PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF GAS TURBINES Maintenance is an important issue due to the cost and functions of the machines/systems in the operation. The complexity of the gas turbines systems urges LTSAs (Long Term Service Agreements) ta be carried aut with the OEM. Today in practice, we see Periodical and Preventive Maintenance as the major maintenance methods. Far periodical maintenance OEM determines maintenance intervals based on operating hours, taking in consideration their own experience, material and manufacturing specifıcation. Preventive maintenance is established to put away the disadvantages of !he Periodical Maintenance. The actual maintenance time of the machine is determined by monitoring specific values. in modern maintenance technique the above two techniques are used together. But because of !he vital importance of reliability and safety in energy production, !he operating hour is very important to determine the maintenance time. Far the standard MS 6000 serial GE Gas Turbines, maintenance interval is 8.000 operating hours. The factors that affect maintenance period are, start/stop frequency, load cycle, environment and fuel. A flexibility could be gained far the maintenance time by monitoring the vibrations, heat and by borescope control, capacity and lube oil analysis. There are two MS 6001 B GE Gas Turbines running in Ereğli lron and Steel Works ine. (ERDEMiR ) Power Plan!. Far one of the GT Units the fırst and second combustion inspections had been done. Far the other unit only !he fırst combustion inspection had been done, the second combustion inspection will be performed soon. Far both of the Units the Combustion lnspections had been performed at an average 10.500 operating hours.The inspections has been achieved by !he ERDEMiR crew who have experience in steam turbine and air compressor maintenance, with the technical assistance provided by OEM company General Electric. During the combustion inspections, transition pieces, crossfıre tubes and consumption materials had been ~replaced:-Remaining parts-had·been-used-again·after-the - inspections and maintenance. The most important parts of the combustion chambers are the transition pieces and can be used again after repairing and coating. The second combustion inspection had been performed in a shorter time. First, we developed special tools during !he assembly and disassembly of seme of the parts. We gained time by the help of these special tools. Another point of issue is applying a better assembly procedure regarding ta the problems !hat we lived during the disassembly, we gained time and material by !his way. We made preparation considering !he improper produced parts and the defomıation of the parts because of the severe operating conditions. 241 ECOGENERATION WORLO A Z R • RI • • i N L E R i • D i K LARI VE •• ECRUBELER Son yıllarda enerji sektörü, Türkiye'nin en hızlı gelişen sektörlerinden birisi oldu. Bir çok avantajından dolayı, gaz türbinleri de bu sektörün vazgeçilmez unsuru haline geldi. Yatırımlar ve teknoloji seçimi büyük bir süratle yapıldı. Gaz türbinleri bakım maliyetleri diğer sistemlere göre oldukça fazladır. Yakın gelecekte karşımıza dev bir problem olarak çıkmaması için şimdiden ciddi ve kapsamlı çalışmalar yapılması ve birikimlerin paylaşılması gerekmektedir. GAZ TÜRBİNLERİNDE BAKIM FELSEFESİ Makinaların veya sistemlerin maliyetine ve işletmedeki fonksiyonlarına göre bakım stratejisi önem kazanmaktadır. Enerjiden dolayı meydana gele-ri duruş maliyetleri oldukça fazladır. Gaz türbinlerinde sistemin kompleks olması ve enerjinin öneminden dolayı Türkiye ve dünya genelinde bakım firmalarıyla uzun süreli, bakım, tamir ve yedek parça temini şeklinde anlaşmalar yapılmaktadır. Gaz türbinlerinde bakım maliyetleri önemli bir kalem tutar. Bu sebeple planlama, zamanında bakım, yedek parça temini ve personel eğitimi oldukça önemlidir. Bakımda dikkate alınacak parametreler şunlardır: 1- Maksimum güvenilirlilik 2- Minimum bakım süresi, 3- Minimum stok, 4- Minimum yedek parça ve tamir maliyeti. Bugün günümüzde en çok rağbet gören bakım metodu ve tekniği