Editorial Is There Anyone in the Kithchen? The Meals Have Started to İmprove Since 15 years ı have being writing about energy problems. But nowadays, energy manageınent is goingwell, compared to the past. The best evidence of th.is, is through plans and strategies. We see that, both MENR and SPO, have announced their mid-terın and long term goals and strategies. In m.id-term goal is agreed to be 100th. Aniversary of Turkish Republic. That means, 29'h October, 2023. We believe that this date will attract national support of ali sectors. If we come back to almost 90 years ago, 99 per cent of the turkish citizens had no access to electricity. Even the declaration of the republic was prepared under the light of kerosene laınp, in 29th October, 1923. 25 years later, electricity consumption per capita was only 50 kWh. Today, it is 60 times higher, 3000 kWh / capita. As of today: We don't have powerless village any ınore. Power interuptions were, as if, the destiny of the Turkish citizens. İt is not any more. The citizens and industrial consuıners had to satisfy witlı whatever is available. Now, 55% of the total electriciı:y has been generated by IPP and the quality of electricity is perfect. The privatization process in small scaled hydro plants (old ones) and Regional Electricity Distribution Centers are going well. İf the same perforınance could be achieved, the privatization of 45 EUAS's plants, will be transfered to their new owners (private coınpanies). Thus the share of EUAS in power production will come down to 25% in tlıe free electricity market. The New Renewables Law is ınotivating especially, the "agro-residues to energy" entire country. Installations of wind plants are increasing 40% per year and of hydro plant%10-12. Energy Market Regulatory Authorit:y ,EMRA,shows an excellent performance, in the preparations of tl1e necessary regulations, decrees and Board decisions and in their impleınentations..Since 5 months, Free Electricity Market is running upon "day ahead program." Since 18'h sept., 2010 Turkish High Voltage Grid is being operated in synchronized with tlıe European Grid. This operation is done through the ınode, lines: There are: Babaeski-Maritza (Bulgaria) Babeski -Koınetini (Yunanistan) As a summary of the noted performances, we can shortly say that, rating of MENR and EMRA is excellent in Summaries power related works, but how about the natural gas related matters? Although, Gas Market Law (No:4646) was enacted in May 2001 (almost 10 years ago), the share of BOTAS in the gas market is stili 90 percent. Whereas, it should have been 20 percent in tl1e year 2009, because, BOTAS doesn't want to hand over its power to anybody else. We find out that, the revision of tl1e "Gas Market Law is on the way going to the Turkish National Assembly. At least now, the government may think about the listening the civil associations of the sector, in order not to repeat the same mistakes. The History will never be repeated, if lessons are learnt well. Stay happy and friendly Actual The Report Titled "Transportation Fuels of the Future" Ranked LPG Among the Top 5 Fuel Types that are Alternatives to Oil Witl1 its report titled "Transportation Fuels of the Future" prepared by a teaın of experts, European Commission shared witlı tl1e public its foresights about tlıe fuel types that can senre as alternatives to oil. The report which was prepared by a team of experts comprising tl1e representatives of various sectors, nongovernmental organizations, academicians and the officials of the EU Commission outlines, with their respective justifications, the sustainable fuel types that can serve as alternatives to oil which has only 40 years of life left based on proven resources. This report where land, rail, sea and air transportation is analyzed in detail, serves as a road ınap for the European countries tl1at aim to decrease tl1eir emission rates by 80% to 95% until 2050. Minister of Energy and Natura! Resources Taner Yıldız: "During the Last Two Years, Turkey Invested a Total of 8 Billion TL in Energy Production" Privatization Administration, Citigroup and Oyak Yatırım organized a seminar titled "The future of the energy sector and privatizations of tlıe electricity production plants". Among the participants of tlıe seminar were; Minister of Finance Mehmet Şimşek, Minister of Energy and Natura! Resources Taner Yıldız, Undersecretariat of the l\ılinistry of Energy and Natura! Resources Metin Kilci, Deputy Head of the Privatization Administration Alımet Aksu, Citibank A.Ş. General Manager Serra Akçaoğlu and number of investors from the private sector. ENERJi DÜNYASI OCAK-ŞUBAT2011 79