Editorial The draft of Renewable Energy Law is under discussion in The Parliament The forıner renewable energy sources law was not sufficient to open the way of investments. The feed-in-tariff, which ,vas fixed by this law, was not enough to support the investments. Besides, there was very big obstruction against the construction of sınall scale hydro plancs. As you will be recalled, in June, 2009, the revision of the forıner renewable law, was brought to the Parliament but, at !ast minute, the Government withdre,v it, including its annex, incentives. On 4th and 5th November of this year, the draft Law is started to be discussed. The discussions are stili going on. W/e hope, it will be enacted now. Some people are not happy with the reduced gas prices üne of the columnists of the Energy Sector Magazine, underlined his unhappiness from the low level of natura! gas. \Y/e understand that, he tries to support the companies who gained the right of import a part of BOTAŞ gas purchasing Agreement. W/e are very much sorry to declare our disagreement with this kind of one sided comments. Because, respectively Low gas prices, are prime mover of industrial growth and low electricity prices which make industrial production coınpetitive. Actual The issue of liberalization in the electricity sector and discussions for an appropriate model Goals of the Law numbered 4628 During the period since 2001 when the Electricity Markets Law numbered 4628 became effective, it has not been possible to complete market's transition to the system foreseen by the la,v while discussions related to realization of the targeted benefits stili continue. The justifications for and the goals of the legal arrangements completed in 2001, was included in the general justification for the law numbered 4628. The targets of this new structuring is given as follows in the law, "Decreasing the share of public sector in the investments while increasing the share of the private sector in order to restructure the electricity energy market under liberal market conditions, and making the legal and administrative arrangements to increase the effectiveness of the public sector in the inspection and administration actiriries.is_of. greatestimpoı:tance". \X1heo one reYiew_s tb.e developments duı ng the !ast nine years since these goals Summaries were set, he/she can see that public sector has actually ınade no investments but the foreseen private sector invesunents have not been realized either. However the law had set solid targets for private sector invesunents. Accordingly, demand for electricit:y energy in our country was to increase by 8 to 10% on average in 2000s and the established power generation capacity was to be doubled until 2010. Turks expect to see "Goverrunent Incentive" for Climate change as well According to the global study conducted by the market research company Synovate and the international media company Deutscl1e \Y/elle in order to analyze clin1ate change and attitude of public towards clin1ate change, people in every country are anxious about the climate change. The study that covered 13 thousand respondents from 18 countries and analyzed the roles and responsibilities of media cornpanies with regard to struggle with this global challenge, demonstrated that the global population's anxiety about the impact of climate change has not changed. Turkish and German Legislation were Analyzed during the Envirorunental Law Symposium The symposiurn titled "The European Union, Gerrnany and Turkey's Environmental Legislation" was held on 18-20 October 2010 in partnership by Economic Development Foundation, Bielefeld University, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Yeditepe University. The main topic of the symposium was tl1e current situation in EU, Germany and Turkey with regard to environment which was recently opened to discussion on 21 December 2009 and whicl1 is vital for Turkey's preparation for EU membership. Deloitte Analyzed the Next üne Year of the Renewable Energy Sector Deloitte published its report titled "Alternative Thinking 201 1 : Perspective for trends and 1O main issues in tl1e renewable energy sector". The main topics of the report were the global issues of the renewable energy sector and main development trends. According to the report, there is a serious fi.nance shortage in the sector and companies have diffi.culty in obtaining bank loans. On the other hand, tl1e consolidarion phase in the sector stili continues, giving way to groundwork for healthy de.velopıneııt. .Als_a, the. compa.o.i.es..iıı the.s.ecto.ı: are. iıı �eed..of gaining new talents in order to be successful. ENERJi DÜNYASI EKIM2010 87