Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 79. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2010)

Eclitorial Environmental Sensitivity, May Be Dangerous Sometime, If it Is Not Backed Up with The Refined Culture of The Environmentalist------------------------- 2 We are surviving very hot and humid summer. As if, Got is taking revenge from whom, damaging its natural balance, created since ınillions of ınillions of years, The biggest lands of revenge are USA and Russia. Because they had lack of interest since, Kyoto was signed. Today, we see that, the first one suffered from Hurricanes, the second one is feding up with the fires. If the organizations in charge, don't take all necessary measures, we will be cursed by the next generations. One of the most effective ways against global warming is to be far from the carbon and be together with the renewable energy sources. From this prospective, Turkey is very reach country with the renewable and can play a vital role in the fight with global warming. Turkish Government took fundamental measures in this fight: First one is "the law of renewable energy sources". This Law was enacted in 2005. After this law, so many renewable energy sources have been activated. The second measure is the Turkey's access to Kyoto family. The third measure is to make easier the formalities of getting Licenses. Turkish EMRA issued so many now regulations, to speed-up the process of license. The forth measure was to issue the "incentives law for renewables based energy" Unfortunately, since 2 years; the subject draft of law is waiting in the parliament to be enacted. \'(le don't know how long, we will be waited. Üne of the obstacle on the renewables based projects, that is the public reaction against their construction. Especially at the Black Sea region, public reaction is growing, because, according to them, the construction of the new clams and tunnels is clamaging the environment. Besides, the construction itself and all the waste of construction is deteriorating the green valleys. Same groups are using this event to bake up or to support their political success. We are expecting Turkish Government is to prepare a new Law and to put new construction worked under certain discipline. 5.8 Billion USD worth of bids for the 4 Distribution Regions -------------------------------------------------------26 During the final negotiations of the tender for the privatization of Boğaziçi Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (BEDAŞ) owned by Türkiye Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş., the highest bid was 2billion 990 million USD made by İş-Kaya İnşaat Summaries Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.-:NIMEKA Makine İthalat Pazarlama ve Ticaret A.Ş. consortium. China left USA behind in terms of energy consumption -------------------------------------------------34 In a report released by the International Energy Agency (IAE) headquartered in Paris, the total amount of energy consumption of China in 2009 was 2.25 tons of oil. This amount is 4% greater than that in USA which was indicated to have consumed 2.17 billion tons of energy. Draft Law for Nuclear Power Plant Approved --------36 President Abdullah Gül approved the law numbered 6007 and titled "Law for Appropriateness of tl1e Approval of tl1e Treaty Related to Cooperation for the Establishment and Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant in Akkuyu region in Turkish Republic signed between Turkish Republic and the Russian Federation" ancl sent it to Prime Ministry to be announced via the official newspaper. 80,4% of Electricity Energy Production came from Thermal Power Plants -------------- ------------------- ----38 EPDK Chairman Hasan Köktaş stated tlıat 2009 was a year when the effects of the global economic crisis were much more intense but tl1at the investınents particularly in tl1e electricity energy sector increased in a way tl1at is incomparable to the level achieved during tl1e ]ast eight years. EPDK President Hasan Köktaş: "Domestically Produced Coal should be used in Electricity P rod uction" - -------------------------------------------------42 Energy Markets Regulatory Board (EPDK) chairman Hasan Köktaş said "We should be able to use domestically produced coal in electricity production". Köktaş made comments about tl1e reaction shown to hydroelectriciı:y power plants in Black Sea and said "I would support any request that is righteous. However, some requests are based on insufficient inforınation and are sometimes influenced from lobbies." Carbon Tax Possibility-------------------------------------44 Industrial establishments will either increase tl1e inspections they carry out or the State will implement various sanctions including aclditional ta,:es. \\'lhile it is underlined tl1at tl1ere is no State left which did not sign the Kyoto Protocol that aims to decrease carbon release, it is stated that even USA, which resisted to sign it for ınany years, has signed it after Barrack Obama becaıne the president. Particularly the European Union (EU) countries are strict about it. One of the prerequisites of sr,'lfting membership talks witl1 EU is indicated to be developing and implementing environınental policies. ENERJi DÜNYASI TEMMUZ-AGusros20ıo 95