Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 98. Sayı (Kasım-Aralık 2012)

Actual The Final Preparations Continue For the National Energy Effıciency Forum and Fair (NEEF) The most important and effective activity organized within the scope of activities of Energy Effıciency Week is the National Energy Effıciency Forum and Fair (NEEF), which brings the leading names and brands of the sector together, provides a platform where the problems and bottlenecks and solution offers are discussed in-depth discussed and new and innovative technology and applications are introduced. 4th National Energy Effıciency Forum and Fair to be organized in 10-1 1 January 2013 within the scope of activities to be held between 7-13 January 2013. Summaries O • lndustry • Built and Services • Transportation • Energy Effıcient Product and Technologies • Electricity Energy Genarating , Transmitting and Distributing lnternational Energy Agency's 20 1 2 Report Was Published With lts Remarkable Findings The global energy map is changing in dramatic fashion, the lnternational Energy Agency_said as it launched the 2012 edition of the World Energy Outlook_(WE0). The Agency's flagship publication, released 1 2th November NEEF, which is one of the most important centerpieces of in London, said these changes will recast expectations about energy effıciency campaign, is accomplished through a wide the role of different countries, regions and fuels in the global level of participants from policy makers to industrialists, from energy system over the coming decades. nongovernmental organizations to citizens and through a systematic approach, will be again realized rewardingly in The WEO fınds that the extraordinary growth in oil and 20 1 3 by valuable contributions of public and private bodies natura! gas output in the United States will mean a seaas well as nongovernmental organizations. change in global energy flows. During NEEF, which is realized with the participation of in the New Policies Scenario, the WEO's central scenario, the leaders of the subject, energy effıciency policies and the United States becomes a net exporter of natura! gas by strategies of Turkey are evaluated from different perspec- 2020 and is almost self-sufficient in energy, in net terms, tives; solution offers are developed for the experienced the by 2035. problems and bottlenecks; practices for buildings, industry, transport, energy sector and the horizontal issues that interest them ali as well as future estimations are in-depth discussed. 4th National Energy Efficiency Forum and Fair within the context of 32nd Energy EffıciencyWeek will be hold for two days with various sessions. • Cross - Sectorel Subjects Directorial & İnstitutive Financal Training, Consciousness - Raising and Advertising Measuring, Monitoring and Consideration Research and Development Other North America emerges as a net oil exporter, accelerating the switch in direction of international oil trade, with almost 90% of Middle Eastern oil exports being drawn to Asia by 2035. Links between regional gas markets will strengthen as liquefied natura! gas trade becomes more flexible and contract terms evolve. While regional dynamics change, global energy demand will push ever higher, growing by more than one-third to 2035. China, lndia and the Middle East account for 60% of the growth; demand barely rises in the OECD, but there is a pronounced shift towards gas and renewables. ENERJİ DÜNYASI KASI MIARALI K2012 , 03