"Since 1962, Türk Loydu as an impartial, independent and reliable national society, serves both locally and abroad to manufacturing, marine and service sectors with its expert, experienced and certificated technical personnel in Classification, Certification and Third Party lnspection services. Other than the land industry, marine industry and project control and research department activities, Turk Loydu alsa meets the ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certificate demands !hat the organisations need, with its certification department, which carries out its activities as a separate division. Turk Loydu which is a general board member of TURKAK (the Turkish Accreditation Body !he organisation of which is at the completion stage) is accredited to TURK LOYDU COMPANY PROFiLE issue internationally valid ISO 9000 Certificate in accordance with EN 45012 from SWEDAC who is !he While the certificates and services of Turk Loydu have international validity, it alsa serves the industrial organizations. The lndustrial Division mainly deals with; Project approval: Review and approval of design calculations and projects, in contormity with national and international standards, technical and/or customer specifications. Material approval:The origin and/or quality approvals of !he main materials, consumables and equipment used tor production. Welder certificates: The examination and certification of !he welding staff in accordance with the standards. Manufacturing inspections: Performing !he intermediate and final inspections for productions of all kinds of metal and nan-metal. lnstallation inspections and commissioning tests: Performing the installation inspections, the factory and site tests. Certification: Certification of all !he services listed above, welding materials (electrodes and wires) and Product certifıcation. Third party inspection and supervision services: lnspection and supervision services at !he production and/or work sites on behalf of the owner/customer. Annual periodic inspection and test services: Annual periodic inspections and tesis, announced by the regional labour inspectors' office tor the lifting and storing machines and pressurised vessels, the annual periodic inspections and tests of which are obliged to be carried out, in accordance with the worker health and work security regulations. Technica/ consultancy: Transfer of knowledge and technical consultancy services in current standards and technical issues. Turk Loydu which serves the steel construction manufacturing, atmospheric and pressurised storage tanks, boilers, land and subsea pipe lines, plastic infrastructure pipes, offshore plattorms, power plants, ships, yachts, viaducts and similar structures and plants, carries out tests in !he tollowing matters, and certifies test results in its laboratories in lstanbul, Tuzla in its own building. Additionally, Turk Loydu does and reviews tesis at !he customer sites, plants or ships, with modern and non-destructive test devices, the calibrations of which are done regularly. Swedish Accreditation Body. Turk Loydu which is continuing its services since 1997 as an society which has DiN EN ISO 9001 :94 Quality Management System Certificate has established the structures and earthquake department after the 1999 earthquake. Türk Loydu having service cooperation agreements among Germany, ltaly, S. Korea, Romania and Ukraine Lloyd organizations and having intense supervision relationships among ITU, YTU, BU; in the above subjects give services fast, economic and customer - oriented as a independent, impartial and competent national organization. in the content of third party inspection services of Co-generation power plants Türk Loydu give services from project phase to start up phase. Türk Loydu, 1962 yılından beri yurt içinde ve yurtdışında özellikle imalat sanayii, denizcilik ve hizmet sektörlerine, uzman, deneyimli ve sertifikalı teknik elemanları ile bağımsız, tarafsız ve güvenilir bir milli kuruluş olarak; Klaslama , Sertifikalandı rma ve Üçüncü Taraf Kontrollük hizmetlerini vermektedir. Hazırladığı belgelerin ve verdiği hizmetlerin uluslararası geçerliği olan Türk Loydu, sanayi kuruluşlarına aşağıdaki konularda hizmet sunmaktadı r. Proje onayı: Dizayn hesapları ve projelerin, ulusal ve uluslararası standart, kod ve/veya müşteri şartnamelerine göre kontrolü ve onayı. ECOGENERATION WORLO �