Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 78. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 2010)

Editorial Is Renewable Energy Law To Be Renewed? ----------- 2 Nowadays, MENR speeds up the revision of the Renewable Energy Law. As a ınatter of fact, the subject law was born "death" due to the many uncertainties, creating hesitations in the implementations. The biggest burden was the price of electricity (feed-in-tariff). Is it 5.0 eurocent/kWh or 5.5 eurocent/k\'v'h? Nobody can answer it clearly. Today we are so ımıch happy that, MENR has concentrated 011 the preparatio11 of the improved draft Law for re11ewables. In that respect, our Association TURKOTED, 011 behalf of our members, is pleased to submit its views and comments as follows: The lise of feed-i11-tariffs specified for each source of E11ergy should be attached to the draft as ehe integral part of the Law. Loca] rna11ufacturing should be co11sidered as the preferred option and should be additio11ally supported with a bo11us (i.e. 2 eurocent/kWh). TEDAS (Public Electricity Distributio11 Company) should give priority to the grid con11ectio11 to the power generated by renewable energy. DSI (Public Water Works) should start again the applications to "water utilization rights". Feed-in-tariffs and/or incentives for city wastes to Energy or biomass to Energy must meet the high investment costs. High efficiency cogeneration pla11ts (over 80%) should be accepted as clean energy producing facilities and deserve of YEK certificates. Actual Turkey's Biggest Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference Recently Held ------------------------- 24 ICCI 201 0 International Energy and Environment Exhibition a11d Conference organized by Sektöre! Fuarcılık for the 16th round this year was held berween 12-14 May 201O. The main agenda items of TCCI 201 O were; electricity Summaries production and distributio11 privatizatio11s, license bylaw as part of the e11ergy legislation, utilization of domestic resources ancl targets for i11creased utilization of domestic resources, fi11ancing energy investrne11ts, renewable energy and legal arrangements, energy efficiency, strategy document, developments in d1e natural gas and oil markets and EU environment chapter and climate change. Gas Prices Might Slow Down Renewable Energy lnvestments ------------------------------------------------ 60 At d1e ICCI 2010Energy and Environment Exhibition and Confere11ce, International Energy Agency Chief Eco11omist Dr. Fatih Birol macle a presentation tided World Energy Oudook: Developments, Forecasts and Policies. In his presentation, Birol talkecl abouc the clevelopments in the area of nuclear energy a11d climate change and made important remarks about d1e future of the energy sector. Denmark Preparing to invest in Renewable Energy in Turkey ----------------------------------------------------68 At the event organized by d1e Denmark Energy Council between 5-7 May 201O, Danish businessme11 met their Turkish counterparts to discuss possible renewable energy i11vestments in Turkey. Roadmap of IWES 2010 Outlined ----------------------70 As part of d1e preparations for IWES 2010 Waste Technologies Symposium and Exhibition which will be organized for the second time by Sektöre! Fuarcılık this year, an interactive meeting has been held about rearranging the main agenda items of d1e symposium in a way d1at would cover views and recommendations that woulcl bring solutions to the problems of d1e sector. Green Actors Met at the lstanbul Renewable Energy Days ----------------------------------------------------------- 7 4 More than 150 organizations ancl 220 loca! and international investors participatecl in the Istanbul Renewable Energy Days held at Lütfi Kırdar Conventional Center between 2425 June 2010. ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS - HAZIRAN 2010 103