GE Specialty Materials to Acquire Water Treatment Services Business of BetzDearborn in a move that will launch GE into a new business segment and add $1 Billion in annual sales, GE Specialty Materials, a unit of General Electric Company (NYSE:GE), today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire the water treatment services business of BetzDearborn from Hercules lncorporated (NYSE:HPC). This transaction, which is subject to regulatory approval, is expected to close in spring 2002. The purchase price is $1.8 Billion. BetzDearborn is a global service company providing engineered chemical treatment of water and process systems in industrial applications. BetzDearborn is the second largest industrial water treatment service business in the world. Globally, the water treatment business segment is a $6 Billion opportunity. "BetzDearborn is a great fit tor our expanding business," said William Woodburn, president and chief executive officer of GE Specialty Materials. "GE Specialty Materials is a growth platform tor strong technology and service content businesses. This acquisition opens the door tor GE to utilize approximately 2000 experienced BetzDearborn sales engineers to distribute to their customers innovative products and services derived from technology used at GE Medical Systems, GE Power Systems and the GE Global Research Genler. Applying GE technology from these businesses creates the opportunity to offer customers new, advanced equipment and corrosion diagnostic services. This is alsa a technically savvy organization which will quickly adopt GE's initiatives of Six Sigma and Digitization." Craig Rogerson, vice president and general manager of BetzDearborn added, "We look torward to being a part of the GE team. GE Specialty Materials is a growing and exciting business. We will build on our traditional commitment to customer service, give our people opportunity tor professional growth and offer new, exciting technologies to expand our sales and technical service capabilities to our customers." BetzDearborn has its global headquarters in Trevose, COGEN EUROPE TO ADVISE CENELEC CENELEC, the European electrotechnical standards organization and COGEN Europe, the European association tor the promotion of cogeneration, have signed an agreement, which will allow tor direct co-operation and mutual contribution to each other's work. More specially, the agreement guarantees direct input from COGEN Europe into standardization work undertaken by CENELEC. COGEN Europe can theretore advise on standardization priorities, propose drafts and deliver expert advice on legislative consequences of new standards. COGEN Europe has become a strategic partner tor CENELEC, said CENELEC president M.Saulnier, because 'cogeneration is the very basis of future developments in renewable, environment-friendly energy, including electricity. Pennsylvania and is a division of Hercules lncorporated. it has offices in more than 50 countries and operations throughout the world. it has tour regional centers and 25 production plants located in North America, Asia-Pacifıc, Europe, and Latin America. BetzDearborn is a leading provider in the engineered chemical treatment of water and process systems in industrial, commercial and institutional facilities. Annual sales are approximately $1 billion. The BetzDearborn business will be the fıfth component in the GE Specialty Materials portfolio. Specialty Materials is a new platform tor growth within GE offering a wide range of products including fused quartz, polymer additives, silicones and industrial diamonds. GESM uses technological innovation and Six Sigma to serve customers in segments as diverse as cosmetics, semi-conductors, oil drilling, construction and telecommunications. Hercules manufactures chemical specialties used in making a variety of products tor home, office and industrial markets. The company's core businesses include its Pulp and Paper Division, the world's largest source of chemicals tor the paper industry; and Aqualon, a world leader in products that modify physical properties of water-based systems. GE Specialty Materials , BetzDearborn Su Arıtma Hizmetleri'ni Satın Aldı General E/ectric'e bağlı GE Specia/ty Materials, iş alanına yeni bir bölüm ekleyecek ve yıllık satışlarını 1 milyar dolar düzeyinde artıracak bir girişimde bulunarak, Hercules lnc.'ait Betz Dearbon su arıtma hizmetlerini satın aldı. 1.8 milyar dolar tutarındaki anlaşmanın 2002 ilkbaharında tamamlanması bekleniyor. Dünyanın ikinci en büyük endüstriyel su arıtma hizmetleri şirketi olan BetzDearborn, endüstriyel uygulama için kimyasal arıtma ve su işleme sistemleri üretiyor. BetzDearborn, GE Specia/ty Materials portfo/yosundaki beşinci unsur olacak. GE bünyesinde yeni bir platform olarak kurulan Specialty Materia/s, silikon, endüstriyel elmas, polimer katkı maddeleri gibi geniş bir ürün yelpazesiyle, kozmetikten petrol çıkartmaya kadar çok farklı sektörlerdeki müşterilerine hizmet veriyor. COGEN AVRUPA CENELEC'E DANIŞMAN OLUYOR Avrupa elektronik standartları örgütü CENELEC ve kojenerasyon kullanımını yaygınlaştımayı amaçlayan Avrupa örgütü COGEN Avrupa, bir anlaşma imzalayarak ortak çalışmalarda bulunmayı ve yardımlaşmayı kararlaştırdılar. Yapılan anlaşmayla özellikle CENELEC tarafından yürütülen standartlaştırma görevine GOGEN Avrupa'nın doğrudan katılımı garantilenmiş oldu. Böylece COGEN Avrupa standartlaştırma öncelikleri konusunda önerilerde bulunabilecek tasarılar sunarak yeni standartların yasallaştırılması sürecinde uzman tavsiyesinde bulunabilecek. CENELEC Başkanı M. Saulnier'in açıklamasına göre COGEN Avrupa CENELEC'in stratejik bir ortağı oldu. Saulnier "kojenerasyon gelecekteki yenilenebilen, elektriği de içeren çevre dostu enerjilerin geliştirilmesi için temel oluşturur" dedi. ECOGENERATION WORLD 121