Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 8. Sayı (Ocak - Şubat 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

Centrax - A Povverful Business in Cogeneration Centrax: Kojenerasyon'da Güçlü Şirket İ ngiltere orijinli bağımsız bir aile işletmesi olan Centrax, gaz türbini endüstrisinde 55 yıllık tecrübeye sahiptir. Firma ilk uygulamalarına, o güne kadar sadece uçaklarda kullanılan gaz türbin teknolojisinin endüstriyel işletmelere uyarlayarak başlamıştır. Bugün Centrax iki ana bölümden oluşmaktadır: Gaz Türbin ve Türbin Elemanları bölümleri. Şirketin Newton Abbot'takı merkezinde 900 personel çalışmakta ve yıllık ış hacmi, 70 milyon Sterlin tutarında gerçekleşmektedir. Centrax Gas Türbın Bölümü, 2.5-6.5 MW aralığında gas türbiniyle çalışan jeneratör setleri üretmekte ve kağıttan gıdaya, kimya endüstrisinden bölgesel ısıtmaya kadar çok farklı sektörlere kojenerasyon paketleri sunmaktadır. Bugüne kadar özellikle kojenerasyon uygulamaları için 200 Centrax güç üretim seti satılmış ve toplam 1 O milyon saatlik tecrübe kazanılmıştır. Bu tanıtım yazısında Centrax'ın dünyanın değişik ülkelerinde üstlendıği taahütler konusunda detaylı bilgiler verilmekedir Centrax Ltd is an independent family owned engineering company based in Newton Abbot, England. More than 55 years experience in the Gas Turbine industry has given Centrax a fırm looting in gas turbine and related power generation markets. The Company began by exploiting industrial uses of !he then recently developed gas turbine technology !hat was fınding its early aircraft applications. in order to fund developments of industrial products !he subcontract manufacture of gas turbine comP,onents, particularly aeroloils, was undertaken by Centrax and various unique processes developed. The rapid growth in the use of the gas turbine in flight applications has resulted in !he successful subcontracting business continuing today. The range of components now includes blades lor compressors and turbines, vanes and nozzles plus discs, shafts and casings. Centrax has two main divisions; the Gas Turbine Division and the Turbine Components Division. The company employs 900 people at its facility in Newton Abbot, and has an annual turnover of f:70 million. Today the Gas Turbine Division serves industries ranging !rom paper, lood, chemicals, oil and gas, waste/landfıll, motor, district heating and ceramics mainly providing Cogeneration packages that are sold singly or in multiples. Recently Centrax has won important contracts, strengthening its position not only in Europe but alsa throughout the world. Powering ahead The Gas Turbine Division of Centrax manufactures gas turbine driven generator sets, of their own design, in the 2.5 to 6.5MWe ranges. The sets are based on the Rolls-Royce Corporation range of industrial gas turbines with Centrax being a European based packager. The Rolls-Royce turbine engine is a derivative of the aero-engine used by the Hercules transport aircraft - the worlds most successfuL [1!11 Centrax took off by exploiting industrial uses of the then recently developed gas turbi ne technology that was fi nding its early aircraft applications. ■ To date, nearly 200 Centrax generator sets have been sold primarily lor Combined Heat and Power (CHP) applications with ECOGENERATION WORLO L2L.