FIRAT ITS PIPE SYSTEMS PROVIDE CONTEMPORARY SOLUTIONS ACCORDING TO THE DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIAL ENGINEERING PROPERTIES, BY MEANS OF THE WIDE PRODUCT RANGE. �::rr::r:r lEIHlfllAT SKi: FIRAT realizes merely and for the first time the production of the fittings and the pipes made of HDPE in FKS (Filtered Sewerage Pipe Systems) for all of the world-wide sewerage systems together with German Krah GmbH The resistance of the pipes are enhanc • t the external pressures wi·th the special profil stem. ··---= high tension resista �e icıe . advantage of worwna in r ressures wit ı,;ı .. :f thrc . l'l (;;I 1; f;I i p e 100 pip e s ) FIRAT Natural Gas pipes are produced in order to be used in the transportation of the gas fuels. lts raw material is the polyethylene material and of yellow colour. AII of the subjects are automatically controlled up to the last tests beginning from the raw material entry. :ııııı:,g"c-_ iEailtıll --- Türkoba Köyü P.K. 12 34907 Büyükçekmece lstanbul / TÜRKiYE Tel: +90(212) 859 04 04 • 859 05 05 Fax: +90(212) 859 04 00 • 859 05 00 e-mail: web site: