISAN2010 103