Eclitorial Congratulations for the New Year and New Renewable LawNr. 6094 Finally, the revised Renewable Energy Law is enacted on 29'\ December 201 O. Let's take a look what does new Law offer. There are 2 Tables on the Law: Table 1 is established for new feed -in tariffs upon the source of Energy. Table 1. new feed - in tariffs for renewable energy resoıuces Hydro r>owcr ı?cncration 7.3 US cent / kWh \X'ind ınill power 7.3 US ccnt / k\X'h Gcothermal sourccd power generatioıı 10.5 CC!lt / k\X11 Bioınass based powcr gencration 13.3 ccnt / kWh Solar based powcr gcneration 13.3 ccnt / k\X'h The following feed - in tariffs, will be applied to the gıı.aranteed electricity purchases: Accepted feed - iı1 tariff by Law exactly the same which was set -up in fust Renewable Law, issued 5 years ago. Only clifference is,new feed -iı1 tariffs are expressed in US dollar, instead of Euro in tl1e first Law. But quite high prices are accepted for geothermal, bio mass based power generations and solar based electriciı:y. In tl1e same Law, additional (bonus) incentives were accepted for the elecu-icity generated by ilie equipment made in Turkey. The levels of the incentives for the electricity generated by ilie equipment made in Turkey are given in Table 2. Table 2. Thc levels of the inccntives for the clectricity l !!'encrated bv the eouipment made in Turkev. E9uipıncnt Bonus addcd for Tı,ıc of Plant ı loca! manufacturing (ınade in Turkey) (US dolar ccnt/k\X'h) Hydro Power �Turbine 1 .3 �t Altcrnator ı----- -· 1.0 \X'in[!S 0.8 \'('ind power ı\lrcrnator 1.0 Planr Tower 0.6 Rotor and nasel groups 1.3 P\' panel İntegration 0.8 P\' ınodules 1.3 Solar/ P\' Cclls constİtutcd dıe P\' ınoclule 3.5 lnvertor 0.6 Coating of P\' ınodule 0.5 Radiation collecting tubc 2.4 ReAectİng plate 0.6 Concentratcd The systcın following rhe sun 0.6 Solar Encrgy _ı\,Iechanical oarts for heat storage 1.3 Plant Mech. parts for steaın gcneracing 2.4 svstems Scirling engine 1.3 Panel integracion 0.6 Fluidized bed boiler 0.8 Boiler 0.4 Bioınass Gasificatioo 0.6 based power Steaın or gas turbinc 2.0 generation Engine 0.9 ı\ltcrnator 0.5 Cogeneration sı•steın 0.7 Likewise, for geothermal based electricity production 1.3 cent / kWh, for steam or gas turbine, 0.7 cent/kWh and for steam injector and vacuum compressor 0.7 cent/kWh bonus will be given for made in Turkey's parts. Summaries Actual Subject All Aspects of Energy Efficiency Evaluated UEVF 2011 UEVF 2011-2nd National Energy Efficiency Forum and Exhibition opened its doors to visitors at WOW Convention Center Istanbul-Yeşilköy under the coordination of the General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration of the Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources. The event will be available for visit bet:ween 13-14 January 2011. During ilie opening ceremony, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız, General Manager of the General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration M. Kemal Büyükmıl1CJ, Deput:y Undersecretary of the Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources and EVK.K. President Yusuf Yazar, TUBITAK. President Prof. Dr. Ni.iket Yetiş delivered speeches. Following ilie opening ceremony, the stands of the participating companies were visited. Organized as part of the 30th Energy Efficiency Week, UEVF 2011 opened its doors to over 3.000 professional visitors and hosted a series of meetings ain1ed at evaluating the required efforts for energy efficienc)', Draft Law for Renewable Energy Resources Passed the Parliament Prices to be applicable to tl1e licensed production facilities that are subject to YEK incentive mechanism will be based on "Dollar cents" instead of "Euro cents". Draft law for renewable energy resources passed the TBMM General Assembly and became a law; The goal of tl1e law is to promote electriciı:y production based on renewable resources. According to tl1e law, procedures and principles for determining, grading and utilization of electricity energy resources by obtaining the views of relevant institutions will be regulated by this bylaw; Renewable energy resources that are determined will be communicated to tl1e relevant authorities by the Ministr)' in order to be recorded in the related development plans. All Eyes on Electricity Production Privatizations The 4 thermal power plants that have priority will be privatized apart from the portfolio groups while the 13 tl1ermal power plants and 28 hydroelectricity power plants will be privatized after being divided into 9 portfolios. The facilities to be privatized constitute 68% of the established power capacit:y of EUAŞ and 39% of the established capacity of Turkey. After completion of the electricity distribution privatizations, now it's time for the privatization process of the electricit:y production facilities. ENERJi DÜNYASI KASIM- ARALIK2010 103