Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 8. Sayı (Ocak - Şubat 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

j?rt3 T 'ARTICLE {MAKALE --,, , _ 0 •,,·:t'ı''.,-' >,. ,( ;. valeues are in most cases twice as strict as those currently in farce. The Directive alsa requires all new projects that are proposed ta be developed ta consider cogeneration except where this is not technically ar economically feasible. Thus, this Directive should provide an important boası far cogeneration, ensuring that the next generation of large combustion installations maximizes energy efficiency, leading ta gains in CO2 reductions as well as noxious pollutants. The EU has a set of common rules on permitting far industrial initializations. These rules are set aut in the so-called IPPC Directive of 1996. in essence, the IPPC Directive is about minimizing pollution from various point resources throughout the European Union. AII installations covered by Annex ı of the Directive are required ta obtain an authorization /rom the authorities in the EU countries, and are not allowed ta operate without a permi!. The permits must be based on the concept of 'Besi Available Techniques' (ar BAT), which is defineci in Article 2 of the Directive. in many cases, BAT means quite radical environmental improvements, and sometimes it will be very costly far companies ta adap! their plants ta BAT. Ta impose new and considerably tougher BAT rules on all existing installations in the European Union could jeopardize many European jobs and therefare the Directive grants these installations an 11-year long transition period, counting from the day that the Directive entered into farce. Far large combustion installations, this process of BAT assessment began in 2000 and will be completed around the end of !his year. This does, however, mean that they will only gave six years of the transition period remaining ta them. it includes cogeneration, and as with the LCP Directive, IPPC recognizes that cogeneration is the BAT far large combustion installations where this is economically feasible. COGEN Europe believes it is important that a full implementation of the IPPC and LPC Directives is achieved, both in the Jetler and the spiril of the Jegis\ation. Thus cogeneration, being a Besi Available Technology, should a\ways be considered as the besi opinion when a new planı is planned. Energy efficiency is usually not sufficiently integrated in environmental and land-use planning. Finally, and more controversially, the European Commission should deve\op a proposal ta phase aut old po\luting power stations. Written-off investments have a competitive advantage that is not usually balanced-by-a ful\ interna\ization of their environmenta\costs. 'Environmental dumping' shou\d be banned on the new energy markets. As with any process of improving the performance of a sector, removing the worst performers from the system is an integral part of moving towards a more sustainable future. THE ROLE OF COGENERATION iN CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY The European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) is a programme of the European Commission that brought together relevant stakeholders ta co-operate in the preparatory work of common and co-ordinated po\icies and measures ta reduce greenhouse gas emissions. COGEN Europe alsa proposed measures far the ECCP re\ating � ECOGENERATION WORLD ta cogeneration. Jts principal recommendation ta the ECCP is !hat the programme be used ta deve\op policies and measures that deliver the target set by EC Combined Heat and Power Strategy (Cam (1997) 154 final) - that 18% of all EU electricity be produced by cogeneration by 201O. Two of the measures adopted by the ECCP were as follows: Launch an EU Cogeneration lnitiative, equivalent to the Campaign far Take Off adapted to kick-start the development of renewab/es. The lnitiative cou/d inc/ude: - lndicative targets far innovative cogeneration systems such as trigeneration, micro cogeneration ar fuel cells. These technologies are ready far take-up internationally and the EU has a unique opportunity ta take strategic \ead in their development. - An EU label ta distinguish the most energy-efficient cogeneration schemes throughout the EU and foster besi practice. -A more specific best practice campaign at the EU \eve\ on the topic of connection costs and technical require ments far the same - A European cali far tender far a 'universa\' device far connection, ar alternatively a proposa\ far an EU \abel on connection/protection devices in order to increase transparency. Prepare a Directive on cogeneration, which should include the following items: - A definition of CHP, covering the issue of quality lndicative targets - An ob\igation to support CHP through price support schemes -Grid connection and reinforcement issues -Administrative and p\anning procedures -Certificate Trading Scheme CONCLUSIONS it is imperative !hat the European Union develops an appropriate legal framework to support the widespread development of cogeneration, as it can make a major contribution to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. COGEN Europe welcomes the indication !hat the Commission is p\anning ta come forward with a Cogeneration Directive. in the long run, liberalization of the energy market will help ta re_alize the potential of cogeneration in the European Union. Libera\ization, il ildoes nothing else, changes the vision of future energy supp\y options. We are no lenger beho\den ta the views and preferences of monopolists. Cogeneration is one of the besi energy options far a sustainable energy future. Not only is the concept energy efficient, it is cost-effective and emits the minimum amount of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel use. The trend towards energy systems that are decentralized potentially, the core of a sustainab\e future is accelerated by cogeneration. We urge policymakers ta grasp the opportunity ta maximize use of cogeneration, to reduce impact on the climate and energy resources and benefit energy security. Dr. Siman Minett is Director of COGEN Europe Source: Cogeneration and On-Site Power Production