Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 80. Sayı (Eylül 2010)

Editorial News From Our Energy Sector ---------------------------2 On 10 October 2010 Sunday, the decision nurnbered 2010/958 of the Council of Ministers prepared by the State Planning Agency was published. This is very irnportant. I guote the energy related section of the decision below. The main goal of an energy policy is to supply the energy needed by the increasing population and growing economy in a free market setting and in a continuous, guality and secure manner at minimum cost. In this regard; ■ "Necessary precautions to ensure energy supply security and to carry out energy production, transmission and distribution investments within the framework of supplydemand projections will be taken. ■ Electricity distribution and production privatizations will be carried out taking into account both the goal of making profit and the price structure that will form in the market as well as other sectoral priorities. ■ Efforts for establishing nuclear power plants with the goal of increasing energy supply diversity and ensure supply security will continue. ■ Taking into account, the resource utilization targets for electricity production as announced by the Electricity Energy Market and Supply Security Strategy Docurnent, precautions to increase the share of domestic resources in power generation in order to minimize production costs, will be taken. ■ Dependency on natura] gas and imported coal resources for power generation will be decreased. Natural gas utilization in non-electricity sectors will be made wide spread based on competition and natura! gas supply security will be ensured at the national level by taking into account seasonal demand changes as well. ■ Policies will be adopted to minimize leakage/losses in electricity production, transmission and distribution, to diversify subventions within the framework of the Law of Energy Efficiency, to manage demand side and to make high efficiency practices like cogeneration and insulation wide spread. ■ Efforts will be continued in order to make Turkey a transit route and a terminal country for transportation of energy resources (like oil, natural gas and electricity) from our region to international markets" We would expect to see some kind of information about "utilization of our renewable energy resources" among these 7 articles that will be applied in the mid-term. Summaries Actual EPDK Gave Licenses to 32 Companies ----------------10 Energy Markets Regulatory Board (EPDK) gave licenses to 32 companies as part of the provisions of the Electricity Market License Bylaw. 8 of the licenses are for wholesale while 2 of them are for auto producer licenses. Auto producer and producer licenses are given for a period of 49 years and the whole sale licenses are given for a period of 1 O years. The companies given production licenses will be establishing plants with established capacities ranging between 1.9 MW and 188.7 MW Turkey is a Candidate to Become a "Terminal Company" with its Natura! Gas Pipeline Projects --------------------------------------26 The Energy Transmission, Distribution and Generation Summit organized by Wartsila laid the problems of the energy sector on the table. At the summit held on 28 September 2010, Tuesday, the issue of using alternative energy resources in an efficient and low cost way and the view that, in order to meet the current energy demand, natural gas based energy systems must be established to overcome the supply problems encountered at the main network, has been adopted. Energy Was Among the Topics of Izmir International Exhibition ----------------------------------------------------30 Organized under the topic of "energy", the 79th Izmir International Exhibition hosted the International Energy Turk Summit this year. Minister Yıldız, who delivered a speech during the opening ceremony of the event, expressed his views about the responses shown to hydroelectricit:y power plant projects. Local and Foreign Companies Controlling a Total of 12.497 MW Power Capacity -------------------------------52 The study conducted by Strategic Technical Economic Research Center (STEAl\1) based on data obtained from relevant companies and institutions about the share of foreign companies in the power generation projects licensed by EPDK, based on thermal and renewable resources has been published in the "2010 Turkish Electricity Energy Sector Report". According to the findings of the study, loca! and foreign companies are involved in a total of 66 projects (22 thermal, 44 hydroelectricity and wind based projects). These projects comprise a total of 12.497 MW of power generation capacity and 9.943 MW of this capacity is based on thermal resources while 2.554 MW is based on wind and hydroelectricity. ENERJi DÜNYASI EYLOL2010 1 03