Summaries Actual The Successful UEVF2012 MakingEnergy Efficiency 'investment environment of the Turkish energy sector' Top Agenda ltem for the Sector was reviewed. Organized by Sektöre! Fuarcılık in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Energy Works General Directorate between 12-13 January 2012,UEVF 2012 -3rd National Energy Effıciency Forum and Exhibition was a success. The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız opened the event and Prime Minister was among the visitors of the forum and exhibition. Minister Erdoğan delivered a speech at the opening ceremony and underlined the importance of energy effıciency. T he main subject of the event which hosted around 4.500 visitors was the current projects carried out in the fıeld of energy effıciency. More than 80 companies exhibited their products and solutions during the event. The 3rd National Energy Effıciency Forum and Exhibition that was organized as part of the 31st Energy Efficiency Week was opened by Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız at the opening ceremony held at İstanbul WOW Convention Center on 12 January 2012. Among the other speakers of the opening ceremony were Vice President of The Scientifıc and Technological Research Council of Turkey (T UBITAK) Dr. Kıvanç Dinçer, General Manager of the General Directorate of Renewable Energy Yusuf Yazar, President of Turkish Union ofChambers and Commodity Exchanges (T OBB) Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, and Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers andArchitects (T MMOB) President Mehmet Soğancı. in his speech, he Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız indicated that oil and natural gas will continue to be the main energy source until 2050 and the cost of oil and natural gas imported by Turkey in 2011 was 55 billion USD. A Review of the lnvestment Environment of the Sector Prior to ICCI 20 12 T he Organization Committee of ICCI 2012 - lnternational Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference which will be organized for the 18th time this year, reviewed the draft program of the exhibition and the conference that will be held between 25-27 April 2012. And with the panel held after the review meeting, The review meeting of the Organization Committee of ICCI 2012 - lnternational Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference which will be organized by Sektöre! Fuarcılık between 25-27 April 2012 was held at Swissotel the Bosporus on 16th January 2012. Bringing together the leading names of the energy sector, the meeting was a platform where the views and recommendations related to the draft conference program of the event that will be held in April were discussed. During the meeting, views about the ICCI Energy OscarAward categories and criteria were discussed as well. Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız: "Turkey will be in good position in terms of Energy Efficiency by 20 1 S" The 3rd National Energy Effıciency Forum and Exhibition that was organized as part of the 31st Energy Effıciency Week between 12-13 January was opened by Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız. Minister Yıldız who followed the event closely for the two days underlined, in his speech, the importance of efforts and works aimed at energy effıciency. We interviewed Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız. Minister Yıldız to get a review of Turkey's current position with regard to energy effıciency. General Manager of the General Directorate of Renewable Energy Yusuf Yazar: "2012 will be a year when Turkey makes a leap in terms of Energy Efficiency" General Directorate of Renewable Energy which is responsible from coordination, promotion and advancement of usage of renewable energy and energy effıciency projects, continues in full throttle its works for spreading the energy efficiency awareness in Turkey. We interviewed General Manager of the General Directorate of Renewable Energy Yusuf Yazar about the future of energy efficiency in Turkey. Yazar indicated that year 2012 would be a year when Turkey makes a leap in terms of energy effıciency as a result of the declaration of the Energy Effıciency Strategy Document. ENERJi DÜNYASI OCAK-ŞUBAT 95