Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 99. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2013)

Summaries O Actual lssues Were Discussed and Solutions Were public companies that joined UEVF 2013 in order to Demonstrated at UEVF 201 3 demonstrate their energy efficient products and techUEVF 201 3 -4th lnternational Energy Effıciency Fo- nologies. rum and Exhibition, organized by Sektöre! Fuarcılık was opened by Minister of Energy and Natural World Brands Demonstrated Their Products at Resources Taner Yıldız during a ceremony held at UEVF 2013 WOW Convention Center on I O January 201 3. At the 4th lnternational Energy Efficiency Forum and Exhibition, national and international brands had a chance As part of the forum sessions held under the title of "Energy Is Your Future lf You Use it Efficiently", energy efficiency in Turkey was analyzed with all its dimensions. Apart from the sessions, over 1 20 companies had a chance to demonstrate their energy efficient technologies. The main goal of UEVF is to increase energy efficiency awareness in the society and support energy culture. The event was visited by around 5 thousand people in 2 days. UEVF 20 l 3 - 4th lnternatıonal Energy Effıciency Forum and Exhibition, the most comprehensive event of the Energy Efficiency Week which is celebrated every second week of October with the goal of promoting energy culture and energy effıciency awareness in the society, opened its doors for the 4th time this year. This year, the 4th lnternatıonal EnergyEfficiency Forum and Exhibition was held at İstanbul Wow Convention Center between 10- 1 1 January, brought together thousands of specialist public and private sector companies working in the area of energy efficiency. This year's theme of UEVF 20 13 - 4th lnternatıonal Energy Efficiency Forum and Exhibitionwas "Energy Is Your Future lf You Use it Efficiently" was opened on I O January 20 1 3 with the participation of Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız, TBMM lndustry and Commerce Energy Natural Resources lnformation and Technology Commission Chairman Mahmut Mücahit Fındıklı, TBMM Environment Commission Chairman Erol Kaya, Scientific and Technological Research Council ofTurkey (TÜBİTAK) Deputy Chairman Dr. Hasan Palaz and Renewable Energy General ManagerYusufYazar and Chairman of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects Mehmet. to exhibit their energy efficient products and technologies to around 5 thousand visitors during these two days of the event. More than 120 companies that operate in the areas of lighting, isolation, heating and cooling technolo gies, transportation, engine systems and EVD companies, durable good manufacturers and financial institutions had a chance to demonstrate their products and solutions during thee event. lssues Discussed at the Forum Sessions Shaded Light to the Future of Energy Effıciency As part of UEVF 20 1 3, a total of 8 different sessions were held in 4 different halis with the participation of leading managers and academicians of the sector for two days. in addition to the energy efficiency issues discussed at the sessions, presentations were made at the side events organized parallel to the sessions. Students Received Awards from Minister Yıldız The students who won awards as part of the contest titled "Energy Efficiency Project Contest" held among second ary school students and organized in cooperation by the Energy General Directorate of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and Scientific and Technological Research Council ofTurkey (TÜBİTAK), were given their awards during a ceremony held as part of UEVF 20 1 3 - 4th lnternatıonal Energy Efficiency Forum and Exhibition. The awards were given by Minister of Energy and Natural Re sources Taner Yıldız and TBMM lndustry and Commerce Energy Natural Resources lnformation and Technology Commission Chairman Mahmut Mücahit Fındıklı. Also awards were given to students that were placed in the competition titled "Drawing and Story Creation" among Following the opening and award ceremony, Minister primary school students organized in cooperation by ofEnergy and Natural Resources and the accompanying General Directorate of the Ministry ofEnergy and Natural group of diplomats visited the stands of the private and Resources and the Ministry of Education. ENERJi DÜNYASI OCAK - ŞUBAT 2013 87