Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 9. Sayı (Mart 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

countries should develop such strategies, laws and regulations as appropriate to the improvement of energy efficiency. Definition of standards designed to improve the efficiency of energy using equipment, and efforts to harmonise these internationally are also considered important and required by the Protocol. At the same time, the Protocol calls for member countries to co-operate and assist each other in !his respect, making effective use of the work and expertise developed internationally. it is also important to develop/adapt institutions in such a way as to ensure proper implementation of the strategies and legislation developed. The experience of some countries with economies in transition indicates !hat the efforts to develop legislation are not really rewarded without ensuring adequate enforcement mechanisms and institutions. The role of Government, Municipalities, Utilities, Equipment manufacturers and Non Governmental Organisations has to be carefully defineci and understood in practice. The Protocol specifically requires the establishment of specialised energy efficiency bodies at appropriate levels !hat are sufficiently funded and staffed to develop and implement policies. Encouraging the introdııction of market oriented prices, ınechanisıns and prograınınes. Pricing is the first and vital incentive for energy efficiency. Price structure and price level induce cost-effective energy efficiency programmes, which are the starting points from which to define national energy efficiency strategies. One of the first conditions for prices to provide the right signal to the economy is to eliminate subsidies and cross-subsidies. in some Eastern European countries, due to such cross-subsidies the residential sector pays less for gas than power and heat producers, therefore there is a tendency to disconnect from OH systems and promote individual heating. it is also worth mentioning that under the Protocol, countries are required to formulate strategies and policy aims to improve Energy Efficiency and thereby reduce environmental impact of the energy cycle as appropriate in relation to their own specific energy conditions. in order to achieve the above-mentioned policy aims, the countries are required to develop, implement and regularly update energy efficiency programmes besi suited to their circumstances. Cogeneration and District Heating should be adequately treated in this policy formulation process. in transition and developing economies, !here is a historic opportunity to couple the Foreseen economic growth with a low rate of increase in energy consumption and emissions. Recognizing the challenges connected with the introduction of energy efficiency, time is anyhow ripe to implement cost-effective policies for the supply and demand of energy. Energy efficiency should also be integrated as an underlying principle shaping general development and restructuring policies. Sectoral policies, such as housing, industrial and transport and infrastructure policies should integrate energy efficiency issues. The efficient use of energy has to be seen as the norm in the operation of ali sectors. 6 oI ECOGENERATION WORLD Adopting policies that encourage the developınent of appropriate regulations and standards, financial meas ures and incentives. Striking the right balance between governmental intervention and the introduction of market mechanisms is key in improving energy efficiency. For countries in a process of economic reform, the Government should play an active role before the market forces will be able to solve most of the problems regarding the improvement of the use of energy resources. The Protocol can offer a legal basis for the development of specific energy efficiency regulations and programmes. Development of financing mechanisms for energy efficiency is also one of the key provisions of the Protocol. Third Party Financing, access to private capital markets and the use of fiscal and financial incentives to energy users are explicitly requested by the Protocol. These aspects are notably relevant for a large country, where demonstrative projects can play a certain role. However, Governmental resources are limited and the real input has to come from industry and the private sector. At the same time, international banks may support a limited number of actions. Domestic commercial banks should learn what energy efficiency investments mean, how special investment instruments could operate and specific risk factors per sector. Without creating internal financing mechanisms for energy efficiency, there is limited chance of energy efficiency investments being properly considered in the multitude of restructuring/development projects. Local authorities / municipalities will also have to play a certain role in !his process; one of their priorities should naturally be the heating sector, where often municipality owned companies are main actors on the market. Efficient use of energy is also important due to the need to address problems such as low purchasing power and employment. Often, despite the high level of education and strong theoretical skills, transition and developing countries suffer from limited experience in undertaking energy efficiency projects in a market economy environment. Lack of funds and financing mechanisms make the situation even more difficult. Co-operation and strong commitment at political level, for which the Protocol offers a unique legal basis, is thus very important. Introduce energy ejji.cient technologies and encourage cogeneration. This is another area of great interest covered by the Protocol (and also by the Treaty). Contracting Parties are requested to promote the use of energy efficient and environmentally sound technologies, services and management practices throughout the Energy Cycle. The employment of efficient and environmentally sound technologies, including cogeneration, is important for the increase of economic efficiency and reduction of local and global harmful environmental impacts. Due to the global high efficiency and to the major contribution to reducing the emission level, cogeneration deserves adequate legal and regulatory provisions in the new context of liberalised markets. Countries are specifically required