Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 92. Sayı (Mart 2012)

Actual The Countdown for ICCI 201 2, Turkey's Most lmportant Energy Organization, has Started Sektorel Fair Organization, organizi ng Turkey's biggest energy and envi ronment event, wi ll hold the 1 81h lnternational Energy and Environment Fair and Exhi bition on April 2S'h-27'h, 2012, at lstanbul Expo Center. By holdi ng the fair, conferences and B2B meeti ngs simultaneously on the same platform duri ng the ICCI 2012, this wi ll be an exceptional event. Whi le 300 energy giants are expected to partici pate i n ICCI 2012, 15 thousand sector representatives are also assumed visit the fair, whi le it is foreseen that around 1.5 billion dollars worth of business volume will be achieved followi ng B2B meeti ngs. in ICCI 2012 energy platform, the most effective meeti ng point, gatheri ng publi c, private and academic institutions, i n 44 sessions, the professionals from Turkey and abroad will discuss the present and future of the energy sector. in ıccı 2012, the 181h exhi bition of the kind that will be held this year, the world giants will have the opportunity to exhibit their latest technology products and solutions. in the exhi bition that will cover 3 halis of lstanbul Expo Center, world renowned names such as Siemens, GE Energy, Nordex, ABB, Rolls - Royce, Schneider, Vestas, Enercon, Suzlon, Gamesa, Wartsi la, Kawasaki, Daruma Fi nance, Turbomach and Borusan will be present. ICCI 2012, which will be organized on an area of over 12 thousand square meters i n total, it is ai med that the number of visitors wi ll exceed 15 thousand and the busi ness volume in B2B meetings between the participating firms and the visitors wi ll reach 1.5 bi llion dollars. License Free Electricity Production is Due to Start in Electricity Market The official statement with respect to i mplementation of the Legislation on License Free Electricity Production i n Electricity Market has been promulgated in today's i ssue of the Official Gazette Accordi ng to the statement, real or legal entities that will produce electricity based on renewable sources with micro cogeneration or generating plants with Summaries maximum 500 ki lowatt-hour outputs wi ll be exempt from l iabilities such as obtaining l icense and establi shi ng a power generating company. it wi ll be required to bui ld a cogeneration, micro cogeneration or a generati ng plant usi ng renewable energy sources, for each consuming plant. lf there is sufficient capacity in the distribution network, a consuming plant will be allowed to bui ld more than one generating plant using renewable energy sources. Total output power of these plants will not exceed 500 kilowatt-hour. Each real or legal entity will be allowed to build one micro cogeneration plant per consumi ng plant. in the Last Meeting Held Before ICCI 201 2, Opportunities in Energy lnvestments Were Discussed in the 2nd Organization Committee Meeti ng of ıccı 2012 - lnternational Energy and Environment Fair and Confrences, the sessions that will be organized on April 2S'h-27'h, 2012 and the draft schedules were discussed. Following the meeting, a panel was held, under the title "Energy Sector lnvestment Environment i n Turkey: the Risks, the Opportunities and the Expectations, 2012 -2015". in the panel, Erdal Aksoy, the President of the Board of Directors of TURCAS Petroleum and Cüneyd Zapsu, the President of the Board of Directors of Cüneyd Zapsu Consultancy discussed the investment expectations in the energy sector. The 2nd Organization Committee meeting for the lnternational Energy and Environment Fair and Conference - ICCI, the 18th of which is going to be organized this year, was held on March I91h, 2012, at the Marmara Hotel, in lstanbul. in the first part of the meeting that gathered the leadi ng names i n the energy sector, draft programs for the conferences that wi ll take place during the ICCI event, which wi ll be held on April 25'h-27'h, were discussed. in the second part, a panel titled "Energy Sector lnvestment Environment i n Turkey: the Risks, the Opportunities and the Expectations, 20 1 2 - 20 1 S" was held. in the panel, Erdal Aksoy, the President of the Board of Directors of TURCAS Petroleum and Cüneyd Zapsu, the President of the Board of Directors of Cüneyd Zapsu Consultancy partici pated as speakers. ENERJi DÜNYASI MART2012 95