REASONS FOR RUSSIA'S FAILURE TO STRIKE GAS DEAL WITH TURKMENISTAN Turkmen President Niyazov's recent trip to Moscow has once more failed to produce an agreement on gas, the Russian newspaper Nesavismaya Gazeta writes. Russia fınds !he price of Turkmen gas too high, while Turkmenistan insists on seliing its gas at virtualiy identical prices to ali buyers and would not make concessions to Russia. Apart from needing extra gas to replenish its domestic market, Russia is alsa very keen to have Turkmen gas exported via Russian pipelines. Below you wili fınd an excerpt /rom the report by Russian daily Nezavismaya • Gazete on January 22nd, 2002: • After a long interval, Turkmen president Saparmurat Niyazov • has paid a working visit to Moscow. And he immediately set off . far the Kremlin, where he held talks with !he Russian president. The two sides examined the entire range of issues touched upon the course of Vladimir Putin's visit to Ashgabat ( ... ) The two leaders signed a joint communique as weli as a • number of other documents. Apart /rom !he problems of the Caspian and gas, emphasis was placed on !he situation in Afghanistan in particular, cooperation between Moscow and Ashgabat to provide humanitarian aid to !he country. But, once again, the two presidents were unable to reach an agreement on gas . . The Russian-Turkmen gas problem is difficult to solve. When Turkmenistan had just started its own production and Russia had pienty of gas, the farmer head of Gazprom, Mr. Rem Vyakhirev used to be very skeptical about Turkmenistan's plans. But today, Russia has to buy more gas /rom BOWMAN POWER AND NEDALO SIGN MAJOR NEW DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT Bowman Power Systems has signed a major new distribution agreement with Nedalo, the market leader in smali state Combined Heat and Power (CHP). The fırst phase of agreement will se Nedalo distributing Bowman Power Systems throughout Europe, faliowed by the USA in phase two. The companies have alsa announced their fırst order, a fuli CHP package far a site in the UK. David Streather, marketing and sales director at Bowman Power says the appointment is of signifıcant importance in helping Bowman meet its volume aspirations. "Nedalo is one of !he leading suppliers of CHP, with 450 sites within the UK and over 2000 across Europe. The agreement has double benefits far Bowman, both in the complementary fit with our existing distribution network and in the knowledge which we gain /rom Nedalo's twenty-fıve years' experience Turkmenistan in order to supply Ukraine and Europe. Turkmenistan insists on seliing its gas at virtualiy identical prices to ali buyers. For instance, Ukraine pays 42 USD per 1000 cu. m. Whereas Russia doesn't agree on !he proposed price of USD 40 far !he same amount. From Gazprom's standpoint, buying Turkmen gas to replenish the domestic market where the price is around 16 USD per 1000 c.m. is absolutely unprofıtable. The Russian monopoly can use !he gas only to supply it on further to Ukraine or to Europe But far the time being, Gazprom has sufficient resources of its own to meet its contracts with fareign countries. Nonetheless, Russia has its own strategic interests in the farmer USSR's gas business. it is more preferable far Russia far Turkmen gas to be transported via the northern route rather !han via lraq or Afghanistan. The Turkmen gas supplied to Georgia and Armenia currently crosses Russian territory and Russia receives a transit payment. This year Turkmenistan intends to export 50 bn. cu. m. Of gas through the Central Asia-Centre gas pipeline. Of !his amount, 40 bn. will be supplied to Ukraine and the rest to independent Russian suppliers. RUSYA TÜRKMENİSTAN İLE DOĞAL GAZ ANLAŞMASINI NEDEN İMZALAYAMIYOR Türkmen Başkanı Niyazov'un Moskova ziyaretinde doğal gaz anlaşması için beklenen sonuç yine alınamadı. Rusya doğal gaz fiyatlarını yüksek bulduğu anlaşmayı imzalamayı reddediyor, Türkmenistan ise tüm alıcılar için tek fiyat uyguladığından Rusya'ya özel indirim yapmaktan kaçınıyor. iç pazarı için gerekli fazla doğal gaz ihtiyacını karşılamak için Rusya kendi boru hattını kullanarak Türkmenistan'dan doğal gaz almayı çok istiyor. Gürcistan ve Ermenistan'a satılmakta olan Türkmen doğal gazı halen Rusya topraklarından geçen boru hattı kullanılarak aktarılıyor ve Rusya'ya transit geçiş ödemesi yapılıyor. in CHP." Nedalo's commercial director, Dudley McDonald adds: "We believe gas tribune co-generation is the way ahead far smali scale CHP and are delighted to be working alongside a leading developer of !his versatile new technology. Our early signing of a joint projeci with an existing UK customer is a clear indicator of the exciting potential far the products and our distribution agreement." BOWMAN POWER VE NEDALO YENİ BİR DAĞITIM ANLAŞMASI İMZALIYOR Bowman Enerji Sistemleri, kombine ısı ve enerji (CHP) konusunda pazarın lideri Neda/o ile yeni bir dağıtım anlaşması imzaladı. Neda/o anlaşmanın ilk aşamasında Avrupa, daha sonra Amerika'da Bowman Enerji Sistemleri'nin distribütörlüğünü yapacak. /ngiltere'de 450, Avrupa'da 2000 şubesiyle CHP sektöründe lider bir firma olan Neda/o yetkilisi Dud/ey Mc Donald "Küçük boyutlu CHP'ler için geleceğin gaz türbin kojenerasyonda yattığını ve bu teknolojiyi geliştiren lider bir firmayla an/aştığımızı düşünüyoruz" dedi. ECOGENERATION WORLD ll2.