MULTI-ENGINE CHP FOR UK POTASH PLANT Lattice Energy Services is to build what it calls the 'largest multiengine CHP plant in the UK' at Cleveland Potash Limited (CPL) located at Boulby Mine in Cleveland. The company, which produces potash used tor fertilizers and road salt, currently uses medium fuel oil to fire its massive rotary kiln dryers. CPL has signed an f:11 million (US$ 16 million), nine year contract with Lattice tor the design, construction, operation and financing of a 16 MWe plant which will not only fuel the production process but will also generate enough electricity to substantially reduce the company's demands on the national grid. An 8 km. connection pipeline is being laid from Brotton to the mine at Boulby which will feed a new energy center housing five 3.2 MWe generators. Annual gas consumption at CPL will be around 20 million therms, representing one of the largest new gas loads on the national system in 2002-2. The new pipeline will be owned by ES Pipelines Ltd., who is actively seeking to connect additional loads to it. The CHP planı should deliver a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 20,000 tones per annum. İngiliz Potash santraline ÇOK MOTORLU kojenerasyon Lattice Energy Services şirketi, Cleveland'daki Bou/by Madenleri'nde bulunan C/eveland Potash Limited (CPL) tesislerinde kendi deyimiyle '/ngiltere'deki en büyük çoklu-motorlu CHP santralini' kurmaya hazırlanıyor. Gübre ve yol tuzu üretiminde kullanılan potas maddesini üreten şirket, halen devasa boyutlardaki döner fırınlı kurutucularında yakıt olarak orta tip akaryakıt kul- /anı yor. 16 MWe kapasiteli enerji santralinin tasarımı, inşaatı, işletmeciliği ve finansmanını gerçek/eştirmek üzere CPL şirketi Lattice adlı firmayla 11 milyon f tutarında (16 milyon ABD$) dokuz yıllık bir kontrat imzalayacak. Söz konusu yeni santral aracılığıyla, üretim süreci için yakıt sağlanmakla kalmayacak, ayrıca yeterli elektrik üretilerek şirketin milli şebeke elektriğini kullanmaya yönelik talebi büyük ölçüde azaltılmış olacak. THE WOOD WASTE FUELS MOLDINGS MANUFACTURER The Northern lreland MDF molding manufacturer Springfarm Architectural Moldings Ltd. uses wood dust resulting from the production process tor the generation of heat tor the factory floor and offices, as well as tor drying the painted products. At the same tine a steam engine generator unit from Spilling is used to generale electricity tor the company's own requirements - making the system a biomass-based CHP system. The company manufactures architectural moldings made of medium density fıberboard (MDF) tor the British market. Ali dusts arising during sawing, molding and sanding operations are extracted and ducted to a central silo. Between 500 and 660 kg of wood dust per hour is collected in !his manner and are fireci in a steam boiler fitted with a burner system specifically designed tor this type of fuel. The firing capacity is 2 MW, which generates some 3.5 tones/hour of saturated steam at a pressure of 12 to 14 bars. NEW TRIGENERATION SCHEME FOR DOWNTOWN NASHVILLE Thirty-nine major buildings in Downtown Nashville, Tennessee, are to be supplied with energy from a new, US$ 44 million trigeneration district energy plant to be designed, built and operated by Constellation Energy Source (CESource). The plant will be designed to heat and cool buildings including Tennessee State Capital, Adelphia National Football League Stadium and the Gaylord Entertainment Center, home of the local hockey team. CESource will operate the system under a 15-year management agreement that includes options tor three additional five-year extensions. Services will include ali operations, maintenance and repair responsibilities, as well as marketing and sales to potential new customers. The new district energy plant, which will replace an ageing waste-to-energy facility that originally went into operation in 1973, will save Nashville about $67 million by 2014, and reduce heating and cooling costs tor downtown customers, according to the City's Director of Finance, David manning. it will cost taxpayers nothing, since it will be fınanced by revenue bonds and supported only by revenues from the sale of chilled water and steam. Nashville kent merkezi için yeni trijenerasyon planı Constellation Energy Source (CE Kaynağı) tarafından tasarımı yapılıp, inşa edilecek ve işletilecek olan 44 milyon ABD $ değerindeki yeni bir trijenerasyon bölge enerji üretim santrali, Tennessee eyaletindeki Nashville kenti şehir merkezinde bulunan otuz dokuz büyük binaya artık enerji sağlayan kaynak olacak. Santralin ısıtma ve soğutma hizmeti vermesi düşünülen binalar arasında Tennessee Eyalet Merkez Binası, Adelphia Milli Futbol Ligi Stadyumu ve yerel hokey takımının oynadığı Gaylord Eğlence Merkezi bulunuyor. A Spilling 1-cylinder steam engine generator unit installed directly next to the steam boiler can produce up to 165 kW of electricity from this steam. The steam engine reduces the steam pressure down to 1.5 bar and the exhaust steam is fınally condensed in the subsequent heat exchanger. The condensate is returned as feed-water to the boiler to form a closed circuit. The exhaust steam is passed through a heat exchanger to produce medium pressure hol water, which is transported to the drying installations tor manufacture and to heat the factory. Kalıp üreticisine, ağaç atıklarından yakıt Kuzey İrlandalı bir MDF kalıp üretim firması olan Springfarm Architectural Moldings Ltd. Şirketi, kendi ürünlerinin üretimi sonucu elde kalan talaş tozunu fabrika binaları ve ofislerin ısıtılması, ayrıca boyanmış ürünlerin kurutulması sürecinde yakıt olarak kullanıyor. ôte yandan Spilling'den alınan bir buhar motorlu enerji üretim birimi, şirketin kendi ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için gerekli olan elektrik enerjisini üretmede kullanılıyor; böylece sistem biyokütle yakıtlı bir kojenerasyon sistemine dönüşmüş oluyor. ECOGENERATION WORLO llZ..