AVRUPA, CHP ve BÖLGESEL ENERJİ İLE KYOTO HEDEFLERİNİN %58'İNİ KARŞILAYABİLİR , Euroheat & Power tarafından yapılan yeni hesaplamalar, !! Avrupa Birliği'nin Avrupa'da kojenerasyon kullanımını arttırarak, ' 2010 yılı karbondioksit azaltma hedefini yaklaşık % 60 oranında gerçekleştirebileceğini ileri sürüyor. Euroheat&Power'ın yeni yayınlanan raporlarında 2010 yılında % 18 olarak belirlenen kojenerasyon hedefine ulaşılırsa, 1997'de kojenerasyon sağlanan tasarruflara ek olarak Avrupa'nın her yıl 194.3 milyon ton karbondioksit tasarrufu sağlayabileceği dile getirildi. Bu da Kyoto hedefinin %57.B'lik kısmına denk düşüyor. Kuruluş yetkilileri hesap ve hesaplama yöntemlerinin güvenilirliği konusunda şüphe duymadıklarını belirtiyorlar. EUROPE COULD MEET 58% OF ITS KYOTO TARGET THROUGH CHP AND DISTRICT ENERGY New calculations by Euroheat and Power suggest that the European Union could meet nearly 60% of its 2010 carbondioxide reduction target by increasing the use of CHP in Europe to the point where it generates 18% of the total electricity used itse/fan EU target. /f the %18 CHP target is met by 2010, then Europe cou/d save up to 194. 3 million tonnes carbondioxide per year in addition to the savings de/ivered by CHP plants which a/ready existed in 1997, says Euroheat and Power in a new scenario report. This 1 COMBINED COOLING AND POWER FOR UK TELEHOUSES Two 'telehouses'-data and telecommunications switching ceniers in the UK are being equipped with 'combined cooling and power (CCP)' units by Brotherhood Aircogen. Tİie units have been built lor telecoms company 186k Limited ur1der a contract awarded to Lattice Energy Services in partnership with aircogen. The new units, to. be installed ııt facilities in Heme! Hempstead and Bristol, will be the world's first deployments of CCP in !his reliability-critical application, says Aircogen. T�lehouses require electrical energy and air conditicining (cooling) in broadly equal measure. This is normally proVided at poor overall energy efficiency because of the high-energy cost of electricity-based air conditioning. However, the CCP. system being installed lor 186k eliminates the majority of ihe air; conditioning power needs, reducing the overall energy demand by.around 22 %. The ratio of cocıling and power r�duced by CCP very closeıy·malches the site requirement�. Based on Aircogen Nimbus .CHP. equipment, close-coupl�d to absorpiion chillers, the systems guarantee 99.999% reliability of electricity supply-vital lor ıound-the-clock, 365 day� per year operation. A total of iout 1 Mwe CCP units is being . . . • ;ırıımmr�ıijın, , ' ' • 1 • -t{r(gı#trııt(Qıt.':: corresponds to 57.8% of the Kyoto target. The exercise il/ustrates the veıy significant contribution, which the CHP and district heating and coo/ing sectors can make to achieve the European Union's c/imate change objectives. The figures are accurate and the ca/culation method transparent, adds the Association. The report provides a consistent methodo/ogy based on a coherent set of data for ca/culating the amount of carbondioxide emissions that can be avoided if the CHP target is met. Ali assumptions are clearly reported. 'To assess the fuel and emissions savings brought about by CHP, we need to know exactly the product we are talking about', says Hans Hof, chairman of Euroheat & Power's Eco/ogy group, which has carried out the study. Some countries consider as CHP e/ectricity the who/e output of CHP plants, independently from the actual proportion of e/ectricity generation in CHP mode and in condensing mode. However, only 'rea/' carbondioxide savings, says Euroheat. A special chapter of the report is therefore dedicated to this question and highlights the need for the introduction ofa technical/y correct European standard. However, the 18% EU target is ambitious and cannot be reached without an active CHP policy, adds the association: 'lf the European Union wants to take advantage of the benefits of the technology in order to implement its climate po/icy objectives, we need a reliable framework in form ofa CHP directive that makes sure that fue/ and carbondioxide savings can and wi/1 be rewarded.' installed at Hemel Hempstead and two 660 kW units are being installed at Bristol. The avojded cost of standby generation and electric air conditioning systems considerably lowers !iletime costs lor the installed system, says Aircogen. Lattice Energy Services is managing the installation of the telehouse CCP systems, which it will own and operate under aiong-term energy supply contract with 186k. INGILIZ TELE-MERKEZLERi iÇiN KOMBiNE SOĞUTMA VE ENERJi /ngiltere'de iki telemerkez - veri ve telekomünikasyon kontrol merkezleri- Brotherhood Aircogen tarafından kombine soğutma ve elektrik enerjisi üretim (CCP) birimleriyle donatıldı. Aircogen ve Lattice Energy Services arasında yapılan anlaşma çerçevesinde kurulan te/ekom şirketi 186k Limited için kwulan yeni birimlerAircogen, Heme/ Hempstead ve Bristol'daki tesislere yerleştirildi. Aircogen ise düşük maliyetli yedek jeneratör ve elektrikli havalandırma sistemleri sayesinde . kurulan /!İstemin çalışma süresi maliyetini gözle görünür ölçüde düşürdüğünü açıkladı. Lattice Enerji Hizmetleri telemerkez,CCP sistemlerinin kurulumunu sağlıyor ve bu s/stemler. 186/i ile yapılan uzun dönemli enerji sunumu anlaşması.altında işlemlerin gerçekleştirilmesini ve tasarruf edilmesini sağlıyorlar. ECOGENERATION WORLO iL