Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 8. Sayı (Ocak - Şubat 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

DISTRIBUTED GENERATION CAN IMPROVE US POWER SYSTEM Distributed energy can play a much larger and more benefı1 cial role in !he electricity energy infrastructure of !he United States, according to a panel of experts from utilities, public interest groups and government convened by !he Consumer Energy Council of America (CECA). 'This was !he highest ranking group of experts ever !o lake an indepth look at distributed energy,' says CECA president Ellen Berman, adding !hat !he report 'constitutes the most comprehensive analysis of distributed energy to date'. The group was chaired by Charles Curtis former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and a former Deputy Secretary of the Departman! of Energy. Participants included executives from investor-owned utilities, public power systems, and rural electric co-operatives, as well as senior officials at !he Department of Energy, chairs of state public seıvice commissions, and consumer and environmental leaders. 'We are seeing the convergence of need an ageing utility infrastructure, new economy demands on power reliability i and quality, consumer interest in greater fıexibility and new 1 services with emerging technologies fuel cells, microturbines, i photovoltaics, and others well suited to addressing those needs,' says vice chair Ernest Moniz. 'The opportunity is at hand to begin reshaping our energy infrastructure for the 21st century'. 1 Among CECA's recommendation are: i. ► A cali for rapid adoption of consensus standards for interconnection of distributed energy into the nation's power grid ► Quick action by local, state and federal regulatory authorities to 'fası track' the use of existing and new standby and emergency power facilities in order to meet generator shortages and mitigate power reliability problems ► Development of regulatory procedures to facilitate and 1 support economic and technical transactions between the İ customer and host utility 1 ► Development of creative new rate structures and :business-arrangements·for·distributed ·energy. YERİNDE ENERJİ ÜRETİMİ AMERİKAN ELEKTRİK SİSTEMİNİ GELİŞTİREBİLİR i Amerikan Tüketici Enerji Konseyi'nce (CECA) düzenlenen bir i panele davet edilen uzmanlar, sivil toplum grupları ve 1 hükümet yetkililer, dağıtımlı enerjinin, Amerikan elektrik ener­ ' jisi altyapısında daha büyük ve yararlı bir rol oynayabile- : ceğinde birleştiler. CECA yöneticisi Ellen Berman panele : katılanların "Dağıtılan enerjiye bu denli derinlikli bir bakış 1 açısıyla yaklaşan en üst düzey uzman grubu olduklarını" 1 ı söyledi ve hazırladıkları raporun bugüne değin hazırlanan en anlaşılabilir inceleme olduğunu belirtti. 19.1 ECOGENERATION WORLD NEW COGENERATION f PLANT FOR SOLVAY Dalkia, par! of !he French industrial conglomerate Vivendi Environment, has built a new cogeneration plant for !he Belgian Chemicals group Solvay at their plan! in Tavaux in France. The 90 Mwe plan! can provide an annual total of 300,000 MWh of electricity and 525,000 tonnes of steam. Most of the fınance for !he Euros 53.4 million plan!, which will significantly reduce coal use at !he site, has been provided by Dalkia, who will also operate it for !he next 12 years. SOLVAY'E YENİ KOJENERASYON SANTRALİ Fransız sanayi şirketler topluluğu Vivendi Environment'ın yan kuruluşu olan Dalkia, Frans?J-Tavaux'da bulunan santraline i,• Belçikalı Kimyasal Ürünler grubu So/vay adına yeni bir kojenerasyon santrali ekledi. Yeni santral yıllık toplam 300,000 M� . h .... . . I I, elektrik ve 525,000 ton buhar üretim kapasitesine sahip. ' PAKiSTAN S . U GA . R MILL CONT . . RACT � GOES TO PETER BROTHERHOOD �--lllll-11!!161!!iL... l!!!.Eı ·-:�.:.... Thal lndustries in Pakistan has awarded Peter Brotherhood Ltd. a contract to supply seven new machines for its Layyah Sugar Milis subsidiary. The seven machines in the current f:1 .6 million (US$2.3 million) order include two 3 MW multi-stage turbine generators to produce electrical power for !he mili, four single stage mili drives, and a shredder drive. AII !he machines will take steam for boilers fireci by bagasse, !he sugar cane waste material. PAKİSTAN ŞEKER FABRİKASI ANLAŞMASI PETER BROTHERHOOD'DA Pakistanlı Thal Endüstrileri, Peter Brotherhood Ltd. şirketine yan , kuruluşu için 7 yeni makine satışını bir anlaşmayla karara 1 bağladı. 7 makine için verilen 1.6 milyon sterlinlik (2.3 milyon dolar) yeni sipariş, fabrika için elektrik enerjisi üretecek 3 MW çok aşamalı bir türbin jeneratörü, 4 tek aşamalı bir fabrika makinası ve atık makinasından oluşuyor. EŞl3PıŞ'tan Q_o_ğal Gaz Konferansı • ··-�······ı Ege Serbest Bölgesi Kurucu ve işletici A.Ş. (ESBAŞ), 01 Mart 2002 tarihinde "Ege Doğal Gaz Konferansı" düzenliyor. BOTAŞ Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Gökhan Bildacı'nın da katılacağı kon- i ferans, Ege Serbest Bölgesi'ndeki ESBAŞ Konferans 1 Salonu'nda yapılacak. Konferansta lzmir ve Ege Bölgesi'nin doğal gaz sorunları masaya yatırılacak. ESBAŞ NATURAL GAS CONFERENCE Esbaş, Aegean Free Zone Founder and Operator Co. organizes ''Aegean Natura/ Gas Conference" on March 1, 2002. Gökhan Bildacı, Chairman of Botaş will a/so attend the conference where natura/ gas problems in lzmir and Aegean Region will be discussed.