Editorial ---------- E ar th q u ake + Tsunarrıi + Nuclear Explosion 3 weeks ago, 9.0 magnirude earthquake struck off Japan, triggeringTsunami waves with 10 meters high. As a result of these disasters, several explosions have been seen in Fukı.ıshima nuclear power plant, due to lack off cooling water. After these disasters happened, they must take serious precaurions in order to avoid similar disasters. One of the most important precautions is the revision of "Energy mix". Unfornınately,Japan, has not neither underground nor overground Energy sources. Throughout centuries,Japan produces the electricity supply from fosil fuels (%80), nuclear power plants (%19) and renewable Energy (%1). Therefore, they divert into supply Energy necessiries from nuclear Energy. Although they get strict measures for their mıclear power plants, they have found no way out opposite to natura! disasters. As a result of these incidents, ınany countries operaring nuclear power plants have decided to take new measures: ■ France, which has the highest capacity of nuclear facility has reported to slow clown the nuclear projects, direct to cogenerarion and renewable energies, instead of nuclear Energy. ■ America explains that, radiation leakage of Fukushima nuclear power p1'111t is as dangerous as "Three Miles Island" nuclear accident occured 20 years ago and thus, they will revise their license providing procedures once more. ■ Germany, before the Japan's earthquake, was planning to postpone the shutdown dates of 7 pieces of nuclear power plants. After the !ast disaster, Mrs. Merkel announced to stop these 7 power plants in the fırst plannig dates. What happened in Turkey? After the earthquake, our Prime :Minister who visited :tvir. Medınedev, President of Russia, demanded him additional security measures for nuclear power plant to be installed in Aklnıyu. But we have difficulcy to understand that, what he meant with "addirional securicy measures". Even if our Government agrees with Russia abouc these security measures, stili remains some questions in our mind. ■ Does the !ast agreement covers only units in Akkuyu? How many units are they, what is the total capacicy (MW)? ■ Thereupon, will ehe installation of 2nd and 3,d nuclear power plants be given up? ■ Is "Internarional Nuclear Energy Agency" agreed with the subject additional securit:y measures? After Chernobyl explosion in the past and as of today Fnkcrshima--radiation danger, a doubtfulness has raised on people's ıniı1d for the nuclear power plant projects in Summaries our country. Besides, As Japan is very sensitive nation and conscious for environment and healcy of their own people, accordingly getting many measures, it requires to think twice and more, when a nuclear power plant to be decided to install in somewhere. If our government gives incentives to renewable energy sources, especially solar energy, renewable energy will be "in", nuclear energy be "out", and thus, Energy supply will be provided from ınore clean and cheaper renewable energy sources. Actual Limak Holding Chairman of the Board Nihat Özderrıir: "Hydro-electric Power Plants (HPPs) should ve given priority and HPP projects needs to be encouraged" Energy is an iı1dispensible aspect of our daily life and it has particular importance for our developing country. The energy sector is relatively acrive and has a high growth potential. In 2010, elecuicicy production iı1 our country increased by 7.9% coınpared to 2009. Compared to the levels in 2010, total levels of electricity production and consumption as of January 2011 iı1creased by 12% and 13% respectively. This is a promising increase. The sector conrinues to gro\v. Hopefully, Turkey will reach 300 billion kWh in 2015, 400 billion kWh iı1 2020 and 500 billion kWh in 2023, the 100th anniversary of our republic. And our goal for per capita consumption which is currently at the level of 2600 kWh is to reacl1 5000 kWh in 2020s and to reach tl1e EU average of 6500 kWh in 2030s. The fact that major players of the global energy sector such as EnBW, RWE, EON, Statkraft, Ene!, CEZ, AES ete. have recently displayed greater interest in and have been entering tl1e energy market is a clear indicacor that the sector has further growtl1 potenrial. We are quite happy about ali these developınents. Turkey's Energy Outlook Former ETKB Undersecretary and lnternational Energy Advisor Assoc. Prof. Yurdakul Yiğitgüden We share with you our readers, tl1e presentation ınade by Assoc. Prof Yurdak.-ul Yiğicgüden dming the "ICCI 2011 Organizarion Committee Meering "held at Swissotel The Bosporus on 18 February 2011. Turkey's Energy Outlook ■ Turkey's primary energy balance ■ Turkey's foreign energy policy ■ BTCand SCP ■ Turkey's Pipelines ■ Gas transportation to Europe via Turkey ■ Southern Europe Gas Ring ■ Nabucco and gas suppliers ■ Turkey's electricity sector ■ Turkey's hard coal sector ■ Turkey's lignite sector ■ Renewable energy goals ENERJi DÜNYASI MART2011 79